Chapter 7

I had awoken in a small and damp room. Three other people were present, two were still asleep and one had already awoken.

He sat hunched over while checking his equipment. There was another guy and one other girl. The girl was just stirring from her slumber while the boy was still fast asleep.

"Hmm, that's interesting," the boy said. "I expected you to wake up last,"

I stared at him for a moment, not sure how to answer his statement.

"Apologies, my name Is Cedric James. I will be in your care for this trial," he said while slightly bowing from his sitting position.

"My name is Atsumi Hoshiko, nice to meet you,"

The other girl got up and, still dazed, looked around.

"uh where am I?" she asked.

She then looked up and spotted me and the half elf sitting in the corner.

"Oh yeah, the trial, ugh fuck my head. Did they knock us out with a hammer after entering the gate?"

She seemed to be a yokai, the prominent fleshy horns stuck out from the top of her forehead and dark hair flowed down to her shoulders.

"Hello what's your name?" I asked.

"Senna Takayame, in the flesh."

She then looked at me for a moment and then at the others. Her shoulders then drooped, and she let out a loud sigh.

"So we got stuck with a human eh, looks like this might be rough," she said.

"It seems like we did," Cedric answered.

"Hopefully she isn't trash," she said, speaking directly to Cedric.

I could feel my lips twitch at her rude comment.

It was then that the third person woke up. He sprang up from his sitting position as if someone had dumped ice down his pants.

"The fuck?" Senna said, startled by the boy's sudden awakening.

"Yo," he said nonchalantly.

"You alright there bud?" Senna asked.

"Never been better," he replied.

He looked around for a moment. The same confusion that had overtaken all of us was still fresh in his mind. Senna, still wary of the boy, asked him for his name.

"Just call me Enan," he said with a wry smile.

The boy had bright red hair and piercing blue eyes. What was strange was that he had a reptile like tail but no branch like horns the draco would have, nor did he have the classic finlike ears of the merfolk. I assumed he was a Draco.

Cedric then got up from his sitting position and walked up to the three of us.

"Now that everyone is awake, time to decide our positions."

"I'm calling archer," Senna quickly shouted.

"I can go for Vanguard or skirmisher," Cedric said. "But I would prefer Vanguard."

What are they even talking about? Roles? Skirmisher? Vanguard?

Cedric took a glance at me and frowned. "It would best we be quick about this before the exam starts,"

I have heard nothing about explorers having specific roles. Is this something they made up? Or have I not been listening to Allan's explanations?

"What do you guys mean by roles?" I asked sheepishly.

"Wait, you don't know what roles are?" Cedric said, his usually calm voice now gone.

"No, not really."

"Have you even entered a gate before?" he then asked.

"Huh? I thought we needed to take this exam first before being able to enter a gate."

They all looked at me in disbelief, as if I had just said something blasphemous.

"Well, we're fucked." Senna said as she threw her hands up. "The damned girl doesn't even know what roles are."

Cedric held his hand to his head and let out a loud sigh. He then looked at me, pity in his eyes.

After sighing one more time and taking a seat, he explained to me that most people here had already entered, but up to this point had only entered a designated area where small cryptids roamed and only by obtaining an official license can we venture out further.

Usually once you are registered, you can enter low risk gates, but it's not by any means sustainable and you don't really get much loot. Most people go beforehand to get acquainted with the occupation. That's why people take this trial, to gain an Exploration license. It allows you to leave the settlements and explore freely. Not only that, you will be allowed to enter guilds and go on expeditions.

"Although it is not prohibited from taking the test right away, it is discouraged and rather foolish."

"Even those who have already had ample experience in these areas have failed this trial," he said.

"And here you are, completely clueless of how this shit works." Senna interjected. "Am I really gunna get screwed over because of some idiot human?"

"Calm down for a moment. Let's not make this ruin our chances," Enan pleaded.

"He's right, calm down," Cedric said.

"What role your you like to fill Enan?"

"I would say skirmisher," he replied.

"Right, so that's done with. Now Back to you, I will explain all the roles and you will decide what you want to do,"

"There are seven roles: skirmisher, vanguards, supporter, caster, archer and strategist."

Skirmishers are usually the melee offensive in a team. They are always in the heat of battle and are often moving to and from the frontline.

Defenders protect their team's and are often in the front lines.

Supporters stay in the back-line. They are the ones who provide some sort of utility either through heals or enhancements. Though that's not always the case, sometimes just simple activities such as cooking and collecting items is considered supporting.

Casters are long range magical spell casters they usually specialize in large-scale one hit kill abilities and are protected by defenders and supporters.

Archers play a similar role as caster but are often as mobile as skirmishers and attack enemies from long range.

And strategists are the ones that command the party. This role is unique, as you can also fulfill another role while being the strategist. They are the glue that keeps the team together.

Most parties won't have a strategist, as they are rather rare and are only fully utilized during large-scale raids or trials.

"I can see by your Katana you use martial arts."

"I would assume you are a skirmisher. I'll be honest, I don't trust you to have my back in battle, so I would suggest just taking the support role and keep enemies of miss Senna."

"I Don't know any healing magic, although I know some herbs and medicines that can help with recovery"

"That's fine, as long as you can keep our supplies safe as well."

We then huddle together and discussed our game plan.

Based on the map, it seems we were located somewhere to the north of a large island. As stated by the Principal, we are to make it to the said destination within five days, as well as acquiring 5000 points. They seemed to have provided us just enough food, water, herbs and potions to get through the first 3 days.

During the wait, we discussed our position and came up with plans and backup plans if things went wrong.

Enan as the skirmisher would scout the area ahead. Depending on his feedback, we would know which cryptids to go after. We would avoid those that are too strong or too weak and instead focus on the ones in the middle. If too many come to our site of fighting, we would run away and have Senna and Enan pick them off one by one until their numbers thinned out.

After 30 minutes, the sealed exits opened up.

A loud creak of wood reverberated through the small room. We all held our breath as the door fully opened, but all we saw was an endless blue sky.

It was only after we exited did we realize we were not in a small room but inside the trunk of a large tree, like baby woodpeckers peering out into the world for the first time.

Looking out, it was a world of blue and green. A lush tropical rainforest laid sprawled below our eyes. Mist slowly permeated the trees and massive waterfalls cascaded down to the earth, the rumblings of the crashing water audible even from our vantage point.

The tree we popped out from was significantly taller than the others, so we could see quite far away. I couldn't help but marvel at this natural scenery. I could sit her all day and just let loose and forget all my worries.

"Is this how it looks behind an actual gate?" I said out softly.

"Trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet," Enan said before chuckling.

"Hmmm, I wonder how far below the ground is from the canopy," Cedric said while looking below.

"Only one way to find out," Enan said

"We jump,"

He then stepped over the ledge and let himself drop to the ground.

We all looked at him, not saying a word, as he disappeared into the forest below.

"What a nutcase," Senna said in disbelief.

She then jumped towards one branch below and made her way down, branch by branch.

Me, still concerned about the boy who possibly just committed suicide on a whim, asked. "Is he going to be alright?"

"I doubt anyone would be dumb enough to off themselves like that," Senna replied.

"He's probably fine," Cedric said as he climbed down behind her.

Realizing I was being left behind, I left my perch and jumped down towards the nearest branch.