Chapter 95: Queen—

"Have you seen enough, Teacher Rifan!?"

A few seconds later, Robin put her hands in front of her and looked at Rifan with a smile.

Earlier, it seemed that Robin was still as generous as ever, but if you look closely, you will find that her cheek is already a little red.

"It turns out that something like this will happen when Wood Style is awakened." Rifan shrugged, "Don't look at me like this, I also didn't expect it to happen."

While speaking, Rifan took out a set of standard female ninja tight-fitting mesh fit and slim-fitting jackets from his treasury.

Robin was also unambiguous, and quickly took over the clothes and put on her clothes with her back to Rifan.

As for making Rifan close his eyes and turn around, Robin felt that there was not so much need for Rifan who had already seen her body.

After a while, when Robin refitted and faced Rifan, the one who appeared in front of Rifan was a standard female ninja. At least, that's how it looks.

"Teacher Rifan, when will we start the training?" After taking a deep breath, putting aside the embarrassment before, Robin asked Rifan.

"We can start now." Speaking of training, Rifan immediately became serious. "Although you have gained the power of Wood Style, before you train, let me tell you about the relevant knowledge." 

"Wood Style, in the final analysis, is the power formed by the combination of Chakra with the earth attribute and Chakra with the water attribute."

"So, theoretically, you can also practice Earth Style ninjutsu and water style ninjutsu."

"So when you practice Wood Style Technique, I might intersperse some teachings of Earth Style Ninjutsu and Water Style Ninjutsu.

"Of course, we can't let go of your Devil Fruit power, I will also guide you to develop your devil fruit power by the way."

"After you have thoroughly mastered Wood Style, I will consider guiding you in the practice of Sage Mode."

Hearing Rifan's words, Robin tilted her head and asked curiously: "Sage Mode, what is that?"

"The so-called Sage Mode is to use the natural energy of the world to create Sage Chakra to perform ninjutsu." Rifan said, "In Sage Mode, your strength will soar. But it's not easy to learn Sage Mode so you have to grit your teeth for the harsh training."

"Also, Although the Golden List seems to define the Deep Forest Bloom as the strongest Wood Style Technique, it is only the conventional Wood Style."

"In the Sage Mode, everything will change."

"If you can learn the Wood Style of Sage Mode, I think it will be difficult for the world to stop you from searching for the historical text."

Rifan smiled at Robin and turned to face the sea.

With his hands together, Rifan's face soon showed a mysterious pattern.

"Sage Art: Wood Style: True Thousand Hands, Sage Art: Wood Style: Shinsu Senju!"


In Robin's horrified gaze, the whole earth began to shake violently.

The ground shattered, and a huge god-tier with countless arms appeared to gush from the ground.

From a distance, his body is about the size of a mountain.

"Thi-this is!?" Robin's eyes widened, looking at Rifan incredulously.

"It's not over yet." Rifan smiled, and his hands made a hand sign again.

The hand behind the wood giant clenched his fist and violently attacked the opposite sea. 


Every fist attack made the sea toss, and such an attack directly lasted thousands of times.

After the matter subsided, what was printed in front of Robin's eyes was a pothole the size of a lake and the countercurrent seawater.

Robin opened her mouth slightly and couldn't say anything.

When Rifan dispersed the wooden giant, Robin hadn't regained her senses yet from shock.

"Hey, what are you thinking about, it's time to wake up." Rifan, who stepped on the water, shook Robin, who was holding his hands.

"Oh oh! Sorry, Teacher Rifan, I was a little too surprised." Robin smiles reluctantly.

Although, when the Golden List demonstrated the power of Sharingan, there was a similar picture of the wooden giant with hundreds of arms fighting Susanoo.

But no matter what, when you see it in front of your eyes, can you not be shocked?!

Robin felt that if she mastered such skills, even a Marine Admiral might not be able to resist them.

"Don't be surprised, study hard."

"Although the training of Sage Mode will not happen overnight."

"But you can use this as a goal."

Rifan said with a smile.

"Can I learn it?" Robin hesitated.

At this time, she really believed that Rifan had the ability to give her the power to become fearless even in front of a Marine Admiral.

At the same time, she once again felt that it was the right choice for her to venture to Rifan Dojo to train under him.

Originally it was just an attempt, but it was an attempt that would end her life if it failed.

As a result, Rifan actually accepted her, and Robin was very grateful for the decision she made when she took the risk.

"What are you talking about, you always have to have the confidence to learn." Rifan smiled, "First of all, let's fix your small goal, and learn Wood Style first."

"Okay, Teacher Rifan, I'm ready." Robin nodded heavily.

"Really? Then I have to let go."

"Let go?" Robin looked at him strangely, only to realize that she was now being held by Rifan's hands.

