Chapter 20: Future Teach–

On the deck of the Moby Dick.

At the moment, not only Titch but also Whitebeard, Marco, Ace and others have all question marks on their faces.

Ace: "What's the situation, is the golden list going to call Titch to that island to fight Hawkeye?" "

Marco shook his head and said, "probably not, the gold list says, it's the timeline of the future, it should be a future Titch and Hawkeye battle."

"Gurarara~, it's interesting." Whitebeard laughed, "Titch, since you've been chosen to be Hawkeye's opponent, don't embarrass us Whitebeard Pirates."

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates on the side also shouted loudly.

"Yeah, Titch, teach that Hawkeye a lesson."

"That's right, what is the world's strongest swordsman? I have long seen that guy unhappy."

"That is, then why doesn't the gold list come to the strongest man list, ah, then the father will definitely be the first one."

At this time, Ace came over and patted Titch's shoulder hard.

"oh, Titch, don't lose the face of our second team, teach Hawkeye a lesson."

Titch looked bitter.

"Captain Ace, Dad, and everybody else."

"You know my strength, how could I be that guy's Hawkeye Mihawk's opponent?"

"This gold list should be selecting a random person to be an opponent."

"Hawkeye's luck is also very good, if it's the future Dad that he faces, I believe that Dad can beat Hawkeye with one move."

"And ah, since it is the future me, it must have nothing to do with the present, Zehahaha~"

On the other side, the red-haired pirate group is located on an uninhabited island.

Seeing that the Golden List had chosen Titch, Shanks' brow furrowed directly.

[Redhead Shanks: Hawkeye, you'd better be careful with that Titch. So far, I have suffered countless injuries fighting him, but only the scars that Titch has left on my face are still faintly painful. Also, I wasn't careless when I confronted Titch. That guy's strength is definitely not weak. And since he is the future, he will definitely be stronger. ]

Seeing the message from the red-haired Shanks, Titch's smile immediately froze

[Admiral Kizaru: It's really terrible, the wound on the face of the four emperor shanks was actually brought by a small person who is unknown to the whitebeard pirate group, worthy of being a member of the Whitebeard Pirate, even an unknown person can make the Four Emperors Shanks remember it vividly. ]

[Foil Vista: Redhead, what do you mean by that?] ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Titch, I have a little impression of his name, I remember it was a trainee pirate of the whitebeard pirate group at that time. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: no matter who the opponent is, I won't be careless. ]

To put it simply, since facing the rewards of the Gold List, Mihawk did not plan to go easy on his enemies, especially the opponents from the future.

In the future, perhaps a weak person has become a strong person.

— Hawkeye Mihawk, please prepare, in ten seconds you will be on the battlefield. 10,9,8... 3, 2, 1, start teleporting!


A golden light suddenly shot down from the Golden List and covered Mihawk's body.

A second later, Mihawk's figure disappeared onto the deck.

Zoro, Luffy and the others immediately raised their heads and looked into the air, and sure enough, they saw Mihawk's figure.

In addition to Mihawk, there are two figures in the picture.

"Hmm, isn't that me?" Ace looked at the Golden List in the sky with some surprise, "Isn't that Hawkeye guy going to fight the future Mihawk, why am I in there and also on my knees, and I'm still injured?" Titch, what do you think? "

"ah, that, I don't know." Titch shook his head violently and then stared at the golden list tightly. 

'The future me, the black breath on my body, is it true that I will receive dark fruits in the future?' Did I really succeed!? '

'Wait, the wound on Ace's body, it can't be due to me!?' '

Tich's heart sank into ecstasy, but the next moment, his mood plummeted again.


Suspended in the air, Mihawk tried to move his body, only to find himself unable to move even one finger now.

'I can't move. Don't tell me I have to wait for the two of them to finish communicating?' '

But is this the future Whitebeard Pirates, Ace, and Titch? '

'If that's the case, it's really interesting. '

Whitebeard saw such a picture and did not know what kind of expression he would make. 

According to Mihawk's understanding of the Golden List, he felt that the scene that happened here must have been completely displayed by the gold list.

While Mihawk was thinking, the conversation between Titch and Ace below also entered the end.

Titch: "In the face of darkness, all abilities are powerless. even a strong man like you. "

"But I'm feeling more and more sorry, Ace, be my partner."

Ace: "I chose to support Whitebeard to become the Pirate King!" With that, Ace rushed towards Titch with a huge fireball.

rumble —

The flames collide with the darkness, and the last one standing is… Titch.
