Chapter 5: Navy recruitment…

On the gold list, the picture turns.

At night, in a dense forest, Nami's body was gloomy, and there was a faint hot breath in her mouth.

Opposite her were a monster with a human head and a spider body.

"Breath of Thunder - First Form: Thunderclap and Flash, Sixfold!"

With a loud sigh, Nami's body was accompanied by a thunderclap and rushed forward sharply. 

The figure was so fast that even Zoro could only faintly see some remnants.

In the face of the attack, the spider opposite Nami suddenly used the spider silk to fly up, and at the same time spewed venom at Nami.

At this time, Nami's footsteps stepped on the ground again, and her body directly changed ninety degrees in reverse.

After a total of six Thunderclaps and Flash, golden lightning suddenly passed through the spider monster's body.

Nami's figure with golden thunder shines with a strange beauty under the background of the full moon.

Sanji: "It's Miss Nami, so pretty~, and it's a great sword skill!" compared to a certain marimo head, I don't know how many times more powerful. "

Zoro: "Bastard cook, I must kill you!" 

[Red-haired Shanks: since she has been on the list twice in a row, this girl's sword mastery is indeed very powerful, but I don't know if you can tell us who Rifan, who occupies the ranking with you, Ms Nami? ]

[Nami: That's my swordsmanship teacher, a very powerful person, and I don't think his swordsmanship is lower than any other person's. ]

After the message, Nami looked nervously at the world's strongest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, who was not far away.

At this moment, he was also looking at Nami.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Rifan, if you really have such power, I really want to see your sword skills. Unfortunately, the video played is not your video, but Nami's video. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Although this kind of swordplay is indeed very remarkable, if you only master such a technique, you will not be able to defeat Hawkeye, Rifan, what do you say?]

Seeing Shanks' words, Rifan smiled slightly and did not open his mouth to explain.

'After the list continues to be announced and you have witnessed my strongest sword skills, you should swallow your remarks.'

 [Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: It seems that this Rifan is a coward, and he doesn't even dare to speak? ]

[Nami: You are not allowed to say bad things about my teacher, Charlotte Linlin! ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Little girl, are you tired of your life? ]

[Momousagi Gion: Charlotte Linlin, are you threatening civilians in front of us? ]

The golden list is facing the whole world, and if the navy does not stand up and speak at this time, Gion feels that the word justice behind her will be disgraced.

[Redhead Shanks: okay, guys, give me a face, don't argue first, let's continue to read the list.] ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Your face is a fart! ]

[Redhead Shanks: ...]

——[swordplay list], ranked 48th,[Breath Of Thunder・First Form: Thunderclap and Flash・Godspeed], users, Rifan, Nami.

— Greatly increases speed and slash power, but consumes a lot. At the same time, because there is a great burden on the feet, it is extremely difficult to use continuously.

In the picture of Golden List, Nami faces a humanoid monster, directly transformed into a bolt of lightning, and suddenly passes by the monster. 

After a few seconds, the monster's body broke into two sessions.

Seeing this scene, Zoro's eyes stared directly to the maximum.

In that flash just now, he didn't see Nami's figure at all!

If he duels with Nami and Nami uses this trick on him, Zoro believes that he has only one way to lose.

[Admiral Kizaru: it's really terrible, this move, I seem to see myself kicking at the speed of light.]

[Flower Sword Bista: this move is indeed very powerful, if you did not use observation haki while facing her, it is difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. ]

[Momousagi Gion: such a fierce sword skill, lady Nami, I don't know if you have any intention of joining the navy, I can arrange for you to be on my warship, and I can help you practice. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: hahaha, the navy really likes to recruit people, earlier it's Zoro, now it's Nami, why don't you also recruit pirates? Hahaha. ]

[Momousagi Gion: The old man of the last era, shut up. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, what an interesting woman.]

Looking at the message of the navy on the gold list, Nami gritted her teeth and finally did not say anything about asking the navy to help deal with the problem of Cocoyashi village.

She feared that doing so would directly cause Arlong dissatisfaction and revenge.

And for so many years, the navy has not liberated the village of Cocoyashi, so nami does not trust the navy very much.


At this moment, the sea where the village of Cocoyashi is located, the gathering place of the Arlong pirate group, the interior of the Arlong park.

Looking at the figure of Nami that appeared on the screen three times in a row, the eyes of Arlong and other Fish-men pirates were extremely gloomy.
