Chapter 97: Caging the Goliath

[3rd POV]

Kaede condensed the attack to one direction as all the power of Shinra Tensei was unleashed in front of her. Tomura instantly blasted away as he felt all his bones break from the repulsive force. His body smashed into a distant building, and the entire structure collapsed on top of him.

They would've exploded into a red mist if it were just any normal person. Still, thanks to Doctor Garaki's body-enhancing operation, Tomura survived with an inch of his life.

"Is this the power of the Rinnegan....." Kaede muttered with disbelief.

She landed on the floor, and everyone watched her in shock. They could tell that, somehow, Kaede had become much stronger. Before she could say anything, Shoto wrapped his arm around her, unwilling to let go.

"Ah, Shoto, not now," Kaede said and tried to escape, but he held her even tighter than before.

He leaned in and whispered in her ear: "I thought I lost you."

Kaede froze and noticed a single tear escape Shoto's eyes. Her body relaxed, and she buried her face in his chest. Guilt overcame her, and Kaede instinctively apologized: "I'm sorry."

"No," Shoto shook his head: "I should've protected you better."


Suddenly their touching moment ended abruptly when Katzuki cleared his throat: "Oi oi, stop flirting. We're in the middle of a war here."

Kaede and Shoto blushed, they hurriedly broke away from the embrace before regaining their serious attitude. It was just in time as all the heroes immediately spotted a massive cloud of dust travelling towards them at a frightening speed.

The heroes could faitnly discern the figure of a giant charging at them while leaving nothing but carnage in it's path. Once the monster was close enough, the could finally get a clear view of the unknown individual.

The stranger was a giant of a man, easily tower a small building. He have straight spiky brown hair, his body appeared to be jagged with skin looking as tough as stone and sharp teeth that could tear anything to shreds. However, the notable feature of the man's appearance was the portal radio attached to a thick string and he wore it like a necklace.

Realsing the true identity of the man, all the heroes grimaced. Gigantomachia's here...

[Kaede POV]

"Uchiha-chan!" I heard my name being called in the distance.

I turned around and was surprised to see the rest of my classmates arrive, and they froze when they saw the imposing figure of Gigantomachia.

Gigantomachia sniffed the air before snarling and swiping at a pile of debris, revealing the broken body of Tomura, barely breathing. Three figures jumped down from Gigantomachia's back and landed beside Tomura.

I clearly remember them, Mr. Compress, Spinner, and Kugutsu...

Tomura muttered something, and Gigantomachia turned his head to face us, specifically at me. The villain roared angrily and dragged his body towards me.

Suddenly an orange giant dived down from the sky and performed a dropkick onto Gigantomachia's face. The giant face planted to the ground and stopped his charge.

"Onii-chan!" I yelled with relief as Itachi-onii-chan appeared and his Susanoo grasped Gigantomachia by the throat and punched the villain in the face continuously. A slim man dressed in jeans and a denim waistcoat stood on Susanoo's shoulder as he leaped off. Fiber wire shot out of his sleeves and tied up all the villains with his elegant control on the tough strings..

"You should be dead...." Kugutsu muttered with disbelief, and Best Jeanist smirked in response.

Gigantomachia broke free of the restraint with pure physical strength, and the monster charged with unrelenting force. Itachi-onii-chan stopped him and drove Gigantomachia back. Itachi-onii-chan gritted his teeth as Gigantomachia was simply too strong, and the Susanoo was losing ground.

I got on top of the Susanoo and stared at Gigantomachia with my Rinnegan: "Shinra Tensei!" I exclaimed, and Gigantomachia was sent stumbling back. I winced as my eyes started to bleed, but ignored the discomfort and wiped the blood off my face.

The heroes took this chance to strike Gigantomachia with all their power; the villain roared in pain as he attacked by swing his massive arms in every direction. Itachi-onii-chan wrestled with the giant but loud howl, Gigantomachia managed to repel us all.

I was knocked off the Susanoo's shoulder and I fell to the ground. From the corner of my vision, I spotted the rest of the villains escaping from Best Jeanist's threads. Mr Compress ran towards Tomura and placed a dismembered hand on his face.

Suddenly, I felt a entire shit in Tomura's demeanor as he slowly pulled himself off the ground. He reached out his hand and ten to dozens of flying nomu appeared around the building. They latched onto the villains and one by one, carrying them away.

I immediately realised their plans and hurriedly stood up. I glanced around and noticed Midoriya reaching the same conclusion, we nodded at each other and made haste.

I teleported to the middle of the group with Kamui and sliced the wings of the nearby nomu with a small knife I kept in my dimension space.

The villains were successfully brought back to the ground. I blocked Spinner's katana and kicked the ambushing Mr Compress in the stomach. I threw myself to the side as Kugutsu's puppets lunged simultaneously.

Spinner took the lead and slashed downward and my knife's edge chipped under the pressure of his blade. I clicked my teeth and held out my hand, my Rinnegan spun and a long black rod manifested out of thin air.

I swung my new weapon and caught Spinner off guard as he was sent flying across the street. The Black Reciever Rod was lighter than expected and it was made by some unexplained material, however, I know that what it was, it's very tough.

Kugutsu attacked with his puppets but instantly, a white blur intercepted the dolls and they exploded under a single punch.

"Go!" Midoriya shouted: "I will hold them off!"

I nodded and rushes towards Tomura, who was watching us in silence. He reached out his hand to grab me but I stabbed the Reciver Rod into his wrist. I jumped to the air, twisting and dislloacting his arm in the process before stabbing directly into his back.

