
~Annora's POV: 3 Years Ago~

"Annora, c'mon!! Dad is gonna kill us if we don't get there on time!!" My older brother shouted from downstairs.

"I know, I know!!! Jeez, can you chill already?" I shouted back at him from my room.

My brother was only 3 years older than me, yet he acted like he was the boss of me. Slipping my leggings on, I ran down the stairs and grabbed my cold toast from the kitchen counter. I shoved it in my mouth as I ran to the front door and slipped on my high sneakers.

The outfit was perfect, even if it made me look a few years younger. Wait no it was perfect by my standards. My black leggings had small rhinestones on one of the pant legs, the black, white, and grey pattern making a wolf head. Two larger stones made the eyes, the yellow bright and stunning against the rest of the void that was the comfortable leggings. The crop top I was wearing was sleeveless, and it shimmered like silver. The outfit in general just really highlighted my curves, much to my older brother's annoyance. He always did hate it when I wore this kind of crap. Oh well. Not my problem.

"Alright let's go!" I ran outside, my brother, Aiden, following behind me. We jumped into his rich red Jeep, and he quickly started the car. As he turned the radio to our favorite station, which just happened to be made for werewolves, I chuckled at his grumbling. Oh, did I forget to mention that? Yeah, I'm a werewolf. Just like my mother, father, brother, aunt, uncle, ect. And I was as proud of it as a mother of her child. After all, who wouldn't be proud?

"Oh, and you know I hate that outfit, right? Makes you look too curvy." He grumbled softly for the 2nd time since we had gotten in the car as he started to drive away from the house.

For the next 15 minutes we sang along to the radio and drove to the local church. Today was actually a big day for our pack. The Luna's daughter, Sienna, had found her mate. Today the two of them were going to be officially married, before going to Sienna's mate's pack to get her all-settled in for real. It was tradition, after all, for the female of a couple to go live the male if the male was from another pack. It was all complicated crap to me really, but of course I needed to learn it all because I was the daughter of the Betta. Has benefits to the rank, but at the same time come on!! I might not ever need half this political stuff, why teach it to me and my brother?

By the time we got there, we had to literally run just to get in there on time. Dad pulled us into a corner off to the side and looked at us the moment we got into the church.

"Where were you two?! Hmm? Sienna had a meltdown over her dress because it wasn't the one you two promised her you'd get her, you know that?! She is still upset I think!!!" Dad quietly growled at us. "If this doesn't go damn near perfectly, Luke will be blaming me for your mistakes!"

"Annora took forever to get dressed!! I tried to hurry her!!!" Aiden whined semi quietly.

"I'll go fix up the bride...." I sighed and speed-walked out to the car. Grabbing the backpack of extra clothes I had for emergencies from under the front passenger side seat, I felt guilty. The wedding would start soon and I might have just ruined it trying to find something in my closet not my usual. As I ran back in, I rummaged in the bag to see what I had. "Shoot. Ah she is gonna be mad..."

"That isn't the right dress!! I refuse to wear it!!!" Sienna said as I just so happened to enter the room. "Where is Annora and her brother, hm?!"

"I have some leggings, heels, a tank top, and two dresses." I said, closing the door. She whipped around so fast I think a human might have broken their neck, then snatched the backpack out of my hands and began rummaging in it. She pulled out the longer gown I had in there, and her eyes widened. She slipped it on and then put on the heels I had on me.

"This is even better than what you promised!!! I can keep it right?" She squeaked happily. I nodded, and I could have sworn her eyes lit up even more than they already had. She left to start the actual marriage part of the wedding, leaving me there snickering softly. Fashion was such a stunning thing.

Thirty minutes later, and you can bet that Sienna was married. We all clapped and cheered for them as they walked up the isle and towards the doors, some of us just glad to have her gone, some glad that she had found her mate, and the rest somewhere in the middle. She was a bit bratty after all. Sienna threw her bouquet as far as she could, and nearly missed me. Key word nearly. I caught it without really thinking, only to then gasp at what I had just done. I was going to be the next one in the pack to be married, or at least the next likely one.

"Congrats Sienna!!" One girl shouted. She was a part of the group of girls that had always followed Sienna around at school. Claira, I think her name was.

"Try to come by and visit some time baby!" Her mother, our Luna, called.

"Nice catch man! She's got some good hips!!" A guy called out to the groom. The groom growled at him as he passed by the guy, clearly of a higher rank than him and not liking how he was without a doubt eyeing Sienna's perfect hips, chest, and face.

"Buzz off omega" I heard him mutter faintly through all the yelling. He kissed his wife as they got into his stormy grey Mercedes, smiling ear to ear. Sienna squeaked happily again and pecked him on the cheek in response as they climbed into his car and drove away.

I shook my head and chucked softly, a bit amused by all the excitement. I wasn't going to get married, even if I had to reject my mate. Right?