Silk Road

Elsewhere, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Regalia was enjoying his wine with the 6th Prince in the Lunaria Pavilion. Zachkiel gave the Prince a certain look, before cautiously saying, "You didn't visit the Emperor first, and instead chose to take the Hereditary Princess home alone on horseback and drink wine with a single dog like me. You really are brave."

For a moment, Asura was silent as he fiddled with his finger on the rim of the wine cup. "You sure are fast."

Zachkiel shrugged his shoulders and replied casually, "Nothing is faster than the chain of information among the Regalia Guards."

"You guys are like eunuchs."

"But we weren't castrated. And we were dashing."

"Yes. How dashing."

Somehow Zachkiel was a little embarrassed. He cleared his throat and said, starting to get a little serious. "I'm sure the Hereditary Princess doesn't mean anything bad to you, Your Majesty." Zachkiel's fingers played an orderly note across the table. An unfamiliar tone that he got from the Hereditary Princess by her habit of tapping the surface of the table. "She knows that when the Crown Prince returns, then one of them— between that father-daughter, must stay in the Capital as collateral. You must already know about the construction of the new silk road, right?"

"Yes." Asura lowered his head. With his finger, he drew something. It was unclear what he was making, but in doing so, it seemed that Asura was deciphering his thoughts. And when he had come to a conclusion, he summed it up and said, "In the past, the northeast silk road used water access via the northeastern solon river and ended at Sigeweard. Since the fall of the 5 Great Northeast Districts, our trade routes died and had to be relocated. At first, the old silk route could still be used by passing through Pordis and turning a little further past the end of the Parinia Kingdom area. However, when it was recently discovered that Parinia had something to do with the fall of the 5 Great Northeast Districts, then Elysian would not hesitate to pass through the Parinia Capital as the new silk road. During the construction of the new silk road, the Grand Marshal was the one to oversee it. But many believed that the Emperor would not hand over the task of supervising to him when the silk road was completed."

Zachkiel immediately joined in drawing something on the table surface. However, he uses his wine as a writing medium so that the plans he draws can be seen clearly. After all, he was not as smart as Asura. "That's true. In the past when we were still using the Pordis route, we paid huge sums of money to just pass a pathway in their small village. Our pay to them even exceeds the annual salary of the 10 Ministers there. But Parinia can't be loyal and a bit greedy. so they sold our military maps of the 5 Great Northeast Districts and gave way through Sigeweard to the army of bars and caused destruction. Therefore, now, our silk road will be built not in Pordis, but in East Tacitus and will pass through the Capital of Parinia. I was a little surprised when I first heard it. All the domestic officials knew how the Emperor disliked his Imperial Uncle, but somehow he instead placed his new silk road in the area under his Imperial Uncle's rule? The Crown Prince is in Vigdis and Pordis is his territory, but why did the Emperor choose East Tacitus under Maxima's rule? People would think that the Emperor was starting to have a bad relationship with the Crown Prince. "

Asura looked thoughtful, then tapped his fingers on the surface of the table. He said, "Unless this is the Crown Prince's plan."

Zachkiel almost choked when he heard that. The heat of the wine he drank burned his throat, even slightly piercing his nostrils. "Why did you think so?"

Asura snapped his fingers. "Are you going to give bad bait to attract the attention of your prey? To accuse a thief, first put the prize in his hands, then people will believe it."

"Damn... "


He was just about to take a shower when there was a knock on his door. The beat was quite loud and rushed, like being pressed for time. Asura was silent for a moment. He thought it was the time. In an instant, all the calmness on Asura's face faded like dry leaves in the wind. He ruffled his hair, then opened the door without haste and poked half his head in the gap.

The two Regalia Guards immediately said, "Your Majesty, His Majesty the Emperor is waiting for you in the Morning Court Hall."

Asura displayed a confused expression for a moment. "Isn't it still too early? I haven't even shaved yet."