And below her, there was flowing seawater.

"First of all, your awakened Chakra is good and stable."

"So, first of all, let's start by treading water with Chakra."

After speaking, Rifan released his hand.




Two years later, the same beach.

"Secret Wood Style Jutsu: Deep Forest Emergence!" 

With a soft cry, the earth began to tremble violently.

In the originally empty desert area, thick and strong trees appeared out of thin air.

Within a few seconds, a dense forest with a radius of several kilometers appeared in front of Rifan.

"Yes, it's already amazing to be able to achieve this level."

Rifan clapped his hands, jumped from a tree, and walked to Robin who used Wood Style.

After two years of time, Robin at this time is more mature and her skin has become extra fair.

"And it just consumed a little of your Chakra, you really improved a lot, Robin."

"Thank you for your compliment, Teacher Rifan. It's just a pity that I haven't been able to learn the Wood Style: Deep Forest Bloom." Robin shook her head regretfully.

"In just two years, it is very good to be able to use Deep Forest Emergence without any effort. Moreover, you just haven't mastered the Deep Forest Emergence, plus the wooden dragon technique that can absorb devil fruit ability, even if it is in the face of three Logia devil fruit users like Admiral, you also have the power to fight."

Hearing Rifan's words, Robin nodded and made a hand sign again, and the surrounding trees began to either quickly. In a blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery returned to its original state.

"Are we already leaving here, Teacher Rifan?" Robin walked to Rifan's body and asked.

"Yes, after all, two years have passed very quickly." Rifan nodded, "Let's go, it's time to go back."

As soon as his voice fell, the figures of Rifan and Robin returned to the Dojo.

"I always feel a little dazed." Looking at the surrounding scenes, Robin shook her head and sighed.

The scene is still the same, and the Dojo is exactly the same as before.

But who would have thought that she has been away from here for two years?

"Then, Teacher Rifan, I will go out first."


Seeing Rifan nod, Robin stepped out of the Dojo.

No need for induction, Wapol's figure immediately appeared in front of Robin.

"Since Teacher Rifan said that he doesn't want the king of this country to be a person like you, I can only kick you out of this country."

Robin whispered and walked towards Wapol.




—Ding! Because Nico Robin drove Wapol out of the Drum Kingdom and liberated the doctors, she was loved by the people of the Drum Kingdom and was regarded as the queen. It is judged that Nico Robin has regained the Drum Kingdom.

—The host can now move freely in the Drum Kingdom. The new Dojo has been randomly placed somewhere in the world. Please check it by yourself.

–Congratulations to the Host for getting three disciples who have regained territories, reward free transmission function and the epiphany room.

-Self-use transmission function: Host can bring people in the Dojo to and from Dojo freely.

-Epiphany Room: When a disciple reaches a bottleneck in a certain skill, entering the Epiphany Room for training will increase the probability of a breakthrough.

The disciple can only use it once, and it is recommended to enter the room after reaching the bottleneck.

–Use imposed restrictions, one month!

Hearing the system's prompt, Rifan raised his hand and rubbed his chin. "In the epiphany room, right now, it should be effective to Nami."

"She's now practicing the [Six Realms Five Rings - The Divine Figure of Kurikara]. It's a pity that she can't manifest its form yet."

"But with this 'Epiphany Room', it should be able to make her comprehend this style of swordsmanship more quickly."


At this moment, a stepping sound came into Rifan's ears.

"What are you thinking about, Teacher Rifan?" Robin walked to Rifan with a graceful step.

"Welcome back." Rifan said with a smile, "You seem to be regarded as a queen by people in this country. Can you tell me how it feels to be a queen?"

"It's just that they did it without authorization." Robin shook her head and sat down beside Rifan. "All they need is the relationship between me and you."

"So, I'm just a queen in name.

"The political affairs of this country are handled by others."

Rifan nodded, expressing understanding.

After learning that his Dojo is located in the Drum Kingdom, and they are unable to do anything to it, it is wiser to make such a choice.

"Speaking of which, one hour is almost here."

"I don't know what rewards you can get as the strongest swordsman."

Robin raised her head and glanced at the golden list in the sky, and asked with a smile on her face.

"Who knows, it shouldn't be bad." Rifan shrugged.

As soon as his voice fell, the golden list that had been silent for an hour suddenly burst into a fierce light.

For a while, everyone put aside the things at hand and set their sights on the golden list.

After the violent light, ten silver luxury seats appeared on the gold list.

And in the middle of the ten luxurious seats, there is a golden seat.

With the golden seat as the center, ten silver seats are lined up, and the numbers from one to ten are marked on the seats.

There is no number in the golden seat in the middle. Instead, the word "Holy" is engraved in the opposite place.

"It's getting started, The Swordsman List!"

Robin laughed~
