Chapter 97: 9th and 8th place—

Cake island.

"That Vista is really arrogant." Charlotte Linlin scorn as she looks at Vista's speech. She looked down at Charlotte Smoothie and Charlotte Amande who were standing next to her.

"Smoothie, Amande, you two are the two best swordsmen in our Pirate Group."

"Smoothie, you are even one of the Four Sweet Commander. So you will challenge Vista over there and let him close his mouth."

Charlotte Smoothie is one of the four Sweet Commanders, even without using her fruit ability, her Swordsman is one of the best in their Pirates Group.

Although it seems that she may not be on the list, Linlin does not think she will be much worse than Vista.

As for Amande, she spent all her energy on kendo. She also holds the famous sword "Shirauo" in her hand. Faced with Vista, she won't be without the power of a battle. [Tl/n: 'Shirauo' means "Icefish" in English.]

"We understand, Mom." Smoothie and Amande nodded and replied.

"Unfortunately, the challenger is limited to the swordsman, otherwise, I can also participate." Linlin whispered.

Although Linlin knows how to use one style of Swordsman, she still knows herself.

Fundamentally speaking, she is not a swordsman.

It may be okay to be on the Swordplay List, but if she wants to enter the Swordsman List, it is impossible.

The same sigh also happened at Naval Headquarters.

"It's a pity, if I can be more like a swordsman, maybe I can also leave my name on the list." Kizaru sighed.

"I reminded you to pay more attention to the strength of your own body." Zephyr took a look at Kizaru and snorted coldly.

"Oh, teacher Zephyr is really harsh." Kizaru spread his hands and shrugged indifferently. 

Seeing Kizaru's appearance, Zephyr sighed, adhering to the principle of not seeing and not being confused, he turned his head and looked aside.

[Golden Lion Shiki: This Whitebeard's son, he still has a bit of temper. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: As a great swordsman, this should be the case. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Compared with this, I am more curious about who will be on the list and what kind of rewards there will be. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Hmph, even if I only rely on Swordsman, there should be my name on this list. ]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~, although I also want to be rewarded, but I don't have the ability to challenge everyone. ]

[Zoro: This list of swordsmen is exactly the list that swordsmen dream of. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Indeed. ]

[Tashigi: It will take one month. This month, everyone's strength may still grow. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: What you said is true, the real ranking will not be known until the challenge is over. The current one is just a pre-ranking. ]

After leaving a message, Shanks looked at Roger, who was watching the gold list with interest besides him.

'I don't know, will there be any items that can be designated to revive others?'

–[Swordsman List], No. 9, Shiryu of the Rain, scheduled reward [Top Observation Haki Seed].

-Once used, the user Observation Haki can foresee the future.

[Shiryu: Oh~, there is such a good thing. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Observation Haki of this degree is not easy to train. If the 9th place reward is already this good, it is really worth looking forward to what rewards higher position is. ]

[Redhead Shanks: The uncertainty of the resurrection scroll is too great, and the enemy may be resurrected. From this point of view, Shiryu's booking reward is indeed better. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Sigh, if Shiryu obtains such a reward, it will definitely be trouble. ]

[Shiryu: Hmph, if you want to stop me, try sending a strong swordsman Marine to challenge me, but remember to prepare for them to be killed. However, there may be people on the list who have more trouble rewards than me. Do you have so many swordsmen to stop them?]

"This Shiryu!" Impel down, Magellan looked at Shiryu's message, and venom spread over his body again, "It's my fault, I shouldn't let this guy go, it even caused Sadi to be killed!"

At this moment, Magellan's guilt reached the top.


–[Swordsman List], 8th place, Momousagi Gion, scheduled reward [Top Armament Haki Seed].

-Once used, Awakening can achieve the internal destruction level Armament Haki.

[Admiral Kizaru: As expected of our Marine Flower, she can be ranked in the top eight, and her reward is a top Armament Haki, if she awaken this kind of power, I don't know if I am still her opponent. ]

[Momousagi Gion: Admiral Kizaru must be joking. At your speed, I can hardly catch up with you. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: That's not necessarily true. Armament Haki of this level, I don't even want to touch it. ]

[Shiryu: The person with the lower ranking on the list can challenge the person who is at the top of the list. In other words, I can win this armament seed reward!]

[Momousagi Gion: Do you want to challenge me, Shiryu the traitor?]
