Chapter 61: What friends are for

[Kaede POV]


I woke up with a yawn and tiredly rubbed my eyes. I didn't sleep well last night for obvious reasons. Do I truly like Todoroki? My friends were probably just messing with me! Right? My face heated up from the thought. I shook my head and slapped my cheeks to calm myself down.

Thinking about it won't make the situation any better. I changed my school uniform and came down to the living room with a tired expression.

Most of my friends were already awake, and I greeted them: "Hey guys...."

"Wow, Kaede-chan, what happened?" Mina and Ochako asked with concern.

"I didn't sleep well last night..." I answered.

They both smirked. The two of them must have known the reason why. I got slightly annoyed by their smug grin, so I generated electricity in my fingers and tased the two of them.

They yelped in surprise and pouted at me, and I giggled in response. Mina sighed and changed the topic: "By the way, have you heard that Midoriya-kun and Bakugo-kun fought last night and got into trouble."

My eyes widened: ' I completely forgot that would happen!'

"What punishment did they get?" I asked to see if it's still the same as in the anime.

"They got put on house arrest," Ochako responded.

We talked a bit more before going to school. In class, Aizawa-sensei congratulated us on our Provisional Hero License Exam. He then spoke about work studies. Aizawa-sensei explained that it's like a more formal version of our internships, and with our license, we will be able to do more things as a hero. Aizawa-sensei said that a more detailed explanation would be given to us soon before leaving the room.

After that, we had regular lessons for the rest of the day. The class was still pretty straightforward, but my eyes occasionally wandered to Todoroki, which broke my concentration. When school ended, I decided to take a walk around the Height Alliance Dorm to clear my head.

The area where the dorms were built was like a sort of private park with trees, a vast walkway and park benches. Other students were there, and I greeted them when we crossed paths. I found a bench in a quiet area and sat down. I took out my sketchbook from my Kamui Dimension and begun sketching the new volume of Demon Slayer because that's one of the best ways I found to relieve stress..

[3rd POV]

"The sun is about to set. Kaede-chan hasn't come back yet...." Ochako muttered anxiously to her classmates.

"Todoroki-kun, go find her okay?" Mina said to Shoto, and the rest of the girls agreed, not even giving him time to say anything.

They have always wanted to ship those two, but yesterday they finally saw some developments. So right now, they will take any chance to put them together.

Ten minutes of walking later...

After wandering around the Height Alliance, he finally spotted Kaede sitting on a bench and drawing on her sketchbook. Shoto couldn't get his eyes off her as he watched in a daze as the setting sun shined upon Kaede's face and her long black hair fluttered in the wind.

Shoto wanted to approach her but he froze. His palm felt sweaty and he gulped nervously. After a few minutes of regaining his composure, just as he was about to call Kaede, someone stopped him.

"Hey, may I talk to you for a second?"

Shoto turned around and noticed a female UA student shyly glancing at him...

[Kaede POV]

I took a deep breath and glanced up. I frowned however when I noticed Todoorki in the distance, but there was a girl beside him. They began to walk away and I couldn't help but follow them. They arrived at the back of a dorm building and I hid around the corner while holding my breath.

I know eavesdropping was bad behaviour but for some reason, I really couldn't help it!

"What is it?" Todoroki's voice made my body stiffen.

I glanced around the corner and the girl was blushing: "I've always liked you Todoroki-kun! So please go out with me!"

"Wha..." I uttered in shock.

My heart churned and began beating erratically. I bit my finger and a strange feeling sprouted within me. I wanted to congratulate Todoroki but my heart wasn't thinking the same...

'Will Todoroki-kun accept??' Just the mere thought of Todoroki accepting the girl's confession made me feel horrible...


'Why am I feeling this way??'


'Did I really like him???????'


A loud voice snapped me out of my thought. I glanced to my right and Todoroki was staring at me with a worried expression: "Are you alright?"

"Huh, oh yes!" I responded in a high-pitched voice.

Todoroki nodded: "Let's go,"

"Yeah..." I replied in a daze and hurriedly chased after him.

[3rd POV]

The two walked in silence, Shoto observed Kaede from the corner of his eyes and noticed that she have a blank expression. Even with an expression, like that, Shoto thought that Kaede still looked strangely beautiful.

"I refused by the way..." Shoto suddenly said out of the blue, catching Kaede off-guard.

"Huh?" Kaede made a weird sound at the unexpected words.

"I rejected her," Shoto repeated while staring into the distance.

"Oh..." Kaede muttered and she felt a weight being lifted off her chest as her lips loosened.

She quickly hid her smile and blushed. Shoto thankfully didn't see Kaede's reaction and sighed. After calming down, Kaede couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

Shoto shrugged: "I believe that love shouldn't be so carefree. It's something special between two people, if I don't feel the same way, why should I accept it?"

Kaede's eyes widened at Shoto's response before laughing uncontrollably. Shoto frowned and felt embarrassed by his cringe words.

Kaede's laughter died down and glanced at Shoto with a smile: "For someone like you, it's surprising to know that you're so philosophical and romantic,"

Shoto blushed and averted his gaze, which made Kaede laugh even more: "Then how about you?" He asked.

"Eh me?" Kaede said.

Shoto nodded: "What's your view on love?"

Kaede's face redded and stared at her feet: "I... I also think the same way too..."

Shoto grinned: "Is that so?"

Kaede was too embarrassed and hurriedly changed to topic: "Here, I wanted you to have this," Kaede said as she activated her Kamui; she created a small black portal, reached in, pulled out the newest unreleased version of Demon Slayer, and handed it to him.

"I need someone to proofread it, so can you help me?" Kaede requested.

Shoto agreed, but he didn't take the book as he focused on Kaede's face, where blood was seeping out of her right eye: "Does it hurt?"

"I got used to it," Kaede responded. She stopped and tried to wipe it away with her hand.

But before she could, Shoto took out a tissue and gently wiped the blood off Kaede's face for her. Kaede was caught off guard and she blushed.

"Wh..what are you doing!" She exclaimed with a red face.

"Helping a friend out."

Kaede was too embarrassed to say anything as she stared at the ground and pushed the manga into Shoto's chest. She took a deep breath before giving Shoto the brightest smile he had seen: "You're too kind, Todoroki-kun, that's what I like about you...."

'What did she just say?' Shoto wasn't sure if his ears were working correctly.

Shoto didn't know how to respond, so he nodded, and both resumed walking. However, without realizing it, the distance between the two was much closer than before.

A few minutes earlier...

As Kaede and Shoto were talking, one of the bushes behind them started rustling.

A couple of heads popped out as they looked at the two.

"Are you sure we're allowed to watch this?" Tenya asked.

"Yeah, Mina-chan, isn't this suppose to be private?" Ochako said.

"It's fine!" Mina reassured them, and she brought out her phone and started taking pictures.

"Wait, what's that?" Tsuyu said as they saw Kaede take something out with her Kamui.

"No way that's!" Momo said, shocked as she created multiple binoculars for her friend.

"The unreleased volume of Demon Slayer...." Denki said, shocked.

Drools were hanging out of their mouths. They stared at Shoto with jealousy. They may or may not steal that later...


Hope you enjoy