Chapter 54: Heights Alliance Dorm!

[Kaede POV]

I was astonished that dad had allowed me to participate in the UA dorm system. When All Might and Aizawa-sensei came into our house, I guessed why they were there. I already accepted that there was an extremely high chance my family won't allow me to go to UA anymore.

I will be lying to say that I wasn't saddened to not be able to go to the same school as my friends. However, I understood my family's concern knowing that they were doing what was best for me. So you won't imagine the relief that washed over me once I was allowed to continue studying at UA.

Sometime later.....

I have spent the rest of my holiday constantly training my Mangekyo Sharingan since UA request us to not leave our own homes for our safety. I kept using my abilities repeatedly till I felt that I was about to lose vision. My family scolded me for doing this but eventually relented as my skills were on using the Mangekyo Sharingan were improving.

Now, I can use my Mangekyou Sharingan multiple times before side effects start showing. For Kamui, I can make my body intangible, teleport for a limited distance and have a dimension space the size of a small room where I can store my things. For Daikoku, I can now manage how much power I will take from my enemies, and the speed of the draining process increased exponentially. So even if I just grazed my opponent slightly, I can take an absurd amount of strength from them.

Right now, my family and I are standing outside of our house. They were giving me a final farewell. Students were supposed to be escorted by UA staff, but Itachi onii-chan will walk to school with me, even if he doesn't work for UA. After all, having the number one hero in Japan escorting you was the much better option.

Most things from my room were already sent to UA, and all I have now were clothes and some small personal belongings like my weapons were stored in Kamui.

"Please stay safe, Kaede. We will miss you very much." Mom said while pulling me into an embrace and started to cry.

"I will, mom," I replied and also got a little emotional.

"Be careful, Kaede. Come and see us once in a while, okay?" Dad said.


Thankfully, we're still allowed to leave the school, but we need permission from the teachers. Unfortunately, because of the recent attacks, that feature won't be implemented until things die down. Therefore, I won't see my family for a while, but I'm happy to know we won't be separated forever.

I took a step forward out of the house before quickly running back and giving my parents one last goodbye hug.

"I will miss you!" I yelled.

They laughed: "You will be late, Kaede." Mom said as she gently pushed me away. I nodded and looked at my parents one last time before leaving.

Onii-chan and I slowly made our way to UA, strolling and enjoying each other's company. When we finally arrived at UA, Itachi-onii-chan had a sad smile on his face and he took a scroll from his back pocket and handed it to me.

"I want to give this to you." He explained and placed the scroll in my hand.

"What is it?"

"It's a move that can help you get stronger. I hope you can master it."

"Thank you so much!" I said with excitement

He chuckled and gave me the signature forehead tap. I hugged him as well before entering UA. When I entered, I was surprised to see the massive transformation that UA has gone through. Now there were large buildings constructed in large rows in the span of a couple of acres

'These must be our dorms.' I thought to myself.

I spotted many other students there, and I took out the form UA gave me, it said where 1-A's dorm was, located and I followed its instructions. Took me some time, but I was able to locate my dorm. My friends have already arrived, some have an anxious look while some were excited about this new experience.

"Hi, everyone!" I yelled out to them happily.

Immediately Ochako and Mina tackled me onto the floor and hugged me, their faces were full of concern. I understand why they were worried, because other than my relatives, the hospital stopped everyone else from visiting me. I don't know why they do it but I won't argue with doctors! I messaged my friends about my circumstances but it's different from seeing it from a screen and actually seeing the person.

After my classmates know that I was really okay, they calmed down and we talked about how we spent our remaining holidays until Aizawa-sensei arrived and guided us into the building. As everyone was entering our new dorm suddenly someone tapped me on the back. I turned around and saw Todoroki looking at me with a grim expression.

"Is there something wrong Todoroki-Kun?"

"I'm sorry." He said with a depressed tone.

"Eh for what?"

"I failed to stop the villains from kidnapping you..." He answered with slumped shoulders.

I smiled and gently bonked him on the head with my fist. Todoroki was surprised, he raised his head and saw my smile, "But you also tried to rescue me right?"

Todoroki nodded and I giggled: "Even if you're not aware of it, that really meant a lot to me. So cheer up okay?"

I turned around but Todoroki stopped me: "Wait,"

In his hand was the familiar bracelet he bought for me during the summer festival: "Ah... that's..."

"It broke during the battle at camp, I repaired it," He explained, "May I?"

I nodded and he tied the bracelet to my wrist. My face felt slightly hot and once he finished, I hurriedly retracted my hand: "L... Let's go..."

Todoroki smiled wryly and together we caught up with the rest of the class. Todoroki and I entered the building and we observed our new home in awe. The interior was huge! There's a big kitchen, a lounge with a big TV and many dining tables on the first floor.

