Chapter 11

"Hey you guys are back." Enan said as senna and I returned to the camp.

Cedric, who had already begun gearing up, spoke up.

"Let's try to pack up and head out. We need to make up for lost time."

Based on the map we had moved halfway to our destination but we weren't even close to half the points we needed, even though the cryptid he had fought yesterday had given us a staggering 800 points we were so tired after that encounter we barely hunted for any others only gaining 870 by the time day two ended.

We had gotten through our encounter exhausted, but the Cryptid itself never really landed any hits, which is a good thing. If any of us had gotten hit by that water blast attack, it wouldn't be too farfetched to say that immediate elimination could have been the outcome.

After the fight, I couldn't help but notice the side glances from my peers. This was the first time I had revealed my magical arts to strangers and at first I was hesitant to even use it. If I could, I would have gone through the entire trial without using it, but it seems I took their warnings too lightly. This trial is no joke.

"Alright, the plan for today is the same as always. We hunt what we can avoid unnecessary fights."

"That would work unless the next big cryptic chases us till kingdom come like the last one." Senna said almost jokingly.

"We… will cross that bridge when we get to it," Cedric replied.

Today was another bright and hot day, but with the added hassle of traversing large pools of water left over from yesterday's downpour, we weren't in a hurry to get to the end point and focused more on acquiring points.

"Grooh." A lone, gold tusk tiger cried out after being pierced by Cedrick's sword.

"Two thousand six hundred and seventy," he said as he checked the rune.

"Still behind, but we're making progress."

"I'm taking a break," senna said as she dropped herself on a nearby bush. "This heat is killing me."

"Yeah, I second that notion," Enan replied as he gulped down a punch filled with water.

Senna sat upright, used her hands as a makeshift fan, and let out a deep sigh. She tugged down on her upper shirt, exposing her cleavage.

Cedric, who seemed keen on continuing, just sighed and sat under a large oak tree.

Feeling somewhat clammy, I decided I should soak in some shade as well and sat with my legs crossed not too far from senna. I then to a deep breath and relaxed my body, hoping to cool off.

Unfortunately, senna took this as an invitation to invade my personal space and sat closer to me.

"Hey so which part of Haakuni are you from?" She asked.

"Also, what's with the long-sword?"

"I am from Murasaki shrine, and as for the sword.. well, that's for me to know and you to not worry about."

"Huh c'mon, tell me, it looks expensive. Are you like a head priest daughter or something?" Senna said, mouth drooling as if she's found a pot of gold.

"No, I'm not and I would appreciate it…"

She then reached over to grab it from my back.

"Hey keep your paws to yourself."

Despite her loud mouth and bold declarations, she is actually quite an honest person, though to a fault, as she won't hesitate to let you know how she feels. After speaking with her one on one, I had grown somewhat fond of her. I wished she didn't swear so often, though. A byproduct of her upbringing, maybe?

"How are you two suddenly so close?" Enan said, poking his head out from the bush next to us.

Senna flinches as the draco boy startles her.

"We aren't. I'm just using her, that's all there is."

Enan gave me a confused look, and all I could return was an exhausted shrug. I was just as confused as him.

"Stop being so damn weird and mind your business."

Ennan slowly dips his head back into the bush while giving Senna the blankest of stares.

Using this short distraction, I store the long sword within the rune inscribed on the glove.

"YOU EVEN HAVE A STORAGE RUNE?" Senna blurted out as she stared at my gloves.

"Let me guess, those are expensive too," I rebutted.

"No shit, they're expensive." She said, exaggerating her words.

Cedric stood upon hearing this approaches us and eyed the rune on the gloves suspiciously.

"May I have a closer look?"

He inspected it for a moment, then let out a chuckle.

"As I suspected, this is Allan's work."

"You know Allan?" I said while coming to my feet."Where do you know him from?"

"I do, and let's just say we are distant relatives." He said. He leaned in closer to me while inspecting my gear.

"I overheard him speaking to my father about entering another student, never expected to run into her."

He then turned around to walk away, seemingly losing interest. "Either way, I guess this is fine."

Confused, I opened my mouth to inquire about his last statement, but was cut short by a distant explosion.

It was then we heard a loud roar, a deep guttural roar that echoed into the forest. The light mood vanished instantly as everyone turned their attention to the sound. It didn't take long before we heard the clanks of armour and weapons.

Another boom followed by a second roar, much closer this time. Whatever commotion was happening, it was heading our way.

"Lets get going Cedric, said kicking off into the forest.

We all sprang into action and moved away from the commotion, wanting to not get caught up in another party's fight.

But for some reason, the sounds of destruction never got further away.

