Chapter 72: Another Future Card— 

Looking at Teach, Katakuri had to sigh on Teach's luck.

Obviously, he is not a swordsman, but he obtained two famous swords by stealing. 

And relying on these two famous swords to obtain super-strong Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

Speaking of Observation Haki, Katakuri dared to compete with Teach.

But Teach's Armament Haki, which can use internal destruction, is beyond the reach of Katakuri.

Thinking of the hardships he has spent in practicing Observation Haki to the extent of predicting the future, Katakuri once again sighed at the mystery of the gold list.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Teach, this guy is really lucky. He just left the Whitebeard Pirates, and now he has gained his current power. Perhaps, even without relying on the power of Dark Fruit, Teach can turn the sea upside down. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehaha, Whitebeard, Are you regretting not killing him? With Teach's character, if he gained more power, he would definitely take revenge on you and your sons. I don't know what kind of expression you will have then. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Hmph, even if he gains strength, if Teach dares to do this, I will definitely make him regret it. ]

Whitebeard was not only answering Golden Lion but also warning Teach.

However, when Teach saw this message, he didn't take it seriously.

—[Divine Soldiers List], 10th place, congratulations to Golden Lion Shiki for acquiring the [Future Card].

–Using [Future Card], you can select future nodes to watch the future. 

[Golden Lion Shiki: It's finally my turn, but it turned out to be a future card. I want something more real than this. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Since you got a future card, why don't you watch the ending of the battle between Luffy and you?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Hmph, even if I don't watch the future, victory belongs to me. ]

Even so, Shiki has a strong curiosity about his fight with Luffy. Of course, it depends on the specific situation.

However, Shiki also understood very well that no matter what the previous future was, it has now been changed by the gold list.

That being the case, it doesn't make any sense to see a future that has changed.

On the contrary, he may expose his location and let the world see his future plan.

Therefore, Shiki directly dispelled the intention of using the future card to watch the future scenes of fighting between himself and Luffy.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Gold list, I want to see the detailed future scenes of the battle between Naval Headquarters, Teach and Whitebeard. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Golden Lion, you bastard!]

 [Whitebeard Newgate: Shiki, you are really nasty. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, aren't you curious, Whitebeard? Why did you Whitebeard Pirates appear in Naval Headquarters, who is the person the Marine intends to execute? I am very curious about these! ]

At Naval Headquarters, Sengoku narrowed his eyes slightly, and a white light flashed through the lens of his eyes.

Sengoku was a little surprised that Shiki would choose to show this future, but after thinking about it for a moment, he felt that this was an opportunity.

The previous episode of the battle between Teach and Whitebeard left many doubts.

Now it happens to be able to clarify these problems through Shiki's[Future Card].

"That's me, next to me is the captain of the Second Division of the Whitebeard Pirates! It really is him!"

Seeing the scene on the gold list, Sengoku whispered and his eyes were full of incredulity.

At the same time, the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group who saw this scene suddenly turned dark.

This time the screening lasted more than ten minutes.

From the beginning of the Whitebeard Pirates' rescue to the end of Luffy's departure, the relevant future was described in detail.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, this time, the future is really right. And that Ace, I didn't think he was Roger's son. It's so funny! ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Really, Roger still has blood left in this world. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: This is really terrible. It is not only the blood of Roger but also the son of Whitebeard. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: It should be Luffy that deserves attention. This kid turned out to be the grandson of Garp, the son of Dragon of the Revolutionary Army. And his brother is the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates. His life experience is too complicated. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: That Ace is also Garp's grandson. I really don't know why Roger's son was raised by Garp, Jiehahhaha. ]

On the sea, Garp, who was looking for Luffy and his gang in East Blue, twitched his eyes.

He had a hunch that after returning to Naval Headquarters, he would receive Sengoku's nagging again.

The fact is true. At this time, Sengoku gritted his teeth and chanted Garp's name. If it weren't for Garp not in Naval Headquarters now, Sengoku would have questioned his ideas.

"…This Garp really left Marine a (good) big trouble." Sengoku sighed deeply.

Although the gold list only shows the impression of this war on the top, there is nothing about the past. But thinking of Garp's character and the friendship between Garp and Roger, Sengoku immediately understood why Ace was raised by Garp.

Most likely, Roger entrusted Ace to Garp.

Thinking that the Marine had spent so much energy searching for Roger's possible bloodline, but was covered by Garp, a Marine hero, Sengoku felt a terrible headache.

Garp, I hope you can prevent Luffy from becoming pirate-like in the future, or else…

Finally, Sengoku's deep resentment towards Garp turned into a long sigh.
