Side story A Brother's Worst Fear

Hi, I know the story has ended and I was organizing some unused chapters and found this. I also got 30 minutes of free time so I decided to create a little side story as dessert.


Time: After the first hero-internship

Inside Red Crow's agency, in the underground training room, the sound of metal striking against metal echoed throughout the room. Itachi calmly blocked Shisui's slash as he tried to locate him with his Sharingan.

After the incident with Kaede and Stain, Itachi realized he need to get stronger to protect his family. Thankfully, Kaede wasn't harmed in the fight against Stain, but the risk was too great. If he took care of the nomu faster, he could've helped Kaede in the battle.

"Focus, Itachi-san!" Shisui shouted and appeared behind him.

Itachi instantly twisted his body and launched a massive fireball at Shisui's face. However, his figure blurred as the flaming orb struck nothing but air. Shisui appeared across the room and he smirked.

"You know an attack like that won't strike me." He smirked.

Itachi snorted and regained his stance as his friend charged once more. After being with Shisui for years, Itachi knew that his quirk was not something you should take light of as many dangerous villains have fallen because of underestimating him.

With years of experience, Itachi's instinct told him another attack was coming from the front. He brought his weapon close as his hand trembled from the impact. Unfortunately, it was planned, and Shisui grinned while grasping Itachi by the wrist.

Shisui swept Itachi's feet as the hero fell; however, Itachi suddenly burst into a flock of crows, escaping from capture. Shisui felt arms wrapped around his neck from behind as Itachi put him into a chokehold.

"Tsukuyomi!" Itachi said and activated his Mangekyou Sharingan.

Unfortunately, nothing happened as Tsukuyomi didn't work as intended: "Tsk tsk tsk... How often do I have to tell you, Itachi-san, you can't beat me in Genjutsu!"

Shisui's three-tome Sharingan shifted into a pattern of a four-star shuriken, and he stared back into Itachi's eyes. Suddenly Itachi's surroundings began to change as he felt a sensation of falling. Darkness consumed him as he felt like he was in a state of drowning.

Itachi gritted his teeth, Shisui's Mangekyou allow him to become a master of Genjutsu, and it was no effort for him to trap a group of people into an illusion. Itachi held his breath as his body float around in the deep dark space.

A few seconds later, his body was pulled with great force as if he was traveling at light speed.


Itachi slumped as he found himself in an all too familiar place. He found himself back in his family's house, and he was currently sitting at the dining table. Itachi frowned deeply; Shisui always liked to mess with people with his illusions.

Itachi got up from his seat, and he needed to find the way out fast. He was on guard as he anticipated what would happen next. The last time Itachi remembers, Shisui created waves of monsters to attack Itachi, but he was skilled enough to repel them all and escape.

So what was it this time?

"Ah, Itachi, where are you going, it's time to have breakfast."

Itachi glanced in the direction of the sound as he saw Mikoto approaching the table carrying plates of food. Itachi was silent was quiet as he stared at his "mother."

Sensing Itachi's gaze, Mikoto glanced at his son: "What are you waiting for? Sit down."

Having years of being lectured by his mother, his body subconsciously follower her orders and sank back down onto the seat. At this moment, Fugaku walked down the stairs and sat beside him as he looked at the food with a smile.

"Okay, Itadakimasu!" Mikoto and Fugaku said at the same time before starting to eat.

"I...Itadakimasu..." Itachi muttered and slowly picked up the chopstick.

He tried the food on his plate and clicked his teeth. It tasted just like his mother's cooking; that's how real Shisui's Genjutsu could be. However, despite the realism, one thing was still missing.

Where's his sister?

"Where's Kaede?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Huh, Kaede doesn't live here anymore? Did you forget?" Mikoto replied.

"What..." Itachi uttered with shock.

"Ah, you must have missed her a lot, don't worry. She told us that she will be visiting today!" Fugaku added, and both parents laughed happily.

'What is this....' Itachi thought with a scowl and felt a bad feeling.

It was at this moment the door to their house opened, and Kaede merrily strolled in: "Sorry I'm late; there's traffic!"

She ran towards them with a bright smile: "I have great news! I'm getting married!" Kaede squealed with excitement as she held out her hand, revealing the diamond ring on her finger.

Itachi choked and spat out the food in his mouth: "Excuse me?"

However, his family ignores him as they congratulate Kaede: "Wow, that's amazing, Kaede; I'm so happy for you!" Fugaku praised.

"Father?!" Itachi exclaimed.

"When is the wedding?" Mikoto asked.

"It's tomorrow! After that, both of us will be moving to America!" Kaede announced.

Itachi: "Wait..." his face contorted into pure horror: "A... America?!"

"Ah, that's great, sweetie, it's a shame that we won't be able to see you as often anymore, but if you're happy, that's all that matters!" Mikoto said.

"Don't worry, Mom, I will visit once a year!" Kaede answered.

"On...once a year!!!" Itachi shouted in panic, but his family ignored him as if he wasn't there.

"Anyway, I got a lot of things to prepare, so see ya!" Kaede said and sprinted towards the door.

"Kaede, wait..." Itachi wanted to grab her hand, but his body tensed and was frozen still.

"No, Kaede!" He desperately shouted as Kaede's figure shrunk before completely disappearing: "KAEDE!" Everything went dark.

Itachi gasped as his eyes snapped open, and he found himself on the floor. He slowly sat up and realized he was back in the underground training room: "Seems like it's my win, Itachi-san!" Shisui chirped and headed towards the elevator.

"Hey, I'm hungry; wanna go get something.... to.... eat?" Shisui said as he detected much pressure behind him and nervously turned around.

Itachi glared at him, and he tightly gripped the handle of his sword...

"Itachi-san?" Shisui called out as cold sweat dripped down from his face.

"You son of a b*tch, I'm going to f*cking kill you...." Itachi declared with a cold tone.

"Hold on there; it's just...." Shisui's words were cut off as Itachi's sword stabbed into the wall beside him, the blade barely missed his head, and Shisui gulped.

Itachi cracked his knuckle as he approached Shisui with a malicious smile. That day sounds of a man howling in pain could be heard throughout Japan, and Shisui had to be hospitalized for a few days.

When Itachi came back home, Kaede greeted him with her gentle smile. Itachi's body relaxed as he hurriedly hugged her: "Onii-chan?" Kaede said with surprise.

"Please don't go to America...."

Kaede: ?????????


I hope you enjoy it!