Chapter 89: A new unexpected friend!

[Kaede POV]

"Phew! That's today's work-study done!" I exclaimed to myself and cheerfully made my way back to UA.

After my experience with Ryukyu, I returned to work study with Itachi-onii-chan. My time in work-study has been going smoothly and our usual routine was to patrol around the city, occasionally assisting heroes all over Japan!


"Huh, who's there?" I muttered to myself as a voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I turned my head and found a tiny kitten sitting in an alleyway between two large buildings. It meowed again and looked up at me as I tilted my head in confusion.

It meowed once more and scratched its head with its paw; I slowly made my way towards the animal and knelt down. We stared at each other in silence; I held my hand and gently patted it on the head. Feeling the softness of the fur, I slightly relaxed and I was ensured that this time it was actually a cat and not a plastic bag.

Even if it may seem obvious, it's better safe than sorry! You never know when the God of Plastic Bags may choose to end my life again. The animal purred at my head patting, and I was surprised that the wild kitten was pretty docile since you would usually expect it to be way warier to strangers.

"What are you doing here, kitty-kun?" I asked.

The cat meowed angrily, and it slapped my hand with its paw. I quickly realised the cat was a girl, and I hurriedly apologised, and the small animal calmed down.

I giggled at the cat's smart behaviour. I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan, reached into my Kamui Dimension, and took out some food. I placed the snack on the floor. The small animal sniffed it and immediately started consuming the meal.

'Since it's just a kitten, that means her parents should be nearby, right?' I thought.

I stood back up, and the kitten stopped eating and glanced up at me: "Sorry, kitty-chan, but I have to go now. My friends were waiting for me." I explained and started to walk away.

The cat quickly ran up, stopped before me, and meowed sadly. I wanted to stay, but I needed to go, or Aizawa-sensei would get mad. Still, seeing the kitten's gloomy look, I decided to give it a proposal: "Sorry, kitty-chan, but I needed to go, but I will come back tomorrow, is that okay?"

The kitten didn't move for a while before it nodded and went back to the alleyway, I was still shocked about how this animal could understand Japanese, but I decided not to put too much thought into it and left.

[3rd POV]

After that day, Kaede continues to visit the small animal, and the cat will always wait for her. Kaede found out the cat was an orphan and felt sympathy for the kitten. She will give the kitten some food every visit and play with her. Without Kaede realising, the kitten has already considered Kaede as her mother.

After a few weeks of this routine, Kaede finally fell for the cat's cute charm and decided to take her back to UA. She knows that pets were allowed since her classmate, Koji, has a rabbit in his room, so what's the worst that could happen?

Ten minutes later...

"Hi guys, I'm back!" Kaede said as she returned from the dorm.

"Welcome back," everyone greeted: "Eh, what's that?" Mina pointed out the small creature covered with dirt in Kaede's arms.

"Meowww...." The cat yawned and observed the new group of people.

The girls immediately realised what it was, and they all crowded around Kaede with love hearts in their eyes.

"So cute!"

"Where did you find this adorable thing!"


The kitten meowed once more, and the girl's heart melted from the cuteness. Kaede then explained how she had met their new friend and wanted to keep it because she didn't have any parents. Everyone agreed, thinking that it was nice that the dorm would be getting livelier.

"We need to clean her up!" Momo declared and told Kaede a list of things needed to keep a cat.

Kaede nodded and used her Kamui to warp away, and she soon returned with basic cat necessities such as Cat Food or Sand Box. Kaede brought the cat to her room and started bathing her at the bathroom sink.

Kaede washed the kitten with lice shampoo and pet's body wash as she scrubbed the cat with warm water. The small animal didn't resist the cleaning and even purred in comfort, revealing her beautiful snow-white fur. When Kaede finished bathing the cat, she dried her with a towel before bringing the kitten downstairs.

Kaede placed the cat on the floor and explored her new surroundings. Kaede's classmates gathered around the animal while talking excitedly: "By the way, what's her name?" Eijiro asked.

"I didn't give her a name yet...." Kaede chuckled embarrassingly.

Her friends sighed, so together, they tried to think of a name for the cat. Everyone wrote down what they thought was the best name for the cat on the piece of paper, and they then placed the paper on the floor so the cat would decide for herself.

[Kaede POV]

My friends and I watched with excitement as Kitty-chan looked at the papers around her. At first, Kitty-chan slowly approached the paper with the names my classmates wrote, but she hissed before pushing them away, much to my friend's despair.

When I finally arrived at my selection, I held my breath, hoping that my choice won't suffer the same fate as my friends. I have chosen the name Miyuki because her pure white fur reminds me of snow.

Kitty-chan stared at the name for ten seconds before meowing and placing her paw on the paper. I picked the cat up: "So, do you want to be called Miyuki?" I asked just to be sure.

The cat meowed, and I took that as confirmation; I smiled happily and rubbed my face against Miyuki, my new family member!

[3rd POV]

As Kaede was playing with Miyuki, the front door of their dorm opened.

"We're back!" Midoriya called out as Bakugo and Shoto also entered the building.

"Ah Deku-kun welcome back!" Ochako warmly welcomed him.

Kaede also welcomed Shoto as he smiled before hugging her; Kaede's face turned red at Shoto's sudden contact. Shoto grinned, and Kaede's cheeks inflated like a chipmunk and she pouted at him.

Shoto's laughter didn't last long as Kaede stood on her tiptoes and quickly kissed him. Shoto's face goes red, and his brain starts to malfunction. Kaede also slightly blushed from her bold advance, but they both snapped out of their daydream when they heard their friends clear their throats.

Kaede calmed down and introduced Shoto, Izuku and Katsuki to the new family member: "I want to introduce you to Miyuki-chan!" Kaede said happily and held out Miyuki in front of them.

The cat meowed, and Shoto slowly reached out his hand to pet her. But to everyone's surprise, Miyuki hissed and bit him on the hand. Shoto winced and quickly backed away.

"Miyuki, you can't be biting people, okay?!" Kaede explained, and Miyuki meowed in response.

"Sorry, Shoto-kun, I don't know what got into Miyuki since she was pretty friendly to everyone else," Kaede explained and healed the tiny bit mark on Shoto's hand.

'What happened to Miyuki? She was being very sweet, but she suddenly attacked Shoto! I hope it may be just an accident and not something long-term...' Kaede thought.

[Miyuki POV]

Mother took me back home.

She fed, cleaned and gave me a name.

She lives with other humans, and they are nice too.

However, there was one human that acted weird around Mother.

Mother seemed angry at his actions, and she bit him in retaliation.

So he must be harming Mother!

I also bit the human to protect her, but Mother told me not to.

However, if I stop, the dangerous human may hurt her more!

So I need to protect Mother!


I hope you enjoy it!