Chapter 39: A Ninja–

[Tl/n: +1. Thank you for the stones.]

Between his first dojo and the other dojo, Rifan, as the owner, was able to travel freely.

What is needed is just a thought.

Soon after receiving the reward from the gold list, Rifan came to the Dojo hall on the cactus island. After that, it was Karoo who pushed open the door and ran in.

'Vivi of Alabasta, if I take her as a disciple.

As long as she can defeat Crocodile and save Alabasta, who is in a state of civil war, I should be able to move freely in that country.'

While drinking tea, Rifan smiled and glanced at Vivi, who seemed to be in a state of war between heaven and man.

As for taking Karoo as an apprentice, it was naturally just a joke of Rifan.

"That... that, Mr. Rifan…." After hesitating for a long time, Vivi lifted her feet and walked to Rifan's side, "can I ask you for a favor?"

"As long as you are willing to help me, I will do anything you want!"

Hearing this, Rifan put down his teacup and looked at Vivi: "talk about it!"

Seeing that Rifan did not refuse, but instead put on a listening expression, Vivi was a little excited.

Immediately, she said that Alabasta was in civil strife and that the black hand was Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai.

"Mr. Rifan, you are so strong, there must be a way to stop Crocodile!"

"Please help the country of Alabasta!"

"If Crocodile were to succeed, many civilians would die!"

Vivi bowed deeply to Rifan and said sincerely.

Not long ago, after learning that it was Crocodile who caused civil unrest in Alabasta, Vivi had almost fallen into a state of despair.

Because she knew that her strength was too small, and in the face of the powerful Crocodile, her own strength could not shake him at all.

Even after exhausting the strength of Alabasta's army, Vivi felt that she was not Crocodile's opponent.

At this time, Rifan, who suddenly appeared in front of Vivi, was simply the last straw.

No matter what price, she needs Rifan help.

Vivi thought to herself.

"I see what you mean, Vivi."

"That... are you willing to help us? Vivi raised her head and looked at Rifan excitedly.

However, to Vivi's regret, Rifan did not agree but shook his head.

"Unfortunately, Princess Vivi, I'm not going to meddle in this matter."

"But don't worry too much, I can show you a path."

Seeing that Vivi was about to fall into despair hearing his rejection, Rifan opened his right hand, and a disciple nameplate appeared in his hand.

"Take it, Vivi."

"What is this?" Vivi took the name tag and looked at Rifan with some doubt.

"A new disciple nameplate." Rifan smiled, "Although I don't intend to directly meddle in the affairs of Alabasta, I can give you the strength to stop Crocodile." "

"How about it, do you want to be my disciple and learn my strength?"

Rifan's words seemed to have magic, making Vivi's heartbeat suddenly accelerate.

She knew in her heart that if she really became a disciple of Rifan, even if she only learned one of Rifan's sword skills, it would probably be able to give her the power to defeat Crocodile.

However, just when Vivi wanted to nod her head in agreement, she suddenly thought of the current situation of Alabasta.

For a moment, there was some hesitation.

"What, do you think I'm not qualified enough to be your teacher?"

Rifan asked with interest.

"'s not like that Mr. Rifan." Vivi, who was worried about Rifan's misunderstanding, shook her head in a hurry, "at this time, Alabasta is not in a good situation, and I am afraid that after I learn Mr. Rifan's power, Crocodile's purpose has been achieved."

"By the way, Mr. Rifan, you have the dark fruit in your hand, and if it is the power of the dark fruit, I should be able to defeat Crocodile."

As she spoke, she raised her head slightly and looked at Rifan expectantly.

"Although the power of the dark fruit can exert some restraint on Crocodile, if you are not strong enough, you are still far from being able to defeat Crocodile." Rifan shook his head and continued:

"As for time, you don't have to worry."

"Here, I can guarantee that you will train for two years, and the outside world will only pass two seconds."

"I believe that two years of training should be enough for you to gain the strength to defeat Crocodile."

Hearing this, Vivi looked at Rifan in surprise:

"This... Can such a thing really be done? "

"What should be said, I've already said, the next thing is up to you, Vivi." Rifan took a sip of tea, "or do you have other options?" "

Vivi was a little silent, yeah, do I have any other options?

Now, I can only rely on Mr. Rifan.

Fixing her mind, Vivi nodded firmly.

"Mr. Rifan... no, Teacher Rifan, I would like to be your disciple, please teach me the power to defeat Crocodile. "

With that, Vivi performed a standard apprenticeship ceremony on Rifan.

"Very well, since you are willing to be my disciple, then put your blood on this nameplate."

Seeing that Vivi agreed, Rifan was also quite happy.

"Hmmm!" Although she didn't understand why she had to drip her blood on the disciple's nameplate, Vivi still did what Rifan said.

To Vivi's surprise, after a drop of blood, her name actually appeared directly on the disciple's nameplate.

"Give it to me." Rifan took the disciple's nameplate and looked at the back of the nameplate. There, there was a message that only Rifan could see.

[Disciple name: Vivi]

[Age: 16 years old]

[Origin: Alabasta]

[Training direction: Ninja]