"Change direction." Cedric shouted.

I could faintly sense 3 mana signatures and behind them, something massive. Its visage, although barely visible, was that of a giant.

"Are they, are they following us?" Enan said

"Assholes, what are trying to do?" Senna replied.

"Just keep going." Cedric interrupted.

They were gaining on us. I could just about see the faces of the individuals, a dwarf, an avian and an elf they rode atop what's seemed to be a giant eagle.

It flew over and an ahead of us and glided off to the right. They looked at us apologetically, and I couldn't help but shiver at the realization. They were using were us decoys to escape.

"Hey get back here," Senna shouted.

We had not but a second to react before a massive builder comes crashing down ahead of use blocking our way forward.

In a matter of second a black figure leaps from the tree line and descends upon our small group. Quickly we moved out of the way as to not get trampled by the force of its descent.

It collides with the forest floor with the force of a small meteorite. Dirt and debris parted from its landing position.

My ears still ringing, I look up to see the new unreasonable threat this trial had thrown at us, and I wished we it was another one of those slimes we had fought on that rainy day.

It stood almost five meters tall, thick bonelike antlers protruded from its deer shapped head. Its skin was a mix of moss and decayed flesh. It had stone like armour that covering its chest, arms and legs, legs that looked like that of cattle.

It stood upright and handled a wooden spear in one hand, the other a stone shield. It looked down on us with its sickly green eyes and then let out that familiar soul shaking roar.

"Why, why is that here, thi… this can't be right an Earthborn Sentinel? How do they expect us to kill that thing?" Senna said as she backs away.

I stood nailed in place. My legs felt weak, as if they were about to give way.

I need to run, but to where? Can I even escape? Even if I do, what about everyone else? I can use runic echoes, but the toll on my body will leave me unable to move for a while. What happens if that doesn't work? I racked my brains looking for a way to get out of this unscathed, or at least survive.

Even Cedric, who's normally calm and gave out sound solutions, stood frozen in place.

"Run in a single file and stay ahead of me," he shouted.

Almost on cue, the sentinel raised its spear and threw it at us with pinpoint precision. Cedric, who had already positioned himself behind us, summoned aegis and blocked the incoming spear. The force was enough to shove his heels into the soil.

"Atsumi if there any other tricks up your sleeve, now's the time to use it," He exclaimed, hinting to the sword currently hidden in the storage rune.

At this point I had no choice but to comply, it's that or we get eliminated. Quickly I pull the sword out, and searched my memory for the words to activate it, but the cryptid had no intention of waiting for us.

Before I could even initiate a connection, it closed the distance in a matter of seconds and planted its fist into the barrier, shattering it instantly. Cedric, who was just behind the barrier, took the full brunt of the attack and was catapulted several meters away.

It quickly shifted its attention to me, a stone halberd now in hand. Having no time to wonder how it acquired another weapon, I focused on the seal at my core.

"Harken to my will, Runic echoes."

The runes inscribed on the blade roared to life as mana rapidly drained from my body. It glowered fervently and let out a slight hum as it vibrated.

I had but a moment to react as the sentinel brought down its halberd. I raised the sword up to block the attack, which was a foolish move on my part. My left knee buckled under the impact, firing pain through my entire left half.

Gritting my teeth, I tilted the sword to the side, allowing the halberd to crash into the ground. I then switched my stance and held the sword over my head as I prepared my retaliation.

"Devastate that which stands before me, Terrestrial Damnation."

With a single downward swing, bellowing yellow thunder erupted from my blade. The earth ruptured before me as jagged spikes shot out of the ground and exploded simultaneously. The sentinel let out a strained growl as the attack overwhelmed it.

My hands went numb after the attack and the mental and physical fatigue took over. I slumped to the ground, almost forgetting that the cryptid was still present, and forced myself to look up.

As the dust settled, I spotted it still standing. Its earth shield had shattered and its armour was crumbling around it. Patches of burnt flesh let off steam as it sizzles under the heat, but the beast was still standing. It faced me with defiance, its eyes now red with anger.

It lowered itself to the ground and pointed its antlers towards us.

Senna and Enan were still in awe of what had just happened, but quickly jumped into action and pulled me up to my feet.

They struggled to get me up, but I was so limp at this point I had given up.

It was then a mana blast shot through the forest and exploded unto the sentinel.

Looking up, I saw four individuals approaching from the forest. I recognized one as the pink haired Elven girl I saw on the testing grounds.

She raised her staff and uttered a single word.


Suddenly, long vines shot up from the ground and held the sentinel in place.

She looked at me and let out a sigh

"Seems like we made it in time."