Chapter 59: Genjutsu sure is annoying

[3rd POV]

Kaede and Shisui dash around the battlefield, Shisui with his extreme speed and Kaede with her Lightning Chakra Mode. However, Shisui has the advantage as Kaede could barely catch up with Shisui's speed.

Every time they clash, metal striking metal echoes throughout the stadium. Kaede's hands started to numb with each attack from Shisui's blade. Shisui was terrifying because he never needed to slow down to aim his attack, thanks to his Sharingan.

Due to that fact, Shisui can generate an absurd amount of force before attacking his enemies. Fortunately for Kaede, without Shisui realizing it and with every engagement, Kaede uses her Daikoku to sap away a tiny amount of Shisui's strength to not arouse suspicion.

When she drained enough strength, Kaede purposely slowed down and deactivated her Lighting Chakra Mode to lure Shisui into a false sense of security. It worked and Shisui stopped his attack as well.

"Seems like I used more energy than I expected..." Shisui muttered and he flexed his fingers. Kaede smirked, knowing what had actually happened.

"All well seems like I need to use my trump card!" Without hesitation, Shisui appeared in front of Kaede. He swung his sword, and Kaede hurriedly blocked. She fell onto one knee from the impact as spiderweb-like cracks formed where she was standing. Kaede immediately stopped hiding her strength as she slowly stood up and further boosted the chakra into her limbs.

Shisui was shocked by her sudden increase in power and he decided to use his ultimate trump card. He locked his blade on Kaede's katana and his pupils changed from the standard three tomoe into a pinwheel. Kaede was stunned and she tried to escape with Kamui but fate was sealed with a single word...


Kaede's body completely froze, and she was forced to stare into Shisui's eyes. Within a few seconds, everything went pitch black.

Shisui warily let go as Kaede dropped her katana: "Sorry, cousin, but it seems like I won this one." He said while smiling wryly as he was going to hand chop Kaede's neck to knock her out entirely.

Suddenly a huge purple ribcage surrounded Kaede's body, and Shisui winced from how tough it was as his hand hit the ribcage. While even under Genjutsu, out of bodily instinct, Kaede subconsciously activated her Susanoo to protect herself.

Shisui stabbed the ribcage with his sword, but it barely made a dent, and he clicked his teeth, seeing that his sword was now slightly chipped. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders, trying all the other methods he could think of to destroy Kaede's ultimate defense.

[Kaede POV]

"Where the hell am I!" I screamed in frustration.

I found myself in a long hallway with probably hundreds of doors. I guessed that one of these doors would be an exit.

"It's this one here!" I opened the first door, but it revealed an empty room.

"Okay, how about this one!" I exclaimed and slammed open the second door.

"Thirds time the charm!"

"Fourth time the charm!"

"Fifth time the charm?"




I grumbled with annoyance: "Shisui-kun, you better watch out. When I come back, you will regret it!" I screeched while shaking my fist at the ceiling.

Countless doors later.....

"Here's Kaede!"


Was one of these doors even the exit? I sighed tiredly at the thought and lazily opened the next door but instead of the familiar empty room, there seemed to be a ghoulish creature sitting in the corner.

It slowly turned around and stared at me with its sunken eyes, and my body jolted: "Hehe, sorry to bother you, ghoul-san." I chuckled while closing the door.

Immediately a fist burst through the door and turned the doorknob. The ghoul emerged while observing me like I was prey. The ghoul was freakishly tall with long arms and white skin, and it was also very skinny, like a skeleton wearing a skin suit.

It growled, and without hesitation, I sprinted away: "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I screamed and ran as fast as I could.

"DAMN YOU SHISUI-KUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as the monster chased after me.

Suddenly twists and turns started to manifest in the hallway, but with every turn, another one of those ghouls appeared. After ten minutes of running, I finally noticed a door that seemed different from all the others. I ran towards it, didn't think twice about it, and charged through the entryway.

There was a blinding light, and everything became blank.

[3rd POV]

"What was this broken ability." Shisui groaned while staring at Kaede's Susanoo.

He stabbed what was left of his weapon once more, but the Susanoo vanished, and Kaede grabbed him by the wrist.

"I'm back, miss me, Shisui-kun?" Kaede said while smiling, but her smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Sorry..." Shisui gulped with a pale face.

Ignoring his apology, Kaede started beating the crap out of him.

"THAT WAS TERRIFYING" She yelled with tears in her eyes.

Shisui's face now looked just as bad as the boys in Class-1B back in training camp, and Kaede dropped him to the floor.

"I may have gone a bit overboard..." Kaede smiled awkwardly while scratching the side of her cheek.

Shisui didn't respond as he lay on the floor, glaring at his cousin: "I'm sorry, Shisui-kun, next time we meet, I will treat you to my cooking!"

Shisui's eyes lit up before groaning: "You better..."

[Itachi POV]


I smiled and watched the battle between Kaede and Shisui. Watching the fight, I can tell how hard she has been training. I'm incredibly proud of her and I remember she was still just a child as if it was just yesterday.

I immediately signed up when I heard that the hero committee needed heroes to act as villains. There were two reasons, the first was to meet my beloved sister again, and the other was...

A colossal iceberg appeared before me, and I destroyed it with a single punch.

"Ah... you're here..." I said to Enji's son who was standing before me.

"Your name is Shoto, right?" I asked.

He was bewildered but nodded to my question.

"Good... The Hero Committee told me not to go all out. However, that doesn't mean I will make this easy!" I shouted and threw two kunai at him.

Like all our weapons, the edges were rounded so they won't cut into the flesh. Unfortunately, it will still hurt pretty bad. A small ice wall blocked the kunai, and Shoto then removed the ice and fired a stream of fire out of his palm.

I held out my new hand to block the attack. I have to admit, this new arm of mine was better than I expected. It's rigid, flexible, and powerful. Surprisingly, before the fire reached me, a massive gust of wind blew it away.

"This will be my fight!" Another boy yelled and glided towards me from the sky. I tilted my head to the side, and his foot soared past my head. I jumped away to create distance between the two.

"What are you doing? My attack could have hit him!" Shoto shouted.

"I won't lose our competition! So get out of my way! My name is Inasa Yoarashi, and my pro-hero name is Gale Force! I will be the one to defeat you, villain!" Inasa declared.

Shoto looked at him with annoyance. Seeing these two bickerings, I frowned. 'Who the hell would be arguing in a situation like this? And also, why do I have the urge to beat up that Inasa boy even more than Shoto???'

Shoto launched an ice spike, and Inasa shot a wind blade, both attacks going toward me quickly. However, like before, both attacks collided and canceled each other out.

"What are you doing!" x2 The two students yelled at each other.

"You just wanted to hog all the glory! But you shall be the one to lose this challenge!" Inasa declared.

Shoto clicked his teeth, and he stared back. I sighed: "How do you have the nerves to call yourselves heroes?" I muttered.

"Katon Gōkakyū no Jutsu!" I expel a giant fireball between them. Shoto and Inasa dodged, and I immediately flickered in front of Inasa and grabbed him by the neck. I threw him towards Shoto, and both boys crashed into each other.

I walked up to them and lifted both heroes by the collar.

"Seems like your participation in this exam ends here," I said with a cold tone.


Hope you Enjoy