Chapter 1: That Day

Narukami's POV

"You petty earthlings speak too much for a race born to be colonized and dominated by other races," the short, lean villain who had become the talk of the town for an entire week, sneered as his grey, soulless eyes glistened with an unquenchable bloodlust. "Sucks to be you."

He advanced towards us, trampling on the scramble mixture of corpses, school-bus fragments and blood with his eight legs, while playing with his black braid which resembled the tail of a scorpion.

"You heartless piece of shit, how can you do this to someone of your own kind?" Sora screamed at the expense of his lungs as panther-claws replaced his keratinized nails, which were strong enough to engrave his name on a tungsten shield.

"Your own kind? You must be kidding me? Do you seriously think I am weak and fragile like you petty humans?" His pitch grew higher and higher, keeping pace with his rage. "Did you not listen to my speech?"

"I do not pay attention to useless stuff," Sora spoke, undaunted by the hostile frown on his foe's face as he pointed his fingers towards him, locking his aim on the scorpion's eyes.

"Oh, so do you have any last words, kid?" He asked while lifting a bloodied corpse from the ground with his pincers. It belonged to a young kid, about a decade younger than me. He was wearing his school uniform which had turned a shade of crimson due to the blood leaking from his shattered head. He was on the bus ride, unfortunately.

Sora slightly flinched at the sight as the monstrous creature continued, "this kid was the first one to revolt against me when I entered the bus and gave my speech. He was like 'We will not surrender to an evil creature like you. Our heroes will definitely take care of you!' Well, those were his last words. Now, using the example I gave just now, you can construct your last sentence as well."

His smile widened as he let go of the child and advanced towards Sora, as he slowly retreated towards the school building.

"How can you not feel any remorse?"

"Remorse? For what? Getting rid of trash? Besides, this kid is a murderer as he indirectly caused the death of everyone on the bus. If he had just controlled his rebellious spirit and let things go as planned, then none of this bloodshed woul-"

A pair of claws projected at him interrupted him as he effortlessly dodged them.

"Just close your rotten mouth and stop blabbering bullshit."

"Wow, you kids don't have the audacity to respect adults these days."

"I would die than respect you as a person." Sora continued projecting claws at the creature until his claws were exhausted.

They had travelled quite a long distance while engaging in the duel as they evaded almost every single attack aimed at the other.

They were directly beneath me, currently, within my attack range and away from the corpse-heap.

"What happened? Out of ammo? Too bad, that you didn't get a chance to think about your final words... But, your valour is commendable. You can get a pardon. So, what do you think about joining us?"

"Never, I still have my legs and-" Sora launched two kicks in the air as the claw-bullets finally went through the scorpion's torso.

"Impressive, kid, but it is too weak to kill me."

"Him too." Sora looked up at me with his emerald green eyes, which glistened with the moonlight falling on them as he smiled.

It was a signal to play my part.

I leaped from the edge of the terrace as electric currents surrounded my body, allowing me to momentarily control my aerial movements as I generated a lightning bolt and channeled it at the arachnid.

"Oh, a rear-attack. Y'all are so petty. Too bad, I already expected it." He deflected the lightning bolt as I tried to dodge it. "I am too advanced to be trapped by such obsolete techniques."

"Enough is enough, you two are going to die here and right now. Too bad, you all won't get a chance to die a honorable death." He shot neurotoxic chemicals from his tail as we jumped around the place, dodging the splashes.

"Naru, I can't do this anymore. I am feeling very dizzy."

"Huh, Sora did you-"

"Yes, I can see all of my memories flashing in front of my eyes. You were such a good friend to me, I was glad to have met you."

"Kiyoko, save us," I shouted as I waited for our saviour.

"Here I come," a squeaky, high-pitched voice echoed beneath the tarred floor as hundreds of hair strands emerged out of the road, surrounding the eight-legged villain, as they closed in, caging him in the 'Hair Cell'.

