Chapter 30: Killing Whitebeard–

[Tl/n: Extra chapter for another 100 stones.]

If the battle between Teach and Ace can be said to be a competition, it can be said to be a test.

But the battle between Whitebeard and Teach can only be said to be a deathmatch.

This made Vista, who had great respect for Whitebeard, couldn't endure.

If it's really possible for Teach to kill Whitebeard in the future, they'd rather kill Teach now while he is in the cradle.

"Wait, everyone, don't be deceived."

"I haven't done anything."

"Maybe the future on the gold list is all a lie."

Seeing the appearance of Vista and the others around him, Teach quickly waved his hands and signaled everyone not to mess around.

"Okay, be quiet, little ones." Whitebeard slammed the handle of his naginata on the deck, and said; 

" Don't be embarrassed Teach, look at the golden list first. "

Whitebeard spoke, and Vista and the others naturally obeyed.

However, while looking at the gold list, they did not give up their vigilance against Teach.

Almost everyone who can use observation haki will cover Teach's body to prevent him from doing bad things.


"Teach!" In the future scene, Whitebeard, who was already seriously injured, raised his arm and slammed his fist into the air.

The ability of Tremor devil fruit caused the space to crack.

"Teach!" Whitebeard roared in anger, and his ability rolled up in a fierce wind and rushed towards Teach, who was not far away.

The navies along the way were blown away by this shock wave.

Faced with this situation, Teach pressed his hand to the ground, and a large amount of black mist centered on Teach's palm spread around.

"Black Hole!" The corners of Teach's mouth cocked, and the power of Whitebeard's punch was swallowed up by Teach's black mist.

Looking at Whitebeard, Teach's face was full of confidence.

"Zehahaha~ This is the devil fruit ability I took after killing Thatch. "

"The strongest devil fruit, the Dark- Dark Fruit!"

"Dad, although I used to sincerely admire you and adore you, you are old."

"Too old to save a subordinate who is about to be executed."

In the face of Teach's words, Whitebeard chose the most direct response.

When he saw Whitebeard raise his hand, an air shock struck Teach, but in the face of Teach's dark fruit, Whitebeard's ability was quickly absorbed.

After a battle, Whitebeard added many new wounds to his body.

However, Whitebeard is Whitebeard after all, and even if he is seriously injured, he still knocks Teach to the ground.

If Teach hadn't let his men fight in time, I'm afraid he would have been killed by Whitebeard.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Whitebeard... just died like that? Oh, it's ironic enough. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Listening to the Future Teach, Whitebeard seems to have gone to the naval headquarters to save some of his subordinates?]

Although it was a question sentence, Shanks's mind unconsciously thought of Ace who was fighting with Teach in the previous video.

At the same time, there are also Sengoku, Tsuru and others who think about this.

"If it was to save his subordinates, Whitebeard could indeed come to the Naval Headquarters." Sengoku muttered, "That is to say, in the future, the navy will publicly execute someone, and as for the purpose, is it to annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Speaking of this, the eyes of Sengoku could not help but shine.

"Looking at this situation, the plan to annihilate the Whitebeard pirates was a success."

"I just don't know what role this Teach plays in it."

"And why did the big criminals who were originally imprisoned in the Impel Down become Teach's subordinates?"

"Shiryu is also one of them."

"Is there something wrong with the future Impel Down?"

"These guys ran out of the Impel Down and joined Teach?"

It is just a simple future fragment, but it has already plunged Sengoku into a super brainstorm.

He couldn't imagine that in the future, Teach would break into the Impel Down and release all the sea Pirates inside.

[Dark King Rayleigh: "Evil King" Avalo Pizarro, "Crescent Moon Hunter" Catarina Devon, "Heavy Drinker" Vasco Shot, are some of the former legends. I didn't expect these people to join Teach Pirate group in the future, this man named Teach is not simple. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Whitebeard, you've seen these clips, I hope you'll pay attention to Teach, he…is not simple. ]

[ Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Boring, Whitebeard was killed by Teach, will this Teach become the Fourth Emperor? It's boring. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Huh?, what is he doing, why is he putting himself and the dead Whitebeard around a curtain, what does he want to do? ]

Not only was the Golden Lion curious, but everyone else who saw this future fragment was curious. But soon, they understood.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Teach stepped out of the curtain, and then a halo in Teach's hand struck the air.

The air that was hit shattered like a mirror and the earth around it began to shake.

Yes… it's the power of Whitebeard!
