Chapter 38- How the hell did I find such a cute man? Dang it!  

John had left, he did offer his company but, Lorrin rejected, she wanted to sort her thoughts, she was staring out of the window, she suddenly remembered one of her conversations that, she had with Ann; Ann was making Lorrin breakfast it was one of those rare day Lorrin had woken up early, she just sat in the dining table watching Ann make her breakfast,

'Ann, what do you think of people raising hens just to snatch their eggs?'

'I don't think much about it dear.'


Cause, that is how the world works, a person's works hard labor the whole day just to make his ends meet, no matter how generous his boss is he will not pay more than deserved, in the similar way we harvest eggs from those hens.' (Ann)

'So cruel, I will never trust anyone.'

'How did you come to that, conclusion'


There was a long pause before Ann replied, which meant the words she was about to speak were heavy, she was putting a lot of thought into what she was about to say,

'Yeah, don't easily trust people no matter how good they seem no matter who they are.'

'Okay,,,,, *chuckles* not even you?'

'Hmm..... *burns herself in the stove while flipping the omelet* ouch'


After the commotion the conversation didn't continue, thank God it was not a big one but a light one so it healed within few days.

There was no reply from Ann just, hmm, at that time Lorri had many friends and among them one of them had suddenly spread rumors about her, Lorrin not being favored by her family, which was apparently true but, even if true, spreading it around was just to hurt Lorrin, Lorrin considered her a dear friend but, after this Lorrin never once spoke to her again, that was the reason why Lorrin was on that topic, but, remembering it now it didn't make sense, Lorrin just laughed, trust no one was what Ann said, Lorrin did, she trusted a lot of people and was thrown out by them easily, now she doubted the one who gave her that, advice,

How could I doubt the one who asked me to not trust anyone? but, it is still pissing me off that Ann's reply was just a 'Hmm', Ann must have known about my birth secret, that must be why she hid so many stuffs about me from my parents, she hid the fact about my modelling and also asked me to keep quiet about the account in which dad sends me allowances for other expenses other that house needs, she asked me to never talk about it to dad. Now that, I think about it why did she ask me to keep quiet about the 2nd account, my dad's sending money so, why not talk about it? I have no idea. Did Ann actually know that, I was not the daughter of my so-called dad and what must have been her relationship with the Williams and why the hell are the Williams involved in so many damn stuffs? My DNA lab, Ann's employers, and Hans current predators, they do have too much hands in my life, currently I need to solve the matter at hand, my biological relationship with my mom, I need to know whether I am really her daughter or even that is fake.

Lorrin spent a lot of time thinking what she should do to get into the house an get close to her mother enough to at least steal one of her hairs after few minutes the conclusion she came to was,

'That is impossible'

There was no way she would find a legit excuse to get into the house even though she was the part of the family, finding a reason to sit close to her mom to pluck a hair was impossible, the irony of the situation was amazing, she dragged herself to the fridge to find something to stuff herself with, she saw the leftover food stuffed in the fridge,

'I didn't know how much to make, so, even if it's too much you can finish later, I will pack them in the fridge, okay? Don't forget it.'

How the hell did I find such a cute man? Dang it!

After Ann's death cooked leftover in the fridge- never happened, Lorrin ordered food, rarely made some sandwiches or ready to eat, other than that, she never had this situation occur, Lorrin felt warm, this food was made for her while thinking of her nothing in the world would be as tasty and memorable than this, she took them out heated them up for herself, Lorrin had hid so many stuff from him, she rarely told him stuff about herself, about Ann, about her family, her breakup and so many other, it was almost like deceiving him, so much was going on but, she did her best to not let anything out,

The ocean has a lot of mysterious within it the currents, the life and so much more amazing things but, when seen in the surface it just looks like a simple ocean and nothing intriguing, its looks plain, the thing going on within, the fishes hunting for food, one dying while one just born and ready to embark the mysterious journey and those plants which are witnessing the mysteries for them it is like they were just everyday thing nothing new, but, human watches them like they are miracles and something amazing, every scene has two types of witness, one for whom it is just a story, one for whom it's a masterpiece, it might seem easy to judge who enjoys it more but, it is impossible to judge who knows it more.

When Lorrin finally gets the chance to tell him how might he react, was a mystery, though Lorrin might imagine all sort of stuff,

Maybe he will just put a smile on his face and say, 'You went through a lot' or react nothing, just hear and understand or feel pity for her, or what?