Chapter 35- Williams and Hans co-operation

Lorrin's eyes were somewhat dull and excited at the same time, she was able to be sane because of John, Jen, Andrew and Liam, if not for them and these things happened Lorrin would have long lost her sanity thanks to them who were with her she was fine. Lorrin was able to enjoy her school time her study time thanks to Andrew and Liam, they ate lunch, snacks and drinks together they chatted like normal school kids they shared gossips and played games, Thanks to John she was able to have a fun dating life, she was able to show her feelings and openly love him, he was someone who trusted her, who cared for her regardless, who accepted her through her flaws and was there for her even though she hid things from him; Thanks to Jen she was able to share what was going on her life without being judged and being advised, Jen was there for her through her darkest time she didn't demand Lorrin to share things Lorrin was uncomfortable with but, that charm caught Lorrin tighter and made her feel comfortable and share everything without concern they worked through everything hand in hand, Jen was her boat and her guide through the violent waters, Andrew and Liam were the best companions and John was her strength. Ocean was wild but these people helped her to float through it.

Lorrin now had enough time to check through the business news of The Hans, she called Jen to ask her to check what her brother usually does and started to check through the internet but, she remembered she hasn't called John for a while, she called him and spent some time on the phone it felt like she was being recharged for the information she will get ahead.

Lorrin checked the internet for all the dealing and co-operation The Hans made, the recent 5 years didn't have anything much worthwhile but the more she dug about she found that around 15 years ago The Hans was not a great company whereas, The Williams was doing quite good but surprisingly that time the two company worked together for 5 years during which The Hans raised to levels and The Williams formed base in abroad and became top foreign company, there is no proper explanation as to why the company joined hands and later after 5 years, why they separated, the various speculations said that they joined hands for profit, which is most acceptable but, if they made such profit why separate?, the question was unanswered, this intuition was rather familiar this was the same that happened with The Hans, last year Hans was doing great but suddenly since The Williams came to the business here The Hans shareholder were backing, leading to some serious issues, now causing the Hans to be acquired by The Williams.

Do Williams hold grudge or something?, While browsing Lorrin came across a rather familiar face, She thought that if she met Ann when she was in her twenties that would how she look like, this made her come to sudden realization, the person in the picture was among the guards of the former CEO of The Williams and was a employ of the security services company owned by them in the country, she downloaded all the pictures of the women and found that the female guard was no more there and was replaced by someone else and again that was when the Williams co-operated with the Hans, she started checking each and every one, she thought if ignoring the name she looked only at the face the face was painfully perfect, every detail even the mole under the nose bridge the mark on the back of her hand was the same, what are the odds of this happening?, Lorrin couldn't ignore it anymore, she had to see how Ann looked in her Twenties.

Lorrin called Clara and asked her if she was free and if she could visit her, Clara invited her in the house and Lorrin set out, the whole way she could only focus on the person in the pictures, her mind was messed up she couldn't calm herself down.

Lorrin received a call,

'What are you doing?'(John)

For some reason hearing John's voice calmed her, it diverted her attention from what was going on, it gave her some time to logically think of what was going on,

'Going to a friend's house, what about you?' (Lorrin)*relaxed*

Lorrin now felt kind of relaxed,

'Who?' (John)*Curious*

Lorrin hadn't shared much about her friends to John, they didn't really know much about each other it felt like déjà vu,

'Clara, the owner of Blue Moon.'(Lorrin)*bragging*

Clara had been taking great care of Blue Moon and now it was one of famous and best café chain around,

'OH! you know her!'(John)*surprised*

'I am the largest shareholder of Blue Moon, Hehe Heh'(Lorrin)*proud*

'OH! great'(John)*laughing*

This was one of those moment where Lorrin felt Like she was in the cloud,

'Wanna grab dinner together?'(John)

'Yeah, I will ask the driver to leave you can pick me up, I will send you the address.'(Lorrin)*happy*

'Okay wait for my call'(John)*smiley*


'Love you'(John)

'Love you too'(Lorrin)

*Hangs up*

The conversation was short but, the smile that was pasted on John's face was almost permanent; it was like a child bragging about her new toys to her friends, just getting to know more about Lorrin was something that John enjoyed. John knew only little about Lorrin as, there was not much information about her on the internet till now all he knew was some bits about her, Lorrin being largest shareholder was a totally new news that no one knew,

The call made Lorrin more excited about the dinner and less worked about the picture, now she was able to maintain her demeaner, it was astonishing to her how the short call could lift her mood.

'Here comes the largest shareholder who doesn't care about how the stores going.' (Clara)

To some point this was true, Lorrin visited the store only when they released some new stuff, she used to just promote it on her social media, she partook only in tasting the products and nothing else,

'Don't be like that, I just came to visit you know.' (Lorrin)

Lorrin knew, that was a white lie; from investing in the chain to visiting Clara all was done only because Lorrin wanted to do something for Ann or to just get something though Clara and Lorrin were close it was nothing but Lorrin feeling of being indebted and now just business,