Chapter 99: 5th, 4th and 3rd Place—

—After use, awaken the Advanced Conqueror's Haki; the Advanced Conqueror's Haki can infuse his/her conqueror haki into a weapon or even body.

"Advanced Conqueror's Haki? Only Red Hair can reach this level, right?"

"If Issho awakens his conqueror haki, how much can his strength be enhanced?!"

"In this way, this future Admiral will be stronger than the three of us."

"Speaking of which, why doesn't he want to show up? And join the Marines now?"

"If he becomes a new Admiral, it will be a powerful deterrent to the pirates who are increasingly proliferating."

Aokiji looked at the sky in surprise and said,

"The appearance of the golden list has made many things uncertain."

"That man Issho, maybe he wants to determine whether his decision to join the marines in the future is correct from watching the Golden List first."

Tsuru said with a sigh.

On the other side, where Red Hair Pirates are.

Seeing the Golden List description of Conqueror's Haki, Shanks felt a strong sense of sight.

"Shanks, it seems that in the future, you are not the only one who can achieve Advanced Conqueror Haki."

Ben Beckman said to Shanks.

"Hahaha, it's the mysterious Golden List after all, it's normal to be able to come up with something like this." 

Shanks shook his head and didn't mind someone having the same level of Conqueror's like himself.

However, although he doesn't mind, it doesn't mean that other people mind it.

Kaido: "If I had this, I wouldn't lose to that redhead bastard in the Conqueror's competition. Damn it, one list after another, why does it have nothing to do with me!?"

Charlotte Linlin: "Is there any way to get it?"

Linlin glanced around her children's, and the children who were passing by her eyes bowed their heads.

Linlin sighed. Although she wanted them to help her obtain the seeds of the Conqueror's Haki, she knew very well that if her sons and daughters really challenged Issho, they would only give him a head.

She didn't want to do such a loss-making business.

–[Swordsman List], 5th place, Nami; scheduled reward, [Life Potion];

-After use, heal any injury, as long as you are not dead, you can immediately recover.

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, hey, has this woman's strength reached this level!?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: It's weird. Seeing how she dealt with the Arlong Pirates before, she shouldn't have reached this level. She is even stronger than me in terms of swordsmanship!? ]

You know, [Swordsman List] is different from [Swordplay List].

[Swordplay List] Only looks at the potential of swordsmanship, but [Swordsman List] is a comprehensive assessment of the strength of a swordsman.

[Momousagi Gion: Could it be said that Rifan can really improve the strength of his disciples in a short period of time?] 

[Dark King Rayleigh: Strange, how Nami's projection on the gold list is so different from her previous self. It has only been a few days, and her face seems to have matured a lot. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Is this related to Rifan's teaching method?] 

[Hawkeye Mihawk: If Rifan really has such an ability, during this month, perhaps the roster of the swordsman list will change drastically. Those who find Rifan Dojo and become his apprentice successfully may have the strength to be on the list. ]

[Redhead Shanks: So, the person above Nami should also worry about it. After all, Rifan can also strengthen the training of Nami this month, hahaha. I don't know if his gang of disciples will be on the list or not. If there is me, maybe I will be defeated by Nami, hahaha. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Shanks, you should say less, maybe it will come true. ]

–[Swordsman List], 4th place, Dark King Rayleigh; schedule reward,[100 years life birthday cake].

-Once eaten, life span will be increased by one hundred years.

[Pluton Rayleigh: Is this to make me an old man, an immortal monster? hahaha. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Rayleigh, if you don't want it, you can give it to me. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: You can try to challenge me, Shiki. If you win, the reward is naturally yours. ]

Hundred-year life birthday cake appeared again, and quite a few people in the world showed an expression of envy.

[Red Shanks: The 4th place reward is the one-hundred-year life cake. What about the rewards above? ]

-[Swordsman List], 3rd place, red-haired Shanks; reservation reward, [Intermediate Resurrection Scroll].

-Once used, a deceased person can be designated to resurrect.

–The strength of the resurrected person will be reduced by one stage; the user's strength will not be affected.


Mariejois, the curly-bearded Elder, smashed the desk in front of him with a punch.

"This reward, this cannot be obtained by Shanks!"

"Otherwise, Roger will return to the world!"
