Chapter 31- 'No worries, dear, somethings take time to intake, just be healthy that's the best thing you can do for me, will you?'

'I can't ask you weather you are alright cause I clearly know you are not; would it be fine to tell me, what's going on?'(John)

Lorrin kept silence she didn't wish to talk about it, reading her expression he knew she didn't wish to share about it,

'Come eat up I made some light soup'(John)

John did wish that Lorrin would tell him what happened but, seeing her situation he knew the matters were extremely sensitive, he was more than happy to see that, Lorrin was not hiding her emotions from him and was not putting up an act like she was happy and alright, she was letting him see in her lowest and this was more than enough for him now.

Lorrin got up and made her way to the kitchen; she was weak, it was too much information in a day for her, the blow was not bigger than the happiness but, it was weighing on her too much, she looked at him and felt guilty about hiding but, it was still not the time to talk about it,

'I will tell you when I am ready'

Lorrin murmured, John knew that she was feeling guilty about hiding the fact, which means in the near future she would let him in her life more, it was like a confirmation that this relationship was not a fling.

Right now, John was more worried about her health, she was already thin and weak to begin with and these things that was going on for her must have been extremely tough for her to intake,

'No worries, dear, somethings take time to intake, just be healthy that's the best thing you can do for me, will you?'(John)

'I will'

As Lorrin was drinking the soup he made for her, she saw him cleaning up the kitchen after making the soup, she was reminded of Ann, she needed to get to the root of what happened that day, Lorrin saw him and felt grateful, she was happy that he was understanding of her situation, she wanted to spend more time with him but, she was worried if he would agree to it as she was hiding stuff from him and it was just their 1st day as a couple and things were so messy, after chatting and finishing her soup,

'Wanna go for a walk'(Lorrin)*doubtful*


Observing that Lorrin was doubtful, he knew this answer meant a lot to her and so, did it for him, Lorrin wanting to spend more time with him just told him that she felt comfortable and free with him.

Lorrin went and got ready for a walk, she came and the couple went for their walk.

They walked along the path, they held each other's hands and walked along the road, the road was no different than the usual one but for some reason it was more relaxing and joyful than any other time, suddenly a bicycle riding kid came fast towards Lorrin, John quickly held her shoulder and pulled her closer after the boy passed from there, he awkwardly tried to remove his hands but, Lorrin caught his hand,

'Stay like that it feels good.' (Lorrin)

For some reason the arms that wrapped around Lorrin gave her such a comfort and made her feel so safe that, she didn't want him away from her even for a moment,

'Does it?'(John)

Looking at Lorrin who wanted him so much just made him feel so loved, he just felt that, this was the most treasured moment in his life,

'It does, it relaxes me, you don't know how much I like you.' (Lorrin)*Snuggling*

'How much do you like me?'(John)*expectant*

Asking this John taught that she would mention things like more than your, like big mountains or as deep as ocean,

'Too much'(Lorrin)*totally honest and sure*

The answer just made John feel so weird and so good, he held her tighter,

'You idiot'(John)*Teasing*

'You are'(Lorrin)*pouting*

Lorrin and John continued their silly talk and after a while John sent Lorrin back and went home it was the end of a bitter-sweet eventful day.

Next day Lorrin called Jen and asked her what she was doing and agreed to meet her later in the evening, upon looking closely in her room she noticed some were stuff not in their usual place, every decoration in her home was set by Ann and their place, so even slight difference were noticeable and who could have done so was questionable everything was fine when she left home to meet her so called parents and the cleaning lady only came on Saturdays which meant someone did come the night she was out, she headed to the security office taking along with her some Blue Moon cookies, gifts always help, asking the security guard to check the footage was an easy job and she noticed that after she left home some men entered the house and among them she recognized one of them was her father's former assistant, they came out of the house after nearly 4 hours which meant they checked every nook and cranny to see if she caught any suspicious, they didn't carry anything back which meant they are clueless of what she knew, Lorrin thanked the security guard and went back; nothing fazed Lorrin anymore, she became almost used to her families behavior cause now she knew why they were so unaccepting of her.

Lorrin continued her daily school schedule as she didn't want her parents to catch anything her usual schedule, though she saw that Andrew and Liam had caught onto the fact that something was going on but knowing that Lorrin didn't want to talk about it all they said was,

'I see something is going on, eat well'

That's all they said, rather than long questioning of what happened and help offers Lorrin was more than satisfied with this. Lorrin went to Jen's house in the evening,

'You checked the reliability of file, didn't you?'(Lorrin)

Jen was not someone who would take things for true until she confirms it, this file, the information it contained was totally absurd in the eyes of Jen,

'I did and it's not fake' (Jen)