Call of Duty

748, 19th Year of Arcana's Reign, 10th of the 12th month, Hilaria, Elysian Capital.

—Imperial Court Hall—

"From your report, on the 8th of the 7th month, the Army at the Galahad Frontier began its first offensive, after the war in the previous season ended with their retreat. Then on the 23rd of the 10th month, Grand Commander Harold Hans Clavier, was defeated by the Galahad Army along the border between Livia and Alexis-pass. Then at that very moment when the Commander's position was vacant, you, Kaia Illyascha Vaishravana Zehra, took over command and led around less than 2000 Livia Armored Cavalry troops to the enemy's lair and left the 2 front camps on the Frontier, namely Alpha and Beta camps, deserted, and caused the two front camps to fall into enemy hands. What's your explanation for that? "

The Defendant, Vaishravana, didn't blink at all as the gazes of the entire audience in this Imperial Court hall headed straight for her. She neither blinked nor wavered, her gaze was very direct and firm, there was neither fear nor guilt in her eyes. She sat in a defendant's chair, while Interrogators from the Judicial Review Court under the Ministry of Justice continued to question her non-stop. The Emperor, and the relevant courtier's ministers, also looked at her with special gazes, as if full of valuation and judgment. 

Not to be missed, her biological father, whom she hadn't seen for the past few years, was also present in court this time. This man remained silent throughout the trial. He didn't interrupt, didn't argue or defend his daughter. All he did was give his daughter a hard slap on the cheek just before the trial started, which shocked everyone present at the time. The Grand Marshal didn't say anything after that, and sat down in his chair right next to the Emperor's seat.

"No further explanation, Your Majesty. I had deserted and abandoned our two front camps so that they almost fell into enemy hands. "

The interrogator asked her again. This time his gaze was a little sharp. "Why did you do that? "

Vaishravana licked her dry and chapped lips. Felt a little sore when she did that. "To lure the enemy. As I mentioned in the previous report, the Galahad Army on the border intends to burn the villages on their own border just in case they lose. "

"Then you took advantage of that by ignoring orders and leaving the two front camps?!" The interrogator snapped loudly as he banged on the court table, trying to intimidate his defendant. However, Vaishravana was not affected an inch by it.

"Yes. We were already on the verge of defeat under the Great General Clavier Command, so we didn't want to be crushed in our own hometown. Instead of falling alone, why not invite the enemy to fall along? "

"But you almost allowed the civilians at the border to be massacred by them!! "

Despite appearing to be very healthy and energetic, Vaishravana was actually in a bit of a daze. She struggled to maintain her upright position, lifting her head slightly high so she could look up at the Interrogator's angry face. She couldn't remember how long she hadn't slept. She hadn't even taken a proper shower before being pulled into the Imperial Palace and brought to the Judgment Hall by the guards from the Imperial Regalia. Vaishravana hasn't even eaten for 2 days, and these people expect a proper answer from her?

"Yes. I admit I was wrong. "It doesn't matter if she has to be thrown into prison and beaten until all her four limbs are broken. Most importantly right now, she just wanted to eat and sleep. Her thoughts were already a bit incoherent. The noises throughout the trial were no longer audible to her ears.

When it was discovered that their supply of rations had been cut short and the news reached the ears of the avant-garde troops, the first to cry was their own Commander, Grand General Clavier. In his panicked state, that man ordered half the troops from the ration guard camp to immediately convey the news to the capital, while the rest were ordered to collect the rations in the civilian ration barn. Many sides of their troops argued because of the decision. More than half disagreed, while some depressed people began to stand by Commander Clavier's selfish decision.

When the army of the Galahad barbarians began to attack again, like foolish cowards, Commander Clavier withdrew the vanguard and retreated to the two camps behind, taking cover and securing the rest of the available rations for himself. He was the most idiotic one when he drew guard at the two front camps while he went to the back for cover. At that time, Vaishravana was in the Omega camp, the camp that took care of the supplies of the entire camp, such as rations, support equipment such as medicine, additional armor, swords and spears, even some horses. This camp was closest to their bridle line, and held two secret passages leading to the two front camps that were only accessible from where Camp Omega was located. Commander Clavier thought that it was Camp Omega's advantage, but it wasn't so at all.

Which stupid deer stripped off its wolf fur and ran backward to show its full ass to a hungry tiger?