Strangely, I felt the Black Reciever Rod begun to absorb my mana when it embedded into his chest. My surrounding began to morph and everything became dark.

There was silence and not even the whistling of the breeze could be heard. I tightly gripped the black rod in my hand and cautiously wandered through this unkown land. I don't know how long I have walked as darkness removed any method to grasp the time.

Eventually, there was a faint white light and I subconsciously ran towards it. Before the light there was a hazy figure of a child, he slowly raised his head and stared at me with wide eyes.

Before I could investigate further, I was brought back into reality. The battle still in full swing and I found myself still holding the Black Reciever Rod while stabbing the weapon into Tomura's heart.

At the same moment, Both Midoriya and Tomura screamed and clutched their head in pain. Midoriya's expression turned from confusion to shock and then unease as he eventually fell unconscious.

"Midoriya-kun!" I yelled in concern but was interrupted as Tomura yanked the rod out of his chest.

"What did you do...." He muttered with rage, but I was just as confused as he was.

'Is that his subconsciousness? '

'Did that attack affect Midoriya as well?'

'Are All For One and One For All more intertwined than I thought?'

Tons of unanswered questions formed in my brain as I tried to understand what was happening. However, my instinct blared, I turned around as a round puppet on all four appeared from the air. It's eyes turned red and its mouth made a chittering noise that sent chills down my spine.


The puppet self-destructed, and I was swept off my feet, I gritted my teeth and waited for the painful impact but it never came. Someone caught me and my eyes widened in surprise.


"Stop fighting, you're hurt." He said and gestured at my large burn marks from the explosion.

However with the adrenaline pumping through my veins, I could barely feel the stinging pain. He applied a small coat of ice around the marks and I relaxed. I summoned another Black Reciever Rod and used it as a cane to hold myself up.

I glared at Kugutsu in anger, the puppet master smirked as the nomu regrouped. I tried to take a step but immediately collapsed on my knees and he sent out more of those exploding puppetes.

Shoto fought back with his quirk and with the cover of explosions, the villain escapled. I frustradeingly punched the ground, if I paid more attention, they wouldn't have gotten away!

"Are you okay?" Shoto asked with concern.

"I'm fine for now..." I said, trying to hold back my anger, "Thanks for catching me."

Shoto smiled and nodded; we quickly checked up on the collapsed Midoriya. However, no matter what we did, he wouldn't wake up...

"HEY, IF YOU TWO ARE DONE THERE, COME AND HELP US!!!!" Bakugo shouted in the distance.

Shoto and I lifted our heads and were stunned to see Gigantomachia was still on his rampage as the heroes tried their best to suppress him. The more damage they did, the angrier Gigantomachia got, increasing his ferocity, and the army of nomu also wasn't helping.

We snapped out of our shock and quickly rushed to the scene while we were blushing with embarrassment. When Shoto and I arrived, most heroes were forced to deal with the monster army while the more powerful heroes like Onii-chan, Best Jeanist, and Endeavour fought Gigantomachia.

Itachi-onii-chan had already informed us beforehand that Gigantomachia had ingested a strong sedative, but he wasn't getting sleepy any time soon. There's one method I could think of that may work.

"I might know a way," I told everyone through the comms, "Bring Gigantomachia to me!"

"What?! Don't be foolish?!" Itachi-onii-chan and my friends all reprimanded me.

"Trust me!" I said with an exasperated tone, "Please, there's not much time!"

There was silence as nobody said anything through the radio: "Okay, don't get hurt." I heard onii-chan's voice.

Shoto stood beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder: "I will keep you safe." He declared.

I smiled and nodded with determination. My hands clasped together as I felt a massive amount of energy leaving my body: "Kaede, Gigantomachia's coming!" Endeavour warned as the heroes led Gigantomachia to my position.

I closed my eyes as sweat dripped down from my forehead, and every step of Gigantomachia became louder and louder.

However, I remained calm and exhaled: "Chibaku Tensei, True..." I muttered.

[3rd POV]

A pure black sphere was created between Kaede's palms, and she hurled it at the charging figure of Gigantomachia. She felt connected with the ebony sphere as if it was another part of her limb, and Kaede guided the sphere toward her target. The black sphere moved in front of Gigantomachia before stopping, and a massive attractive force started to pull Gigantomachia in.

Gigantomachia panicked as he roared and fought against it. The black orb pulled pieces of debris and the earth around it as it absorbed everything in its surroundings, forming an earth ball. Many nomu tried to stop Kaede. However, Shoto easily repelled them all.

Gigantomachia dug his claws into the ground as he resisted the gravitational pull. Seeing this, Kaede frowned and added even more power to her attack. Gigantomachia finally lost the strength contest as his giant body crashed into the sphere.

Immediately, his body was encased by a tremendous amount of debris and earth. Gigantomachia tried to dig his way out, but rocks replaced the destroyed ones even more. His eyes widened, and he felt an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time, fear.

Gigantomachia desperately struggled, but in the end, it was useless, and with one last roar of anguish, the villain was sealed. Silence covered the entire battlefield, and everyone gulped as they stared at the floating Earth satellite.

With Gigantomachia contained, the group of nomu was dealt with quickly. Kaede collapsed from the mental exhaustion from using the technique, and thankfully, Shoto was there to support her. The jutsu left a deep impression in everyone's hearts as they have a newfound respect for the young hero.


I hope you enjoy it!