The two smiled politely, but didn't answer. Asura was about to close the door again, before the two of them rushed to restrain the door leaf with terrifying force, preventing him from escaping. Still with the same eerie smile, the two said, "Come, Your Majesty."

Asura smiled back. "Fine. Let me put some clothes on first." It just so happened that right now he was still shirtless, showing off his strong body with muscle lines covered in pale skin. He wasn't even wearing any pants, and his bottom was only covered by a blanket which he wrapped around his waist dragging across the floor.

The two still holding the door smiling, replied, "Let us help, Your Majesty."

Asura was somewhat helpless. He allowed the two of them to help him with their poor skills. Wine bottles were strewn on the floor, while a mysterious person appears to be hiding under another blanket on the mattress. These two bodyguards were aware of it, but they remained professional when they pretended not to. Their ability to dress someone up was so poor that Asura's clothes were completely untidy.

At exactly 7 o'clock, they were done with everything and ready to face the Emperor in the Main Palace. It was quite far from the residence of the Princes, so Asura needed to travel about 3 minutes to arrive. Every maid who passed by would bow politely and give a formal greeting. The eunuchs were like that, the difference was that in the polite impression they gave, there was a bit of contempt.

The impression is arrogant and haughty, as if they are looking at a shoe that will soon be replaced by its owner. Asura pretended to be stupid, not going to give any particular response when he saw that.

When they arrived, the Emperor was already waiting inside the Morning Court Hall sipping his tea.

Asura and the two Guards who were guiding him immediately bowed to the Emperor, conveyed their benevolent greetings, and rose when the Emperor had requested it. The floor of the Hall was covered with a thick velvet carpet so that the forehead of anyone who wished to honor the Emperor would not harm or hurt.

When Asura rose from his prostrations, he was surprised to find the Emperor already in front of him and tugged at the back of his shirt in anger. "Damn kid, how many times have I told you to come face to face with me when you get home?!"

The emperor noticed the 22-year-old boy's face. His pale face was slightly red with dark eye bags under his reddened eyes. Not only that, even from his body there was an unpleasant smell of wine. Asura was forcibly pulled from his kneeling position, and the furious Emperor mercilessly dragged him away. The Emperor beat him on the head with a folding fan until the fan broke and the sharp splinters cut Asura's temple. Blood flowed and instantly, the Emperor stopped. There was a sound of deep breathing in a strong sigh, before the Emperor embraced the boy.

"Where have you been all this time? You haven't been home for months." The emperor who had calmed down a bit felt that he had gone a bit too far earlier. This little brother of his was a total jerk and gave him a headache, but when they confronted him and he let out his temper, all that was left was regret. Among all the children of former Emperor Tara Galandra Linden, only the two of them remained. Inevitably the Arcana Emperor would have heavy feelings for Asura. He let Asura do as he pleased, even turning a blind eye to his jerks on the outside, simply because they were the only brothers he had left. The Arcana Emperor spoiled his younger brother so much that he was willing to give large pocket money even though Asura didn't even do any imperial task, which he never even did to the Crown Prince.

The Arcana Emperor was still hugging Asura, and Asura hugged him back without a word. On the other hand, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Regalia was watching the two from an angle. He pretends to be air, its there but not seen. He is very good at playing that role. When the Emperor had finished with his business with the 6th Prince, the relaxed atmosphere disappeared in an instant and was replaced with another formal atmosphere.

The emperor corrected his attitude, and cleared his throat quietly, while the ladies waiting outside the door had received their sign, they rushed in with food trolleys. The morning court table was instantly converted into a breakfast table. There are only three of them here. Asura sat next to the Emperor, while the Supreme Commander of the Regalia Guards faced the two.

A layer of red cloth was spread across the table, keeping it from getting dirty during the meal. Silver spoons and forks against ceramic plates create harmony during breakfast. The Emperor ate in a very good manner, not much different from the other two. They eat with their mouths awake without much unnecessary noise. There was silence at that time, only the sound of cutlery and ceramics became a symphony.

