
Nothing is real


Vess is so excited about the party and I've never seen her like this before so I decided to go with her but it's not easy to convince my mom. Vess assured me that she will talk to her.

As we headed towards the Mc'D Vess turned on the radio and guess what she started singing.

"Oh oh Despacito! Bla!bla!bla! Despacito" her laughter echoed through the whole car. So, I also started singing. "Despacito! I don't know how to sing this songito and this is freaking amazingto Despacito" and we laughed so hard. I changed the channel and here comes Nicki Minaj's Anaconda and Vess started rapping. I don't know what she is saying but it's freaking hilarious to see her like this. So, I also started dancing at the same time we-we were laughing so hard. Then a voice came.

"Look at these girls and their talent."

"I found it quite amazing." said another voice.

"Well I think these girls are just dumb." said a girly voice.

As we turned our heads towards the direction of these voices we saw them that play jerk Cole that bitch Veronica and Dylan Frazier.

Vess said "hi" like she has seen a ghost her face became pale and I didn't like it.

Cole replied "hi" with a smirk, Dylan just winked and Veronica's "whatever " is just stupid like her face.

"Uh! and I always thought that fake girls were dumb." I replied. Everyone is so shocked and I wanted to laugh so hard that Veronica's face becomes red.

"I'm with you, Amy," Vess replies with a wink.

"Come on guys we're getting late" Veronica yelled and their car vanished at high speed.

I and Vess were laughing so hard.

"Oh My God Amy your reply was amazing."

"Yes now come on let's get to the Mc'D I'm dying from hunger."


When we reached Mc'D Vess stopped her car and parked it in the parking area. We entered through the front door and found a suitable table. Vess goes to order some fries with a regular burger and cold drinks. Then suddenly, I heard a voice.

"Baby look at this. This is my brand new handbag isn't it amazing?"

"Yeah yeah, it is."

"So, I was thinking why don't you take a picture of me?"

"Uh ok wait for I"ll take it"

I moved my head in that direction and mentally facepalmed myself. There are Cole and Veronica again but it's quite funny to see Cole like this. He's clicking a picture of her and she's making some weird poses. All the customers were looking towards them. I wanted to laugh so badly. I couldn't control myself and started laughing. I felt like the universe is on my team because most of the customers started laughing too. Cole got annoyed when he saw me then he exited the door leaving Veronica all alone.

Vess arrived with our food and we attacked it like we were hungry for years.

Sometimes you wish that you just want to enjoy your food but wishes are not granted so easily. Someone hit me on my head.

"Ah! What the hell." I yelled.

"Can we join you? There are not any empty tables anymore." Dylan Frazier asked. Alongside him, Cole and Veronica were also standing.

"Yes! yes! Why not" Vess replied. I don't know who hit me on my head but I have got a feeling that Cole did.

So, we all were sat around a table in a very cosy manner. There is not much space. I and Vess were already seated beside each other. Dylan sat beside Vess. Cole was beside me and Veronica sat beside Cole.

"You must be a nerd??" Veronica asked. Eying me from head to toe.

"Yeah I'm the nerd and I like it so much to be a nerd," I replied.

"Why that so?" She hissed.

"Because in that way people can judge you only in one way," I uttered with half-smile. Somewhere from the corner of my eyes felt Cole's gaze on me.

"Whatever" she replied.

"Come on everyone give each other their introduction," Dylan said.

"So, who's going to be first?" Cole asked. Dylan raised his hands.

"My name is Dylan Frazier as you all know that. I'm 17 years old, I'm in senior high school, I go to the same school as you all. My eye colour is blue, my hair colour is brown. Height is 6 ft and not to forget I also have six-packs. In short, I'm that type of person you can't forget easily." he said like a wink.

"Oh one thing I forgot to say, I'm a freaking hot sexy handsome boy," he replied with a chuckle.

We all were looking at him shocked.

"Glad to know that you're a boy," Cole muttered. Dylan narrowed his eyes at him and I couldn't stop myself from laughing so hard.

"Girl you're next," Dylan said pointing his finger towards me.

"Uh ok! Well Myself Amanda Parker. I like reading and watching TV more than anything else. I'm also 17 years old just like Dylan and that's it." I don't know what to say so, I just said these things.

Cole raised his eyebrows at me which I replied with a shrug.

"You're so boring," Veronica replied with a smirk.

"Thanks." I shrugged.

"Well I'm Veronica Stratford and my hobby is shopping. I like to shop everywhere in Branded showrooms. I don't like boring or nerdy people I hate them. I'm the head cheerleader in our school and biggest fashionist." she said glancing at me.

I don't why I've got the feeling that she indirectly said that she hates me. Then we share the mutual feeling I said to myself.

