Chapter 4

Several days had passed and we arrived to be what looked like a coastal city. The buildings here looked way different than what I was used to, the they were well-kept and are also much taller. While approaching the town from a hilled area I could see the harbor and the vast expanse of blue behind it.

This was the first time I had seen the ocean

"Whoa is that the Sea?' I said as I focused my vision. "I can't even see the end of it."

"I thought we would be able to see Atlantis across the sea but all I see is blue."

"This isn't the puny rivers and lakes you find back at the shrine."

Timothy said puffing out his chest.

"This vast blue landscape is the absolute territory of us Merfolk."

He raises his head even higher, his scaly fin-like tail swishing back and forth like an excited puppy.

Upon reaching the city I found out the true scale of what a city was like.

Hundreds of people moved about going on with their daily life, Vendors calling out to others trying to make their next sale. The atmosphere differed from the shrine. It's so busy and crowded as if everyone present in the city was in a hurry to get somewhere.

"What is this?" I squinted trying to make sense of what I am seeing. "I've never seen a picture move before and it's so big, what is it even made out of?"

Oh, that's called a screen, it's a magic tool that manipulates light using tiny crystals all powered by mana, of course," Allan said pointing at the large screen.

"Come we won't be spending much time here, refill on our supplies and get to the ship before it departs."

"Mr. Elbir thank you so much for your services, here is what I owe you>"

"Much thanks, sir."

The cruiser owner said before leaving

I continued looking around the city the atmosphere still had me dizzy.

During my stupor, we continued to follow Allan around as he made purchases from the different shops.

Alright, I have all the things we need.

We will take a ship to get to Sakaisho and from there we can take a stream carrier to Atlantis.

We boarded the ship and set off to the merchant island

It took us about a day to cross the ocean and get to the Island of Sakaisho

"This is known as the hub between Atlantis and HaaKuni, it is also a commercial hotspot although it is in the domain of the Yokai it is somewhat of an autonomous region," Allan said his finger pointing up

"It also connects to Atlantis via The stream carriers, which is where we are heading."

Most of the journey across the island of Sakaisho had been uneventful it was quite similar to the port city but it seemed to be the home of a lot of affluent individuals it seemed to be more of a luxury island than anything else.

We arrived at what seemed large building complex. Many races seemed to be gathered here Yokai, Merfolk, dwarfs, Elves, and even... Humans.

I grew up in an environment where it was mostly yokai apart from my mother I had never met another human. It's not that humans were not uncommon in Haakuni I've just been unlucky enough not to come across any. It was a strange feeling but I didn't dwell on it too much and continued following Allan as he approached the tallest building in the complex.

"Mr. Florin, You're finally here, why the hell did you get here so late?"

A tall elven woman with short brown hair shouted as we entered a room.

"We barely have enough time to make it to town hall before the selection exam registration ends,"

"Right my apologies didn't expect it to take this long," florin said a slight giggle escapes his lips.

"Honestly why didn't you just get a proper escort it would have saved so much time."

"Yeah the guy is weird like that he prefers to go on his trips incognito," a tall Brown-skinned Merfolk approaches us

He approached us in a very confident manner His mana was extremely overwhelming and his stature was just as menacing. Not to mention many heads and whispers were aimed at him, he must be someone of high significance.

"Yorha, nice to see you in good spirits," Florin answered.

"Never been better, Hmm," he said he turns his attention to us.

"This must be Jave's son, But who's the little lady?"

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you guys, This Is Atsumi Hoshiko she is another student of Ayame Shino."

He said gesturing to me

"She will be my next year's recommendation at the academy."

He nudges me forward

"Hey, why don't you say hi."

I was quickly thrown into the spotlight

"Uhh hello my name is Atsumi nice to meet you," I said timidly unable to keep proper eye contact with the behemoth standing before me.

"Hello little one, my name Is Yorha Lemuria it's a pleasure," he said with a bright smile on his face.

"Mine is Eina, I am this idiot's assistant," said the elf woman glaring at Allan

"Great to see fresh talent coming in makes me feel at ease for the future," he said Before letting out a hearty laugh that shook my very soul.

"What brings you across the border?" Allan inquired

"Haha was taking a little vacation, but had to call it short the Deepwater fiends in the Sevia expanse seems to be acting up again so I'll be stopping in Procyon for a bit."

"I guess you can accompany us then," said Allan.

"Why not," Yorha replied

We went down a huge flight of stairs that seemed to descend several feet. The architecture I have been used to in Haakuni is completely gone and was replaced by limestone-like structures, walls mostly white with gold patterned inscriptions and trimmings, it was as if I had entered a castle. The architecture itself seemed to tell stories about historical events and other things of Atlantean culture I was not familiar with.

"General Lumeria, your escort has arrived," Two young men gestured for us to enter what seemed to be some kind of miniature submarine, compared to the others this one was noticeably more extravagant.

"Man talk about lucky," timothy said while jabbing me with his elbow.

Me still admiring the décor replied with a meek "Yeah."

Upon reaching what I assumed are the outskirts of the city, many Merfolk dressed in uniforms awaited us.

We went up from the ocean to another underground complex.

One male with spiky blue hair and sharp teeth approached us to greet the general.