There are various kinds of side dishes provided. Especially processed meat because the Emperor liked it very much.

After the breakfast together was over, the same ladies-in-waiting who had delivered the food rushed in and tidied up everything. The interior of the Morning Judgment Hall finally returned to its original function.

"Regarding the guard during the Divine Communion, I'll leave it to you. It's a good opportunity to show off one more time." The Emperor fiddled with his thumb ring as he spoke. The tea steam that had just been refilled by the lady-in-waiting appeared in front of him, blurring Zachkiel's view of his figure.

Zachkiel firmly and boldly said, "I am ready with that, Your Majesty."

The Emperor looked satisfied, continuing, "Take Lexis with you to help, but don't expect too much from him." While speaking thus, the Emperor's hand ruffled Asura's messy hair and made it even more chaotic.

Zachkiel chuckled, "It is an honor for me to be able to cooperate with the 6th Prince. Of course I will take good care of him."

The emperor waved his hand. "I hope so."

Zachkiel smiled. He lifted his teacup and sipped quietly, his piercing eyes looking down at the bottom of the glass, meeting the reflection of his own face on the surging surface of the tea. Steam billowed up the tip of his nose. When he finished his drink and put the teacup back on the coaster, he said without diminishing his respect, "Your Majesty, may I ask you something?"

"Say. "

"I want the Hereditary Princess to also help us."

The emperor seemed to be silent for a while. His gaze fell on Zachkiel in probing intent. His brows furrowed slightly. "What for? "

Zachkiel also explained the situation. "This may sound a little presumptuous, but Your Majesty, I would like to see for myself how a person —that makes you even want to break out of the taboo and accept her— works. Throughout the history of our empire, there has never been a single woman serving in a high-ranking official's position, especially a Military Commander. Not only me, but maybe even this one empire will have the same thoughts. Of course you don't need to answer, Your Majesty. Let that woman answer within her means. Does she deserve your generosity or does she not deserve it at all. "

The Emperor raised his eyebrows higher, "Could that be an excuse? Give a more reasonable reason to allow someone who is under house arrest to work in a public place."

Zachkiel immediately stood up and paid deep respects to the Emperor, bowing deeply, before explaining, "The Divine Banquet is a grand event that will involve civilians. Outside the palace, everything is handled by the Imperial Army, and inside, we Regalia Guards will do so. The banquet will be held in the Main Palace with all the gates wide open and allowing some of the civilians in the Capital to enter and watch. At that time, I obviously cannot leave your side at all, Your Majesty. While at that time a threat may come from the outside. It wouldn't hurt to hire extra people. There's no need to take down Livia's Armored Cavalry, I'll lend her a company of troops."

Zachkiel understood very well how risky this request was, and he understood very well the reason why the Emperor had to refuse it. It's a matter of self-esteem. The Livia Armored Cavalry already had a name of its own, and there wasn't a single person on the mainland that had not heard of their prowess. If the Divine Banquet this time was still to be handled by them, the Capital would not have the face to make an appearance. Giving Livia's Armored Cavalry a place to show off in the Capital was like feeding a glass of saltwater into the ocean. There is no need to give a stage to a hero who already has his own stage.

Of course, the Emperor would obviously reject it if the Hereditary Princess would help with the security along with her Armored Cavalry. However, Zachkiel seemed to be stabbed straight to the point of the Emperor's pain when he said that they would only use the Hereditary Princess alone, not all at once with the army. Obviously, it wasn't such a big deal to just hire a 15-year-old little girl.

The Emperor chuckled, breaking the unfavorable atmosphere. Then with a slight sense of humor, the Emperor said, "There is no need to be so tense. What you said is exactly what the Crown Prince said in his letter. Give your company of troops to her and let her keep watch around the Banquet."