Chapter 51: Nami's Anger–

Facing Smoker's menacing gaze, the navy soldier lowered his head.

At this time, he did not even have the courage to argue.

As for the real purpose of Colonel Mouse's coming here with them, he was even more afraid to tell.

"Colonel Mouse, he came here to get my Teacher to hand over the reward that came down from the Gold List."

"And he said that if we didn't meet his demands, we would be wanted."

Suddenly, a crisp voice came from behind the villagers.

"Nami, why did you get here?"

"Nami, don't worry, we won't let the navy take you."

"If they dare to do it, I will take a navy with me."

The villagers turned around and looked at Nami excitedly.

"Okay, don't worry, everyone." Nami waved her hand, and with a flash of light, she passed the villagers and came to Smoker and the others, "I'm not the weak me I used to be."

"Everyone can rest assured because I'm here."

Seeing that Nami in front of them suddenly disappeared, and Nami's voice suddenly came from behind them, the villagers were stunned.

Yeah, Nami isn't the little girl who needs our protection anymore, she's grown up!

At this time, the villagers suddenly realized that perhaps the Navy's affairs that worried them from beginning to end were nothing in front of Nami!

"Are you Nami?" looking at Nami in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in Smoker's eyes.

In his impression, Nami should be younger and more immature.

But the Nami in front of him not only has her hair grown a lot longer, but even her temperament has become more and more mature.

"If you're looking for Nami, who is fifth in the golden list [Swordplay List], it's really me."

"Or do you need me to show you my sword skills?"

Nami raised the Nichiren sword in her hand and said with a smile.

"No, you are indeed Nami." seeing the sword in Nami's hand, Smoker immediately identified Nami's identity.

"The navy said there was a woman with blue hair who killed Colonel Mouse and the rest of the navy."

"Do you know her identity?"

Hearing Smoker's words, Nami smiled even more, and her thumb nudged the sword ring, and a cold light flashed from the sun wheel sword.

At the same time, a strong sword intent flew towards Smoker and the others.

For an instant, Smoker and the other navies felt as if they were in the middle of a storm.

Especially Mouse Colonel's soldier, when Nami set her sights on him, he felt Nami's blade around his neck.

"No... don't kill me!!"

"Colonel Mouse ordered us, and we couldn't do anything about it!!"

"It was Colonel Mouse who conspired with Arlong and took Arlong's money in exchange for hiding their existence on the island!!"

"Colonel Mouse let us come here because he wanted to get Rifan's reward so that we could get the credit!!"

"Please let me go, I don't want to die!!"

Under pressure, the navy soldier collapsed and spoke directly about Colonel Mouse and the Arlong pirates.

Hearing this, Smoker clenched his fists as every word of the soldier hit him on his face. Well, it was him who asked the soldier what they had done when they came here two days ago.

And the navy soldier did not hide anything, and told all the stories.

Nami, who first heard about Colonel Mouse's deal with Arlong, and the villagers were naturally angry.

"Now get lost, you've heard what happened!"

"Sure enough, the navy is not a bunch of good things!"

"Get out of here, you're not welcome here!"

The Sun Wheel sword came out of its sheath, and Nami looked at Smoker and the others with extreme anger.

Smoker took a deep look at Nami, grabbed the navy lying on the ground and walked towards his warship.

When it comes to such a thing, he does not have the face to stay here.

"Colonel Smoker, are we just going to leave here?"

Tashigi followed in Smoker's footsteps.

"Colonel Mouse, their deaths..."

"Don't say it again, Tashigi." Smoker let out a puff of white smoke, "The navy's face has already been lost by those bastards."

"What to do next, let the naval headquarters decide to go."

"Tashigi, give me the den-den mushi, and I'll contact Marshall Sengoku."

Because this matter concerns Rifan, Smoker is now temporarily qualified to contact the Marshall directly.

Soon, Colonel Mouse's deed was reported to the Sengoku by Smoker.

"Smoker, do you think what the navy said is true?"

The somber voice of Sengoku reached Smoker's ears through the den-den mushi.

"I'm afraid it's true, otherwise it wouldn't explain why the naval headquarters didn't know about the village of cocoyashi for ten years."

"And then it makes sense for that bastard to disobey the order to come to the Village of Cocoyashi."

"That bastard must have felt cornered."

A pirate who has been in charge of the villages for ten years certainly doesn't make sense.

Smoker felt that once he launched an investigation into Colonel Mouse, he would be able to clearly examine what he had done in a matter of hours.

"Marshal Sengoku, that Nami hates the navy now."

"What should I do now?"

"The blue-haired woman who killed the navy needs to be investigated and should we put a bounty on her?"
