Chapter 50: All For One (2)

[Kaede POV]

"All of you, get out of here now!" Itachi-onii-chan shouted as he glanced at my friends and me.

We suddenly felt vibrations in the ground, and countless nomu dug themselves out of the earth's surface. They were brown with long sharp claws, teeth and spikes protruding from their back. The heroes and the police scowled. There are probably at least fifty of them, and they formed a circle around us.

"It's too risky to defeat them without casualties, and killing may be unavoidable...." The leader of the police force stated, and the pro-heroes nodded in agreement.

My friends and I immediately panicked, 'Killing? Can we do that?' All of us thought at the same time

I always know that on my journey to being a hero, one day, I may have to slay my enemies, but even if I know it's going to happen sooner or later, I still find it hard to believe. Everyone else noticed what we were feeling and smiled with sympathy.

Itachi-onii-chan said: "You guys can go hide, we will protect you."

I watched my friends' reactions. They clenched their fists and gritted their teeth in frustration, knowing they would be a liability. They stared at me and waited for my decision.

I took a deep breath: "I'm sorry onii-chan, but we have to decline. We won't be dead weight, and we'll fight with all we got, even if we have to kill. Then so be it....."

I turned my head and glimpsed at my friends, they were still scared, but there was determination and resolve in their eyes. The heroes and police were going to argue with us. But before they could, all the nomu roared and charged.

Itachi-onii-chan parried a strike with his Anbu sword and kicked it in the face. Mountain Lady stomped on one of the monsters, Gang Orca used his quirk and created a large sound wave to blast them away, Best Jeanist trapped many nomu with his strings, and the police started firing at them with their machine guns.

However, my friends and I haven't made a move yet. Even if we were determined to fight back, it was still petrifying.

"Kaede-chan, watch out!" Ochako yelled.

I turned and saw a nomu lunging towards me, its claws reaching for my face, but an ice spike pierced it right in the chest, killing it.

"This isn't the time to be afraid. We all decided not to be a liability. " Todoroki shouted.

The rest of us snapped out of our daze. I gritted my teeth and swung my blade at another nomu running toward me. My katana cut my target in half and instantly killed it. A tear escaped my eye as I cringed away from the now-dead nomu. My hands were trembling; I couldn't believe what I had done. Even though they're monsters, nomu were made from people.

"Todoroki-kun's right. A hero can't always capture villains without consequences," I said with bated breath.

My friends were stunned by my action, but they all nodded. Midoriya activated full cowling and punched a nomu in the chest, breaking its bones. The monster was blown away and landed unmoving on the floor a dozen meters away. Midoriya was shaken, however, he continued to fight and sprinted towards the nearest nomu.

Soon all my classmates fought back while some tried their best not to kill any of the enemies. Onii-chan saw that we were managing, he nodded to himself and glared at AFO, who was observing the battle with amusement. Itachi-onii-chan built chakra into his lower body and charged at AFO with his sword drawn.

[3rd POV]

AFO saw Itachi dashing at him and smiled. Itachi's quirks have always fascinated him, and now that the hero was presenting himself to him on a silver platter, AFO couldn't be happier.

Black tendrils shot out of AFO's fingers and Itachi slashed all the tendrils to pieces: "Kaseiken!" Itachi shouted as he coated his left fist with flames, and aimed for the villain's face. AFO caught the attack with his hand and Itachi twists his body midair, breaking free from the villain's grasp.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" Itachi expels a colossal fireball from his mouth point-blank into AFO's body.

AFO endured the attack, and he charged through the flames. His arm enlarges as rebar and bone spikes emerge out of his skin before smashing his arm down at Itachi. When the attack reaches him, Itachi bursts into a flock of crows. AFO was surprised, and he sensed danger behind him. The villain turned around, and Itachi stared at AFO, his Mangekyou Sharingan spinning rapidly.

"Amaterasu!" Itachi yelled.

He showed AFO no mercy as his Amaterasu was in full power, and he intended to burn AFO into nothing but ash. Black Amaterasu flames burned AFO, melting his body, and he roared in agony. No matter what he does, the fire won't disappear. After a while, Itachi extinguished Amaterasu and his right eye lost vision.

AFO's regeneration quirk kicks in, and his body starts to recover. Unfortunately for AFO, his body couldn't fully heal from the damage and his entire body was now also covered with permanent burn marks.

AFO was enraged: 'How can a measly bug like him hurt me?'

Both of his arms turned into massive drills made of bones as he rushed towards Itachi. Itachi made many shadow clones of himself, and all of their body Flickered towards the symbol of evil. AFO instantly reacted by swinging his drill-like arm in an arc, and he immediately eliminated all of the clones. Fortunately, that gives Itachi time to attack AFO with his sword.

Itachi managed to slash AFO's stomach, but the injury healed in a blink of an eye, and AFO stabbed back with his drill arm. Itachi dodged but was not fast enough as the drill left a cut on Itachi's shoulder, and blood oozed out.

He leapt backward: "Susanoo!" Itachi yelled and a giant orange humanoid wearing tengu armour formed around him.

Itachi's Susanoo flew high into the air with its wings. A sword and shield made of pure flame and orange chakra manifested in Susanoo's hand. It pointed its sword at AFO, who watched with interest.

[A/N: I'm removing Itachi Susanoo's Sword of Totsuka and Yota Mirror cause it's too broken in the MHA world so he gets a normal sword and shield instead. ]

It then dived towards AFO with its sword raised, ready to strike. AFO used his immense strength and jumped high into the air as he flew towards Susanoo like a missile.

AFO pointed his drill at Susanoo, and Itachi blocked with his shield. However, AFO pierced through Itachi's shield and continued to make its way toward the hero himself. The Susanoo swung its sword down at AFO. Both attacks hit each other simultaneously, and a massive explosion was formed, interrupting everyone's battle.

"Onii-chan!" Kaede screamed with fear as she stared at the vast cloud of smoke.

The smoke quickly dispersed. AFO and Itachi were both standing with various wounds over each body. They were both panting tiredly and stared at each other with frustration. AFO's mask was broken, revealing his face, his entire head was covered with deep scar tissue, and the only facial feature was his mouth. They stared at each other, not making a move. This continues until an evil grin appears on AFO's face.

"You made a mistake Red Crow... Villans never play fair!" AFO exclaimed and he exploited one of Itachi's most significant weaknesses.

Before anyone could react, AFO lunged at Kaede, planning to take her life.


Hope you enjoy it!