"We have awaited your arrival sir please this way her majesty awaits."

"Thank you, see to it that my quest gets to their destination."

"Allan my friend I will be going now, little ones," He said with a bow.

His endearing smile was unbecoming of his rough face.

We said our farewells and separated

"Right let's get going, "Allan said after dealing with the paperwork regarding our arrival.

"Do you guys wanna go on a little trip," Allan said his usually cheeky grin surfacing.

"Alan, now that you are here there's a lot of work to be done," Eina said as she grabs him by the ear and drags him away

"Hey let go, we just got back give me a break," Alan said his attempts to break free being fruitless

"You've been pretty quiet on this trip Atsumi, miss your home already," Timothy said amused more than anything.

"I'm just overwhelmed is a….."

Before I could finish my words we had Exited the main complex and I was left speechless.

A large expanse of bronze gold and white it was as if I was looking down at a painting.

It was the same white with gold patterned designs I had seen in the port which seemed to be etched on every building. I couldn't describe it. The city itself was in the shape of a Circle with countless concentric circles that get smaller as you get closer to the heart of the city. The Entire city seemed to span tens of miles in diameter

Countless floating platforms housed even more buildings, the city folk themselves seemed to be riding their very own floating platforms as well but what really stood out to me was at the very Center of the city, that tower ... It had gone past the clouds and seemed to touch the sky itself not only that the peak shone like a second sun.

"Hey you ok?" timothy asked.

Alan realizes what I had been looking at and speaks up.

"Seems the watchtower has caught your eye, though it's only natural, you haven't seen anything like this,"

"Watchtower, why do they call it that?" I asked

"You can pretty much see most of the main island from there, not to mention the light at the top is an artifact that keeps the Deepwater fiends away, Atlantis wasn't always peaceful like this"

"Deepwater fiends, are those similar to Cryptids?"

"Yes," Allan replied, "matter of fact they are the same thing they just come from underwater, the Servia expanse is said to have the largest number of Cryptids on Gaia mostly because they are located deep in the abyss where they are difficult to deal with, even for the merfolk."

"There are many of these spread throughout Atlantis, but this one is special."

Timothy now just as intrigued as me asked "how so?"

It's not only is it the largest of its kind it also serves as one of the docking points for the Sky Spire Chariot or the floating island Neveah.

I've read about this before it was said to be built during the lost ages by the ancient Nephilim. They built a massive artifact that lifted an entire island from the ocean.

"Yeah it's usually free-floating around Gaia but once in a while it docks here, I've only seen it once though," Allan said

"Enough chat you guys we really need to get to the academy Allan," Eina said wanting to be done with the topic.

I took a look back at the Massive tower that stood in front of me

My understanding of the world I lived in continues to be challenged.

It had been two weeks since we arrived in Atlantis and it had also been a week since timothy left to take the entrance exam. The exam itself was a whole week so I was expecting him to be back today. Why it was so long I can't say.

Allan had been busy at work during that time in preparing my seal, he had done the various test on my seal, and each time he unlocked it I was close to blowing up his house.

"Come one let's get this done," he said as I followed him into the large yard that surrounded the house

"Right this seal will be somewhat different from what Shino had done, basically it will not only conceal the true nature of your mana it will also act as a secondary mana pool, it will in a sense dilute your mana and I will be using that sword to resonate with it. I Will also use it to store the excess mana that leaks out.

Even though you don't meet the requirement of using it as you have no earth attuned mana I will be placing a converter," he said as he prepared his tools

"Converters aren't easy to make and it isn't cheap either like I said it will take months to get a proper one working on you, Shino owes me one this time."

"Right your mana will be slowly converted into earth attuned mana and will be stored in the weapon, and the converter will be this glove so keep it on you at all times.

Most of the day had passed and Alan is now writing notes after testing this new seal on me. Every time he removes the old one to test out the now mana rushes out like a dam being opened, my vision gets blurry and my body heats up tremendously not to mention the feeling of being close to exploding, it's very exhausting.

"Sir Allan young master timothy has arrived," said the maid named Erin

"Hahaha I am victorious Tim," shouted as he entered the backyard

"From that introduction I assume you passed,"

"Damn right I did, and I placed in the top 20 out of more than 1000 candidates."

"Congratulations," I replied still exhausted from the previous appointment and the crippling pain it induced.

"Come let me help you up," Timothy said as he approached me


"The semester will begin in a month. Take your time to prepare, the curriculum is pretty tough," Allan said

"I will," timothy replied

"I guess It will be my turn next year,"

I had only been exposed to the small world at the shrine, I can't say that I wasn't nervous I know I'm better than Tim when it comes to just martial arts but in terms of mana and qi, I had some ground to cover.

"I'm sure you're gonna pass," Timothy said as he parts my shoulders

"Let's not worry about that for now Allan interjected,"

"Erin, get these two something to eat, I'll be heading out for a bit,"

"Yes Sir," Erin said with a bow.

The day had ended I lay on my bed reminiscing over the events of the past months so much had changed and I am still drunk on the new experience but I can't help feel but feel anxious and a little bit scared.

"No point brooding over it now," I said to myself as I rolled over and went to sleep.