Drunk But Official

~Caleb's POV: Present Day~

Why? Why does she reject me, the person that was made for her? Am I coming on too strong? Do I make her feel like something she isn't? I had grown up without my mother, as she had been shot dead when I was 4, so there was a chance that I was doing something obvious wrong. Father always insisted that I study hard so I could take his place confidently someday, causing me to rarely just do something for myself.

And to make matters worse, I was a bit fearful of him. To keep thing simple, shortly after my mother's death he went through a period where he was almost always drunk in what I later found was an attempt to numb the pain. If I so much as put one hair out of line, he dragged me to the pack house dungeons and whipped my back. It hurt a lot, no surprises, so he forced to keep quiet to avoid anyone finding out. When he came out of this period the damage was already done, meaning that I went to the housekeeper for things more than him if I could for a while. I grew up with those pains, knowing I couldn't say a word to anyone other than the housekeeper, and I still live with them. Pretty much I was scared to go against him, so I just listened to him and avoided my more ambitious friends whenever possible.

"Caleb, darling, you in the shower?" The housekeeper called from the hallway.

"No Nanna." I called out to the housekeeper, whom Father had nicknamed 'Nanna' when I was little. "Something wrong?"

"No, not at all. Just checking in. The master says you seemed tense and upset recently." She said. "May I enter?"

"Yeah." I sighed, slipping on a shirt. I looked up from my lap to see Nanna come in and stand by the door. She was fast for her age. Even for a werewolf of her age she was fast.

She watched me for a moment before I asked her to give me advice on girls.

~Annora's POV: Present Day~

I pulled up in front of the bar. My parents remembered how it felt to be eighteen thankfully, and allowed me to go to the bar, as long as I didn't do anything stupid and I couldn't have anything too strong of course. But of course, I ordered myself a drink with two shots and downed it faster than I thought I would. As I got up, I saw a few guys eyeing me. I had changed into something to show off my curves a bit more a bit ago, after I left the house. Nothing too showy though. Just a crop top with lacing in the front so my cleavage could be seen a bit and some semi tight leggings. Sneakers too of course, just so I didn't trip and fall as easily if I got drunk. Thailia was going to call me in half n' hour to see if I needed a ride home, if I didn't pick up she'd be coming even if I was fine.

"Hey there sexy. You single?" A guy walked over to me. I eyed him for a moment, then giggled drunkenly and grabbed his hands.

"Of course!! Are you?" I giggled again. He smirked slightly, and started to lead me away to the private rooms for the drunk couples and drunk singles to stay if they needed. Of course they had other uses too of course.

Just as we hit the stairs there was a low growl behind me. It was faint and soft, only a werewolf like me could be able to hear it. I reluctantly stopped and looked around to see a familiar face, anger in his eyes. Caleb snatched my arm and dragged me outside, leaving the first guy alone and completely confused on the stairs. The rest was a bit of a blur because the alcohol was finished kicking in, I think.

~Caleb's POV: Present Day~

By the time I got to the bar where Annora's parents had said she was at, I saw her being approached by a guy on the dance floor. She grabbed the guy's hands and after a moment they were heading to the stairs that led to the private rooms. I stormed over at this point, not wanting this to go where I thought it was going. Snatching her arm and dragging her away, the guy seemed confused. I took Annora outside and looked her dead in the eye once we were in the alleyway.

"Annora what are you doing?!" I hissed. "You don't know that guy, do you?"

"But he was cute!! Just like you, hehe." She giggled, her breath reeking of the drink she had. Of course, she was drunk!

"I don't care if he was cute!! You are mine and mine alone, you hear me?" I snarled at her. She pouted, then leaned forward and kissed me. My wolf howled happily as her soft lips met mine, and I kissed her back. Pulling her close, I nibbled on her bottom lip gently. She opened for me, and the innocent kiss turned a bit more serious. Even if it was drunk love, it was still sort of love. Right?

I picked her up gently as instinct took over and my eyes no doubt darked a bit, continuing the kiss, and walked back into the bar. We headed upstairs and went into a room, breaking away at the stairs for air. I set her on the bed gently then locked the door. As I turned back to her, my gaze was met with Annora taking her shirt off slowly. Then it was her leggings. I walked over, growling dominantly, and pinned her against the bed. I started to grind against her a bit roughly causing both of us to moan happily. I froze and slowly pulled away as I faintly heard someone calling for her among all the music and chatting downstairs.

"Annora!! Annora were are you!?" Someone called downstairs. My eyes darkened slightly despite it seeming to be feminine.

Fast forward two hours later, I'm fleeing my mate's territory like my life depends on it. I quickly apologized to her parents, saying I got ahead of myself, and she was just drunk. Yup. Definitely a good way to die. I gotta stop doing this to myself, but for Annora I guess I can take the risk one last time.