He struggled to entangle himself but there was no way he could escape Kiyoko's hair-cell.

I touched on the option that said 'support' on my watch. "Please send an aerial cell at the give location."

Within the span of a few seconds, a cubic-cage appeared above us as it descended, capturing the struggling arthropod. It had a blonde lady within it.

"Good work, team #047. I will be taking him to the headquarters."

"Please take Griffinther with you. He got the poison inside him," I helped him aboard the cage as the lady nodded.

"It's not over yet, kid," the captured fugitive mumbled. "It's not over."

"Don't worry, your friend will be fine." The lady knocked out the villain while gifting him a pair of handcuffs simultaneously.

The cage transformed into an airplane as it glided through the air towards the DMPEI HQ.

"All according to keikaku(plan)." I let out a sigh of relief as a smirk

"Stop impersonating Light and, come and help me." A mini-crater formed on the road, which was preceded by a punch from the redhead, who popped out of it.

"Oh! Sorry, my queen." I held my hand out as she climbed up to the terrain. "Are you alright?"

She glanced at me with her large, green eyes which reminded me of new-born leaves, garnished with drops of morning dew and bright, golden sunlight.

They held an expression that said, 'seriously bro?'

"I am feeling so dirty with all this dust and mud on my body. My hair is a mess too. Oh god, these missions are so tough nowadays," she mumbled cutely while brushing off the dust.

She grabbed a pair of scissors from her emergency inventory, using which she trimmed her dust-laden hair upto her waist.

"And you two were not working properly either. If I wasn't there to save y'all, I don't know what would become of our team." She paused to look at me for a while, before speaking again. "Oh, I am sorry. Y'all did well. It's just that this dust got on my nerves."

I swear to god I ain't a simp but, I could listen to her little complaints all day! She is so adorable, even when she complains.

"It's okay. I love it when you complain."


"I mean I love the act of complaining too. As it helps to relieve the accumulated stress and we feel better, as well. What, w-why are y-you staring at me like that?"

I felt my face warm up while I tried to look away.

"You are so weird. I mean, in a good way."

"You too. In a good way."

She giggled as her voice resonated in my ears, fastening my heart-beats.

"Well, let's part here, I guess." Although, I wanted to keep talking to her; it was too late and we had to part.

"W-Wait isn't that a giant scorpion like the one we fought before?" She pointed towards the terrace where gigantic scorpion about three times larger than the one we had defeated a moment ago.

"Oh, god. These scorpions really do be getting on my nerves. I am calling the support team."

"Same, Kagura-san. Ugh, I have to grow out my hair again."

"According to the radar, there are a bunch of people on the terrace."

A pair of large, round magenta eyes momentarily locked with my blue ones. Judging from his expression, he looked really petrified, as if he was asking for help, as the scorpion neared him. "Wait isn't that one of our schoolmates?"

"Huh, I don't know?" Kiyoko seemed confused while she counted the floors of the building. "It's almost 20 floors high. We need to hurry up."

I channeled my bio-electricity to my feet as I dashed towards the building.

The scorpion had already taken down four of them and now it was about to go for my classmate.

"It's terribly fast, almost as if someone is controlling it."

"It must be Mr. Petty's pet."

I was about to launch myself in the air when it lifted my classmate's fragile body and started jumping from roof to roof in the direction where we originally came from.


"Let's chase after them."

Propelling myself into the air, I followed the creature as my classmate struggled in its pincers, trying to break free.

He looked really brittle, as if he would break with the slightest touch.

The distance between us closed as Kiyoko, who was running over the ceilings, beneath me shouted, "You catch that boy while I knock it out."

I nodded while she sprang up in the air, landing a final kick on the scorpion, as it loosened its pincers, releasing the captive, as the distance between him and the road came to a close.

I bolted towards the ground, as the electrical energy within me became stronger and stronger with the decrease in altitude.

What the hell is happening?

"Gotcha," I heaved a sigh of relief as I caught the tender boy in my arms.