Chapter 74: Summoning card—

At Naval Headquarters, Sengoku frowned at Shiki's message.

"That guy, what does he want to do!?"

Sengoku will not underestimate Shiki's message.

Now that he said he would announce his return, he must plan to do something.

"Report to Marshal Sengoku, from Marine G5 branch, news from Vice Admiral of Vergo!"

"Several huge Sky Islands suddenly fell from high altitude."

"The soldiers couldn't escape and suffered heavy injuries and were on the verge of death. Only the Vice Admiral, Vice Admiral Vergo, was still alive, but he was also seriously injured!"

Suddenly, a communications soldier ran over to report to Sengoku.

"What, the G5 branch!?"

Sengoku's eyes widened.

"That Shiki, really-dare!"

Sengoku understands the fruit ability of Shiki. And he knows that only Shiki can drop many Islands from the sky.

"Golden Lion Shiki, the Marine will never let you go!"

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, Golden Lion, you bastard, it's you who dropped islands at Marine G5 branch right?!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, it seems that my greetings from you Marine have already been received. Rest assured, this is just an announcement of my return. When I am ready, I will visit you at Naval Headquarters Headquarters in person. The War of the Naval Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirate Group may not happen, so at least, let's have a war between me and you. Jiehahahahaha~]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Shiki, you are still as crazy as before. However, if the subject is Marine, I don't hate it. Mamamama~ ]

[Momousagi Gion: Golden Lion, you will pay for what you do. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: You are still the same, Shiki. ]

Dressrosa, Doflamingo frowned.

"G5 branch, there will be nothing wrong with Vergo, right?

"No, with Vergos' strength, if only a few Sky Islands fall, he has the ability to escape."

Shaking his head, Doflamingo gave up the idea of contacting Vergo.

[Issho: Golden Lion, you really shouldn't exist in this world. ]

Seeing the message on the gold list and knowing what Golden Lion did, Issho suddenly felt that he should do something.

[Red-haired Shanks: Another monster that used to be in the ocean has been resurrected. The gold list is really scary. I don't know what kind of reward I will get next. ]

-[Divine Soldiers List] 8th place, congratulations to redhead Shanks for obtaining the[Summoning Card].

-Once you use the [Summoning Card], you can call the dead souls to return to the world.

–The undead can attach to the body of the summoner and use the body of the summoner to fight.

–The summoned undead can stay in this world for 24 hours, and will automatically return to the underworld after 24 hours.

"Huh! This reward!" Seeing the card appearing in his hand, Shanks opened his eyes wide, "Can you summon the undead back to this world?!"

[Dark King Rayleigh: This thing, can it be said that Roger can come back from the underworld?] 

[Golden Lion Shiki: Interesting! Red hair kid, let Roger's soul come back and let him see his son calling Whitebeard father, Jiehaha!]

[Zoro: Bringing the souls of the dead back to this world, is it really possible to do such a thing!?] 

[Mr11: Does the underworld really exist?!]

East Blue, Zoro's eyes widened.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered his friend Kuina who had been dead for many years. On the other side, Luffy thought of Sabo.

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~, the underworld does exist. Speaking of it, my soul actually ran out of the underworld. When I found my body, it took too long and the body had become a skeleton. Therefore, I am now in a state of bones. Yohoho~]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Your soul has been to the underworld?] 

[Bone Brook: Yes, it only happens because I'm a person who ate the Revive-Revive Devil Fruit. After I die, the ability of the fruit is activated, so my soul has been to the underworld. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, do you really want Roger to come back? Don't bother those who have died. ]

"Shanks, do you want to call Roger's soul back?" Red Hair Pirates Deputy Captain Ben Beckman asked.

"Hahaha, it's been a long time since I saw Captain Roger. There is still something as interesting as the Gold List in this world. If he knew there was such a thing, he would want to see it too." Shanks laughed." Also, let him know that Ace has grown up so much, he will be very happy too."

[Red-haired Shanks: Gold List, if you can do it, I want to summon him, let the soul of Pirate King Roger return to this world!] 

As soon as the voice fell, the Summoning card in Shanks's hand suddenly turned into a white light and formed a mysterious Pentagram Summoning Array in front of Shanks.

A few seconds later, a tall man wearing a red robe with a faintly transparent body appeared in front of Shanks and everyone in the world.

"Huh? Where am I?" Roger opened his eyes, looked around curiously, and finally fixed his gaze on the Shanks.

"Hey man, do you know where this is?"
