Chapter 60: Soul Cutter Sword—

After appeasing Nami, the Gold List just ushered in the third-place ranking.

—[Divine Soldier List], 3rd place, Soul Cutter Sword • Senbonzakura; Holder, Rifan.

—a sword as beautiful as a cherry blossom!

Unlike everyone else, when other people's weapons are on the list, they will reveal the weapon itself, and what the holder looks like in the present.

However, when it came to Rifan, the gold list did not show Rifan's current situation.

Instead, it shows Rifan's past use of Senbonzakura.

"Scatter, Senbonzakura!"

With a whisper, the sword in Rifan's hand disintegrated into countless invisible thin blades, and Rifan was like being in the fluttering petals.

[Tashigi: So pretty! ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: it is indeed a very beautiful sword, but it is also a very dangerous sword! ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Yeah, Tashigi, don't think these cherry blossoms are harmless because of how pretty it looks. On the contrary, every piece of cherry blossom is an extremely sharp blade. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: I can't imagine that there is such an incredible sword in the world. That Samehada was already strange enough, but it was much worse than this Senbonzakura. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Hawkeye, I remember that the Zangetsu you almost got before also had the prefix of the Soul Cutter Sword. Do you think that this Senbonzakura will have a second name? ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Yes, although I don't know why the sword in Rifan's hand is a Soul Cutter Sword, it should be the same series as the Zangetsu. ]

As soon as Golden Lion finished speaking, the cherry blossoms that flew around Rifan suddenly regrouped and returned to the state of the blade.

"Bankai: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!"

Rifan reversed his right hand and pointed his sword at the ground.

In the astonished gaze of everyone, Senbonzakura fell out of Rifan's hand, and then rippled like a falling into the water and plunged to the ground.

What is this for?

Just when everyone was wondering, an incredible scene was staged.

On both sides of Rifan's side, dozens of blades several meters high pierced the ground and stood beside Rifan.

Subsequently, all the blades suddenly turned into countless cherry blossoms and spread out towards the surroundings.

At this moment, the picture suddenly stopped.

[Golden Lion Shiki: this... can it still be counted as a sword!? ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Although I was surprised, being included in the list of divine soldiers by the gold list rules, it must be a sword. It can only be said that the sword that ranks 3rd in the ranking is indeed not a simple divine soldier. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: It should be said that the sword in Rifan's hand is not a simple divine soldier. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Speaking of which, you were facing Rifan at that time, and you were not willing to use the Zangetsu. Now it seems that it is not you who are refraining, but Rifan who is letting you. If Rifan takes out this sword, even if he doesn't take a shot, you may lose. ]

[Momousagi Gion: Seeing the Senbonzakura in the hands of Sire Rifan, I suddenly felt that the sword in my hand was worse than I thought. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Even if it's worse, your sword is in 14th place on the leaderboard. However, compared to my two swords, it is still a lot worse, Jiehahahaha. ]

[Momousagi Gion: Golden Lion, I really want to transfer you back into the Impel Down. Do you dare to tell us where you are? ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Tell your navy, what can you do? I'm now at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. rest assured, you don't have to go to me, one day I will go to you, Jiehahaha~]

—[Divine Soldier List] 2nd place, Soul Cutter Sword - Suzumebachi; holder, Rifan.

[Whitebeard Newgate: It's this Rifan again, There are so many good things in his hands. However, what is Death in Two Hits? Is it true that using this sword to attack others twice can kill a person? ]

[Tashigi: It must be a particularly powerful sword again.] 

Just like the situation when the ranking of Senbonzakura was announced, above the gold list, there was suddenly a picture of Rifan.

And opposite Rifan, they saw a man with a half-bone mask on his face and a white robe quietly standing.

"Nigeki Kessatsu!"

Rifan pulled out the soul cutter sword pinned to his waist, and after reciting the liberation language, Suzumebachi transformed into a small stinger attached to Rifan's fingertips.

The next moment, Rifan's footsteps flashed, and he instantly appeared in front of the slope in the secret realm.


Suzumebachi accurately pierced into the man's arm, and where he was stabbed, a black butterfly pattern immediately appeared.

After being attacked, the man with a half-bone mask immediately retreated and stayed away from Rifan.

[Whitebeard Newgate: The sword not only became a finger-sized stinger but also a black butterfly pattern grew where it was stabbed. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: It's really strange, Rifan should have the ability to directly stab the heart of the person on the other side, is it because it's just a demonstration, so there is no fatal stab to the other party?] 

Just when everyone was wondering, Rifan launched a surprise attack on the man with half bone mask again, and the golden stinger in his hand stabbed into the same place as his first attack.
