Chapter 23: Teleportation Scroll–

"I... I lost. "

Touching the wound in front of him, Mihawk did not show great excitement but was quite calm.

"Yeah, you've lost, so you can leave." Behind Mihawk's back, Rifan said while wiping the blood on the long sword.

"Today is a really interesting day." Mihawk turned around and faced Rifan with his hands open.

"What are you doing?" seeing this rather familiar scene, Rifan frowned.

"Being injured in the back is a disgrace to the swordsman." the corners of Mihawk's mouth cocked, "you cut me off."

"I said, 'are you being too badly influenced by other people?" Rifan said.

This scene is so similar to the scene after Zoro and Mihawk sword clash.

"Maybe, but there always has to be a result, doesn't it?" Mihawk said.

"The results are now available." Rifan took the long sword back to his treasure-house and walked to the gate of the Dojo hall with his feet up.

"Look at the gold list, your results are out, and then you can just leave here."

"Really, the Golden List didn't say that one should be killed before the trial ends."

Hearing Rifan's words, Mihawk nodded and walked out of the dojo with the Zangetsu.

Just after stepping through the gate, the Zangetsu in Mihawk's hand immediately turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

— challenge fails, recalling the Zangetsu, and starts teleporting after ten seconds. 10,9,8...

"I'll challenge you again, Rifan." Mihawk stared at Rifan with fervor in his eyes.

"If you can find me." Rifan shrugged his shoulders and would not deny Mihawk's words.

Mihawk still wanted to say something, but by this time, the countdown to the gold list was over.

With a golden light, Mihawk's figure disappeared into the uninhabited island.

The next moment, Mihawk was back in the sea where the sea restaurant was located.

"Everything just now is not a dream." Looking at the three scars on his chest, Mihawk shook his head, "That man, he didn't even go all out."

"Little devil, it seems that both you and I are going to have to change goals." Mihawk looked up at Zoro and said.

"Hmm, whether it's you or Rifan, I'll defeat you, wait and see, Mihawk." Zoro looked firmly, "this is better, if it is too easy, it is not interesting." "

"Hopefully, when you've seen the strength of that man, you'll be able to say something like that." Mihawk smiled, leaned over, and returned to his sailboat. "I'm going back to concentrate on training, there's no need to stay here anymore."

"Roronoa Zoro, I hope you can get to my level soon."

"In that case, on the way to chasing the world number one, it will not be so lonely."

Waving his hand at Zoro, the figure of Hawkeye Mihawk, the former world's number one swordsman, faded away.

"Hawkeye, are you so vulnerable in front of that man?" Also as one of the Seven Shichibukai, seeing that Mihawk was defeated in just one move, Hancock couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Useless guy, it's really a disgrace to his title as a Shichibukai." Crocodile snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

"Fufufufu ... this sea, it really never makes people feel bored." Doflamingo's laughter spread throughout the castle.

At this moment, every Shichibukai either sympathized or mocked Mihawk.

However, even if they mocked and sympathized with Mihawk, they also recognized Rifan's strength.

At the moment, the naval headquarters.

"Defeating Mihawk so easily… sure enough, this Rifan was an object worthy of attention?"

"We have to find this person."

Sengoku looked at the golden list with a gloomy face.

If Mihawk was able to fight with Rifan and eventually lose, Sengoku still felt that he could accept it.

But just one move, and there is not much movement, which makes Sengoku very unhappy.

As one of the three forces on the sea, Shichibukai is the tool used by the World Government to maintain peace.

Now, the defeat of a Shichibukai so easily is equivalent to hitting the face of the Navy and the World Government.

Although to this extent, knowing that Mihawk did not hide his strength, they could also see how troublesome Rifan's 'Rule Of The Sword' was.

But many people in the world don't know it.

At this time, Sengoku was worried that because of Mihawk's defeat, people thought that the Navy was actually not strong, which would lead to the emergence of more pirates.

"But why is that Rifan's location an uninhabited island?"

"Otherwise, we'll be able to find this guy faster."

Sengoku sighed.

——[Swordplay List]ranked 5th, congratulations to Nami and Rifan for obtaining the teleportation scroll.
