Chapter 44: Sacrifice–

'Huh?! Are they really going to do it?'

Seeing the navies raise their guns, Nami's brow frowned slightly, and her right hand was directly on the handle of the sword.

Seeing Nami's movements, Colonel Mouse and the navy behind him instantly tensed their nerves.

"Hmp! if you move your hands, it depends on whether my order is faster than your sword."

Colonel Mouse had a cold sweat on his forehead as he said that, but he still looked at Nami calmly.

At the moment when Nami put her hand on the hilt of the sword, Colonel Mouse felt as if standing in front of her was not a delicate woman, but a cheetah ready to attack.

"Hmp, why listen to your orders, Nami is not a criminal!"

Yeah, it's you guys who make unreasonable trouble.

"I said that the navy did not come to eliminate the arlong pirate group for so many years, and it turns out that the navy is like the pirates, they are such a bunch of garbage!"

"Nami, don't be afraid, we are behind you."

"What navy, I see these guys no different from the pirates of the Arlong pirates!"

The villagers were so excited that some of them had even picked up their farm tools and kitchen knives in their hands, looking like they were going to attack the navy.

"How dare you slander the navy!"

"You dare to attack the navy! Open Fire! Fire! Kill them all!"

Nami's murderous spirit, combined with the anger of the villagers, finally broke the tight nerves of Colonel Mouse.

At the same time, the navies, who were no better than Colonel Mouse, clenched their teeth at the same time, and the hand clutching the musket was about to pull the trigger.

At this moment, Nojiko suddenly rushed out of the crowd and punched in the direction of the navy and the space shattered, the force of the shock fruit led to a hurricane bombarding Colonel Mouse and the navy on the opposite side.

As a result, these navies had no resistance at all, and flew out directly backwards, and fell heavily to the ground a few seconds later.

"Nojiko, you're all right!"

Nami exclaimed, opening her hands to embrace Nojiko, who had fallen to the ground.

"I… I'm okay, don't worry, Nami. "


Before she could finish speaking, Nojiko suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and her right hand grasped her chest tightly.

"Nojiko, don't scare me!" Nami was so anxious that she was about to cry.

"Nami, let me see Nojiko, I'm a doctor." At this time, a villager dressed as a doctor stood in the crowd.

"Yes, a doctor!" Nami's eyes lit up, and she directly picked up Nojiko and rushed towards Rifan's Dojo hall.

Only the doctor was left dishevelled in the wind.

"Hey, the doctor is here!"

After a few seconds had passed and Nami's voice had completely disappeared, the Doctor finally reacted and shouted at the place where Nami had disappeared.

"Forget it, Nami has her own considerations." Genzo patted the doctor's shoulder, "anyway, you better come and see these navies."

"These guys, I don't know if they're alive or not. Also, when did that girl become so scary? One punch knocked all the navies away, and it shattered the ground around it!"

Hearing Genzo's words, the doctor nodded and ran to the navy that had been sent flying. After a few minutes, the doctor stood up solemnly, looked at Genzo and said:

"The Colonel, and most of the sailors, were killed on the spot."

"Only one sailor is still alive, but looking at this situation, his head should have been greatly shocked."

"Maybe it will take a few days of coma."

The doctor did not have any emotional fluctuations about the deaths of these navies. He was simply worried that the death of these navies would cause trouble for the village.

"I understand." Genzo gritted his teeth, "Doctor, the navy that is still alive, I will hand it over to you first." "

"Others, join me in disposing of the bodies of these dead navies."

"Listen, if the navy asks about it later, you will say that I killed them all!"

By now, as an elder who watched Nami and Nojiko grow up, Genzo was ready to take charge of Nojiko's crime.

However, as soon as his voice dropped, the voices of the villagers' dissatisfaction reached his ears.

"Hey, don't joke like that, Genzo, like you, we're the same people who watched Nami and Nojiko grow up."

"That's right, and you really think those people will believe you saying you killed these navies?"

"It's not realistic at all to kill so many navies by one person, but if we do it together, that's more believable."

"In order to save the village, Nami suffered outside for ten years, and finally personally defeated the Arlong pirate group, bringing hope to the island."

"Now it's time for us to do something for the two sisters."

The villagers said firmly.

"You guys." Genzo sighed, "I can't say anything about you."


"Nami, you really have a group of good villagers."

Rifan, who had everything in sight, sighed.

Just then, Nami's figure appeared at the door.

"Teacher Rifan, please help Nojiko!"

Nami, who quickly came to Rifan, looked at Rifan anxiously.