Aizawa-sensei explained that the above floors were where our rooms would be located. All the things we sent to UA have already been placed inside the room, and we just have to decorate them. Since it's already afternoon, we've been told to organize our things, and class will officially start tomorrow. Everyone was pretty excited at the thought of exploring the dorm.

For the rest of the afternoon, we all went to decorate our rooms and meet on the first floor when it was dinner time. Speaking of dinner, I was stunned to see a large fridge, and when I opened it, there were tons of different ingredients.

I volunteered on cooking duty but they have to wash the dishes, and everyone enthusiastically agreed. I utilized my cooking skills and made food for my friends. I know that it was a success as I watched my friends stuff their mouths with as much food as humanely possible.

When everyone had finished eating, Mina suggested having the best room competition. Everyone except Bakugo decided to play the game, and we went up to each floor to observe our rooms.

It's interesting to see everyone's taste in their decorations, such as Tokoyami's emo-style room, Koda's animal-friendly room, and Midoriya's All Might Obsession room. Sato also baked a delicious cake for the girls and it was really good!

However, the boys complained that we girls weren't showing them our rooms. Hearing their complaints, we nodded and brought them to our floor.

Everything was going well until we arrived at my room. I forgot that there's something in there that should be kept to the utmost secrecy. As soon as Mina's hand grabbed the doorknob, I Body Flickered in front of her and blocked the door.

"Sorry, but I can't let you guys in!" I said with panic.

I remembered that I had brought my manga drawing materials and manuscripts as I planned to work on the Demon Slayer Volumes while living in UA.

"What's wrong, Uchiha-chan?" Midoriya asked from the back.

"N...Nothing... But I can't show it to you guys!" I replied.

At this point, everyone's starting to get suspicious of what's behind the door, and they're demanding to know what's inside.

"Fine... Just give me a minute!" I said and used Kamui to faze through the door.

I grabbed all the papers on the desk and shoved them into my closet. It was pretty unstable as I threw them in. However, with a loud thud, the closet door exploded open, and all the pages started flying everywhere.

I could hear my friends approaching my door, and I used Kamui to suck all the pages in. I sighed in relief as I wiped the blood off my face from the Kamui.

All my friends went in and started suspiciously investigating my room. Inside there's my usual bed, my studying desk with an office chair. It looks like a normal room except for the possible tens to hundred of plush toys stacked around the place and a vast weapons rack with many sharp weapons placed on it.

These plushies were from back then when I was still a child, I can't have the heart of throwing these things away!

Seeing that my room was nothing like usual except for the rows of weapons and plushies, they became confused. I sighed in relief, but things never went as planned.

"Hey Uchiha-chan, what's this?" Hagakure asked as she pointed at a book in the corner of the room wedged between a plush elephant and a crow.

Before I could stop her, Hagakure had picked it up and opened it. She screamed in shock and everyone immediately crowded around her.

"Oi oi, this isn't this the popular Demon Slayer?" Kaminari asked.

"What volume is this? Why haven't I heard of it?" Kirishima commented.

"Why do you have this Kaede-chan? Volume 14 wasn't even out yet?" Mina asked.

Everyone brought their gaze toward me. Seeing that it was too late to hide anything. I tried to give an excuse but there's one thing you should know. I'm a pretty bad liar...

Obviously, they don't really buy it, I sighed and told them the truth: "Because I'm the one who wrote demon-slayer..."

It took a few seconds for them to process what I said: "WHAT!!!!!!!!" They all yelled.

"You're Sweet Little Princess????" They asked in unison.

Hearing my cringy alias, I winced and nodded, looking at the floor in embarrassment. Soon they all started laughing at me.

"My onii-chan picked the name, not me!" I desperately tried to defend myself but it was not working.

I started to get teary-eyed from the teasing: "Fine! I won't publish the newest volume this month then!" I shouted loudly.

Immediately, their faces became pale: "Isn't that a bit far, Uchiha-chan?" Kirishima said and my friends nodded.

"Hmph!" I pouted and turned my back on them.

"Please forgive us!" Everyone instantly bowed at a perfect ninety degrees angle.

Seeing my friend's guilty looks, I sighed: "Fine, but don't mention that name again!" I demanded

My classmates quickly nodded, knowing what was at stake if they don't listen. All of them looked at each other in silence before crowding around me.

"Why did Rengoku-san have to die??"

"Why does Zenitsu-san have a sparrow??"

"What's the back story for demons??"

My classmates did a full-out interrogation, constantly asking questions about the story. I somehow managed to calm them down and told them they will find out in time. In the end, we decided that Sato has the best room and it's definitely not because of the cake he baked.

That's how my first day living in UA went out!


I hope you enjoy it!