Therefore, Vaishravana, who received the mandate to send an emergency message about rations to the nearest Watchtower at that time, reneged on her duty and advanced to the two front camps. Meanwhile, 3 days began to pass and their ration availability began to run low. Commander Clavier was enraged and some great commotion began to stir within his Initial Team. More than half of the troops chose to disobey and go to the front, while the rest, who did not follow Commander Clavier, chose to leave from there. The soldiers who disbanded –without the knowledge of Commander Clavier— then went to a nearby village to collect food from the local residents, with a guaranteed payment that the Hereditary Princess would make after the war, which would later be paid double the original price. With that food supply, they set out for a walk down the Alexis-pass to get to the border town of Galahad, just as their Omega Camp head, Vaishravana, had planned. This is a covert rebellion full of plans.

By that time, the group that had been sent to deliver news of their late rations had already returned and had faked news that reinforcements were coming. That person was Vaishravana, who had colluded with some of the soldiers as if they were against each other and were divided.

Commander Clavier, thinking that he would soon be out of this predicament, immediately advanced back to the front camp, pretended not to look like a coward, and played his part well. Even, he splendidly rode a horse while wearing his armor, combed along the border, and met the Initial team of the enemy army. The two had a brief clash, before suddenly, something unexpected happened.

Commander Clavier discovered that his body was not acting within his control. His vision suddenly became vague and blurry, and his body stiffened. He's being poisoned. He convulsed for a while, before in the split second of the rest of his life, he saw a long sword gleaming in the scorching heat come crashing down from the front towards his neck. The consciousness remaining in his head was only about 5 seconds as the head was kicked around by his panicked horse like a ball.

And the whole incident didn't Vaishravana write in her report. She had –purposely— not even written about the delay in the supply of rations, and changed the root of the problem to "Commander Clavier's inability to manage his own troops".

For some time, Vaishravana didn't notice when the Emperor had stood up from his golden throne and spoke of his sentencing.

Vaishravana could not hear him clearly, however, she knew that her position as the new Commander of the Livia Armored Cavalry was valid. On top of that, she also received the title of being one of The 5 Great Commanders of the Livia Western Border Garrison. Whether it was because the Emperor felt sorry for her, or because of her so-and-so victory, Vaishravana's greatest punishment for neglecting the two front camps at the border was simply to keep her under house arrest for an unspecified time. She was also required to take part in the Morning Court session while she was still in the Capital. With the Emperor's verdict finished, the hammer was knocked and the Trial session closed.

Everyone present immediately kowtowed towards the Emperor before rising when the Emperor had already left the Hall. Vaishravana was still prostrating before a Commander from the Ministry of Regalia Guards lifted her up.

Since the crime this time was related to an Imperial official, the people in charge of dealing with the case were people from the Ministry of Regalia Guards. And if Vaishravana is thrown in prison, the prison that holds her is the prison belonging to the Ministry of War, not the prison belonging to the Ministry of Justice. 

Zachkiel Aldrich Javaid was the one who raised Vaishravana. He is the Commander of the Regalia Guards in the Capital that oversees the Ministry of the Imperial Guards, a 26-year-old young man, the only son of the current Grand Chancellor.

Vaishravana immediately stood up and bowed respectfully towards him. Her demeanor is very orderly and polite. Her gaze was so firm and bold, making it a bit difficult for Zachkiel to face her gaze directly. The girl was then transferred to Zachkiel's subordinates and brought to the Emperor's office to receive the official award and conferment of her position, which was attended by Zachkiel himself, the Grand Marshal, and all the courtier's Minister. After the procession was over, Vaishravana was allowed to withdraw. In the future she will be confined to the residence of the Grand Marshal, her own father, because she personally doesn't have her own residence in the Capital.

After this tiring trial, Zachkiel immediately fingered the cigar in his court clothes and assisted by his personal bodyguard, the cigar was lit. Zachkiel took two deep breaths before exhaling the smoke into the air. It was cold and unbearable today, so he wanted to hurry to his luxurious carriage that had a heating stove in it. But before that wish could be accomplished, Zachkiel was intercepted by one of the Imperial officials. That person is the Secretary of the Evaluation Bureau which heads the Judicial Review Division under the Ministry of Justice. His name is Mazikeen Nicaise Howland. He was a man in his mid-50s who was thin and had a spiky beard on his face. Every time he spoke, he would do it while stroking his beard, as if it were a matter of pride for him.

