Chapter 42- CAR WINDOW!

Lorrin was pissed, her anger was overpowering the pain she was feeling while her hand was bleeding, as soon as the girl confessed who she was there was a sudden surge of anger that rose in her, suddenly the time when the girls were gossiping while Lorrin entered the class flashed through her mind, they were talking all type of things about her for the whole week and only those some who predicted that this wouldn't shake Lorrin's popularity stayed with her, that week was painful for Lorrin, she would come home and the moment Ann would leave the house and she would be alone, she would cry the whole time, and clear everything the moment Ann stepped in, this week was not a great memory for Lorrin, it was the first time Lorrin had ever suffered from rumors and people gossiping shit about her, it was a pain for her, the nights she spent crying and the morning she feared stepping into the class, it was horror and trauma for her, she wasn't able to share about it to anyone and such a sensitive topic about her that, people were talking so openly was making her miserable, the eyes of those people that followed her was making her nauseous, but, she wore a mask of 'I am fine' this protected her from their trash and helped her to bear them out without making herself miserable than she already was. The whole ride her driver was panicking seeing her bleed and Lorrin felt nothing on her mind only the words said by the girl echoed in her and soon the anger started to be replaced by tears, she got treated and was left alone in the big apartment once again, the room was not filled with the smell of food but, the smell of antiseptic, it smelled like that pathetic place, a hospital room.

She had broken her promise to John once again, she was bleeding and this time it was not an accident but, a deliberate one, will she be ever be able to keep that one promise she made, right at that moment her phone rang,

'What are you doing?' (John)

She heard his voice and wanted to reply but, the words she wanted to say didn't come out,


she had stopped crying once she reached the hospital but the Band-Aid she kept seemed to have fallen once she heard John and tears started to fall again, she started to cry and wait like a child, John on the other side said nothing and just kept quiet while she just cried.

After a while, Lorrin quiet down, no matter how much she tried to hide or least, control how she was feeling but, her feelings just poured out most of the time, she always had a tough time controlling her feelings most of the time when she is with John, maybe it was because she was comfortable and felt warm in him that it was so easy for her to just loose her cool whenever she was with John, other than feeling a bit troubled about losing her cool and showing her vulnerable side, she didn't have any problem other than that,

'Want some burgers?' (John)*calm*

The reaction from his side fascinated Lorrin, she just chuckled,

'Yeah, I am hungry, I didn't have dinner with Andrew.' (Lorrin)

'Wait for me.' (John)

'I will'(Lorrin)*happy*

Lorrin was looking forward to her dinner with John, her heart was beating fast, she was getting impatient and quickly got changed from her messy look, it was tough as hell, the whole time the words she spoke were, 'Darn shit', 'to hell with this', 'This shit hurts like hell', 'It would have been better if I had just slapped that trash', 'To hell with Andrew' she stared at her hands as white as bandages, it was sure she would get scolded quite a bit, she feared what was in store for her as well as impatiently looking forward to it, she felt a lot better than before it was not long ago that she was boiling with anger, she was frustrated, in pain and was crying like there was no tomorrow but for some reason it felt like that happened long ago, right now the joy in her heart was immense and looking forward to her time now, the tears had been long gone and become the dew on the flowers, she felt like it was the most exciting moment in her life. The doorbell rang Lorrin jumped from her couch and even before she reached to open the door, there stood John looking at her like she meant the world to him, her heart was pounding and was full of excitement,

'Here you are!' (Lorrin)*excited*

'Here I am, can you help me carry this, I need to remove my shoes.' (John)*smiles*

'Yeahhhh, sureee' (Lorrin)*Hesitating*

The words did leave her mouth but, it didn't seem like she was moving, the moment John would catch sight of her hands, it would mean death to her, looking at Lorrin hesitating and fidgeting around John caught on to the fact that something was wrong and she was the guilty one,

'What is going on?' (John)*suspicious*

'Nothing' (Lorrin)*sweating*

'Then why are you sweating?' (John)*spot on*

'Seriously nothing' (Lorrin)

Looking at Lorrin, John knew she wouldn't give things out easily, he kept the stuff down and went near her, in a rush she hid her hands actively, John caught on to it, he grabbed her hands and brought the front, he was stunned,

Her right hand was wrapped up in bandages, last night when he dropped her to her apartment, this was not how he left her, so why is she hurt to this extent? He just froze with nothing to say, his mind went blank, he was annoyed, hurt, and angry; he looked at Lorrin asking for an explanation,