Chapter 114: Challenging the 1st rank—

"Hissss, it hurts!"

"Hey, Yasopp, be careful!"

Shanks slapped Yasopp's hand on his wound and said with a tangled expression on his face.

"Sorry, Captain, it's just the first time I saw you like this. It's just a bit general." Yasopp smiled, "By the way, it should leave scars on your body.

"It would be an honor to be scarred by that sword skill." Shanks shrugged and said casually.

Although Roger's departure made Shanks feel a little melancholy.

But his natural and bold personality made him recover quickly.

"By the way, the captain is seriously injured now. If someone challenges the captain now, wouldn't it be very dangerous?" Lucky Roux said.

"If someone really challenges Shanks, it might be a good thing." Deputy Captain Ben Beckman took off his cigarette butt and said very calmly. "Although the Golden List only restores the winners' injury, if the losers on the list are again challenged, the Golden List will definitely heal Shanks first. If the Golden List didn't heal Shanks' injury while someone challenged him, the ranking would be meaningless."

Hearing Ben Beckman's words, Lucky Roux nodded and turned his attention to the golden list.

"What you said seems to make sense, but I don't know if anyone is going to challenge the captain. Huh?!?"

"What's the matter?" Shanks glanced at lucky Roux curiously, then followed his gaze to the golden list.

"Huh?! Deputy Captain Rayleigh challenged Nami?" Shanks' eyes widened, and then he burst into laughter. "Sure enough, Deputy Captain Rayleigh, I knew he wouldn't listen to me."

"If the legendary Dark King Rayleigh fails, Nami's name will really spread all over the sea." Lucky Roux said with emotion, "No, even now, Nami's name has become a household name." [Tl/n: Also means a strong expert.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahahaha~Rayleigh, you didn't disappoint me, you really challenged Nami! ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: A retired person came out, let me see how strong you are now. Gurararara~ ]

[Momousagi Gion: Nami can beat Shanks, and Rayleigh, who ranks lower than Shanks, shouldn't as far as defeating Nami. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: If he can make Nami unable to perform that trick, it will become a different story.]

 [Admiral Kizaru:Will it go so smoothly? I think the victory should be Nami's. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Hmph, you Marine naturally hope that Nami can have resurrection items. In this case, you don't have to worry that Roger will be resurrected. But is this really good? I have received a reward order of Rifan, 10 billion, which is really a high reward. If Nami really has resurrection items, in case one of you really killed Rifan, what do you think Nami who holds the resurrection scroll will do!? Jiehahaha~] 

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Even if the Marine can really kill Rifan, the price paid is absolutely great. When Rifan is resurrected again, Sengoku's face must be pretty good. Not necessarily, maybe Sengoku was beaten to death by Rifan at that time. Mamamamama~]

Shiki's words hit Sengoku's heart, his face was extremely gloomy, and he stared at the golden list.

The Intermediate Resurrection Scroll is too precious, no matter who gets their hand on it, Sengoku is not at ease. But there is no other way, he can only watch other people fight for it now because, in the Marine, there really is no swordsman who can compete with Nami.

Even Gion, who is on the list, doesn't have this ability.

"But it's a pity that Nami didn't kill Shanks, otherwise it would be considered a good thing for marines, I just hope that Rayleigh doesn't have the luck of Shanks."

However, things were not as Sengoku wished.

Because Rayleigh lost, faster than the Redhead Shanks.

Although in order to prevent Nami from launching her strongest sword skill, Rayleigh rushed toward Nami at a very fast speed from the beginning.

However, Nami didn't have any big plans to spend time with him, Rayleigh rushed halfway, and a huge sword of light was cut down.

Had it not been for Rayleigh's Observation Haki to be outstanding and fast enough, that sword would really split him in half.

Although the injury was not light, he did not die as Sengoku expected.

However, Nami defeated RedHair Shanks and Dark King Rayleigh respectively, and her strength was thoroughly recognized by the strong men of the sea.

She didn't rely on luck to defeat the Red-Haired Shanks, but with her way of kendo, she really reached a high level.

This made those who were planning to challenge Nami immediately give up this plan.

Once again out of the duel field provided by the golden list, the immaturity on Nami's face has transformed into self-confidence.

This time, she passed her sister Nojiko and fell directly into Rifan's arms.

"Congratulations, Nami, now, no one should challenge you anymore."

Rifan patted Nami's slender back and said with a smile.

Who would have thought that such a weak body contained the power to defeat one of the Four Emperors? 

"Yeah!" Nami arched in Rifan's arms, her trembling eyelashes expressing her inner joy.

"Nami, you should have just put more effort into killing that Rayleigh." On the side, Sadi shook her head and sighed, "If he is dead, even if the list publicity period is not over, he will not be able to challenge you again. 

"Rayleigh is still the Vice-Captain of the past Roger Pirates after all, and Red Hair is also one of the Four Emperors. I am worried that killing them will cause trouble for teacher Rifan." Nami got up, and turned her head to look at Sadi, "Now that teacher has offended the world government If we offend such a powerful pirate group again…"

"About this, you don't have to worry about it." Rifan smiled, "Your teacher is very strong. Even if I have a few more enemies, you don't have to be afraid."

Among other things, Rifan can just take out Ryūjin Jakka and completely liberate its power. Rifan didn't think anyone in this world could withstand it.

Not to mention, Rifan has other abilities.

"Okay, Nami, let go first."

"Next, it's my turn."

Rifan rubbed Nami's hair and said gently.

Hearing Rifan's words, Nami was stunned, and then suddenly looked towards the golden list.

Sure enough, there was a line of golden letters about Rifan glowing brightly.

–[Swordsman List] 2nd place, Dracule Mihawk, challenge [Swordsman List] 1st place, Rifan.