"Uh, it is my turn now," Vess said. All the attention was towards her.

"So, I'm the bubbly girl Vanessa and I like everything."

"Everything?" Cole asked with a smirk.

"Yeah I do" Vess whispered.

"So, do you like condoms also?" He said with a smile. Like seriously with a full-fledged smile he asked this question. Vess's face looks like a tomato in a very deep shade of red. Then she covered it so quickly and narrowed his eyes towards that player and showed him his middle finger. I can proudly say she is my BFF.

"My turn it is then," Cole said confidently.

"I'm Maxwell!"

I act stupid and then "Glenn Maxwell" I shouted.

"HAHAHAHA! Not." He narrowed his eyes at me.


"Maxwell! Cole Maxwell." He said with a wink.

"And?" I and Vess asked at the same time out of curiosity.

"And what I'm Cole Maxwell and that's it." Seriously something is wrong with this boy. I muttered to myself.

"Wait! Who's Glenn Maxwell?" Veronica asked with so much interest.

Oh, that bitch "He's a cricketer " I replied with a smirk.

"Well Vanessa you're coming to the Friday party I guess?" Dylan asked Vess.

"I"ll think about it." She replied with a smirk.

"And Amanda? Are you also coming? " Dylan asked.

"She's a nerd she can't come to the party and I think she's going to study all night on Friday." Before I could say something Veronica replied with a smirk.

"Yeah, I've so much work to complete I can't come," I replied with a shrug. But little did I know that for the very first time I'll go to the party. I thought to myself. Suddenly Cole's phone started ringing and he tensed seeing his cell. He excused himself and went out but never came back.

"I should also get going I've so much work to do," Veronica said with a smirk and vanished. Dylan was the only polite one he said goodbye to us and then he also went out.


Vess drops me in front of my house. My house is not that big but also not that small. Its view is very pleasant in Manhattan, Newyork. It is very difficult to find this kind of house that's why I like its simplicity. As I went near home I smelled something fishy. "Oh not again" I muttered to myself. It's my Mom, she's cooking food.

"Mom!" I yelled

"Darling thank god you're finally here. I don't know what to do all the food I tried to make got burnt." She said nervously.

"Don't worry we can always order pizza any time," I assured her.

"Okay! Then order pizza." she started cleaning the kitchen. I picked up my phone and ordered a pizza.

Then I headed towards my room. My room is not an attractive type. It is very small but I have everything I need. There is no balcony, but this is my favourite room in the house. The bed is right by the door. On the bed, there are four pillows and a red blanket. A white teddy bear is sitting there. I received him when I was 10 years old and his name is Jojo. I and Jojo often cuddle with each other. On the side of the bed, there is a bookshelf on which all my favourite novels were placed. There is a large clock placed opposite the bed and a large window with white curtains. Under the window, there is a study table and chair. On the table, there is my laptop and an orange lamp with my school books on the left side of the desk. There is also a closet. On the walls, there are some pictures of my childhood which I can't remember now. I quickly changed my clothes to pajamas and a shirt which has "I Like Me" written in bold letters. I was just rolling around on my bed when I heard the doorbell ring.

Finally, pizza came I think. When I reached downstairs and was about to open the door when mom yelled: "Amy hurry up."

"That's what I'm doing mom," I said as I opened the door to receive the pizza.

"You?" I'm shocked to see him here.

"You?" He hissed like he has seen a ghost.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded. In front of me was Dylan, "The Dylan Frazier".

"Can't you see I'm in my uniform and holding your pizza?" He hissed. Then my mind started working yes he's here to deliver the pizza.

"But?" I've so many questions in my mind.

"No, but! just take this and give me my money." He replied with irritation.

"Ok! Here is your money." I paid the bill.

"One more thing, don't tell anyone about this especially Vanessa otherwise I'll make your life a living hell." He yelled.

"Like my life is something good," I whispered.

"What? Did you say something?" he demanded.

"No! No! I"ll not tell anyone about this ok?" I assured him and he left, leaving me in total confusion. I don't know what to do there is so much confusion about these guys. First of all, there is Cole and his expression when he saw his cell. Then, there is Dylan which completely surprised me. Why is working and why did he threaten me to not tell anyone about this. Then he's throwing a party on Friday. I don't know but something is odd. Whatever I've important things to think about rather than this, I said to myself. After that mom and me we ate pizza at a Dining table. It is just placed outside the kitchen area.

"You have to study harder this time Amy." Mom said

"Yes, mom definitely," I replied with a shrug. Then we said goodnight to each other and I headed upstairs straight to my room. I went towards the study table to prepare notes for tomorrow but my mind is somewhere else. After almost two hours of studying, I went to sleep. But I couldn't sleep too. After almost two hours of struggling, I fell asleep around 2'o clock.