"Young Master, would you like to join us for a drink? "

"Oh, of course, Mr. Howland, it's my pleasure. " There is no reason for Zachkiel to refuse. Apart from the fact that this trial ended earlier than usual, today was also so cold that he needed a glass or two wine to warm himself up. But clearly, these two reasons are just an excuse. The main reason Zachkiel had to accept it was because he and this person had a certain cooperative relationship that couldn't be ignored. You could say, they are one 'party' person. Almost all the officials in the imperial court had their own relations and formed a 'party'. These two people are included.

Riding their respective horse-drawn carriages, they headed for the funhouse that was well-known among the Capital's officials. In that place, besides providing beautiful women to massage and spend a beautiful night together, they also provide high-end wine and several art performances that are pleasing to the eye. The name of this place is 'Lunaria Pavilion'. A funhouse as well as brothel owned by a noble from the Elsbeth family, who also controlled more than half of the trading chain in the Capital.

This time, the informal gathering was attended by several important officials from the imperial court. But for sure, it was held under the knowledge of the Grand Chancellor, though none of them dared to invite him either. In essence, this is an informal gathering that isn't risky.

People ordered lavish wine and dance performances along with other sumptuous dishes, as they sat around a large table in an exclusive booth.

Zachkiel sat next to the Secretary of the Evaluation Bureau on his left, while on his right was filled by a Middle Judge from the Ministry of Justice. Several people wanted to pour him wine and toast, and he took them all in turn.

"I didn't expect that the Hereditary Princess would rise in the same way as her Father. It's only a year apart, and they've achieved the success that way. " It was the Middle Judge who spoke first after taking a sip of the wine in his small saucer.

"She was quite reckless, and frankly, a bit scary. "Zachkiel replied. He took a sip of his wine and continued, chuckling lightly, "Putting aside her victory, the punishment Emperor gave her was completely disproportionate. "

One of the Imperial Censors greeted him with the same chuckle, saying, "Dunno. Perhaps His Majesty the Emperor wanted to make her his daughter-in-law. "

The others laughed too.

"With Great General Clavier's failure this time around, it's certain that no matter what, the Livia Armored Cavalry cannot be overpowered by someone outside the Zehra family. Going forward, the Empire could no longer be careless by placing someone other than Zehra in the position of Armored Cavalry Commander. " This is a statement delivered by the Secretary of the Inspection Bureau who hasn't touched the wine at all. He still wanted to talk and start this discussion with his senses, before dissolving into the wine and going insane. He just fiddled with his wine cup in hand while speaking seriously. "Well, that act in itself is equivalent to placing a fox at the helm of a pack of wolves. Instead of being able to take command, the Empire gave delicious bait to the wolves. "

"Now the Armored Cavalry has descended into the hands of the Hereditary Princess. It was only a matter of time, until someone married her and took power in the Western Frontier. "

"Well, after all, a Female General, no matter how great they are, women are still women. No matter how great they lead, no matter how great their ancestors were in the past, there are times when they have to leave everything to men. "

The people then laughed once more, and began to lighten the mood by filling each other's glasses and drinking amidst laughter and nonsense talk full of formality. Zachkiel received the umpteenth pour of his wine glass and started to lose his sanity. He then politely refused someone who was about to refill his empty glass, still wanting to maintain his last consciousness before the gathering ended.

"Tomorrow, the one who came to inspect the Hereditary Princess's residence with a few people from the Imperial Censorship was Young Master Javaid, right? "

Zachkiel cleared his throat and confirmed, "Yes. "

"I know it's just a formality, but be careful. One little mistake, you'll nudge the Grand Marshal. "

Zachkiel laughed. "Of course, Sir. Thanks for the warning. " They continued a few more drinking rounds and decided to head home afterward.

Zachkiel came home assisted by his two bodyguards, unable to stand properly due to the amount of wine he drank. His eyes were spinning and his stomach was queasy. When he arrived at the gate of the Lunaria Pavilion, Zachkiel couldn't hold it in anymore and immediately threw up, draining his entire stomach, bringing back the wine he had just drunk.

One of his bodyguards helped support him, while the other helped him take off his court uniform. After Zachkiel threw up, he almost threw up again when he saw the vomit. He immediately pinched his nose as if the dirt belonged to someone else, and rushed into the Horse Carriage.

He had to hurry home and rest because tomorrow, he had a tiring agenda to visit the Hereditary Princess' residence as an inspector.