Chapter 122: Vivi Vs Shiki—

The reason why Shiki came to Alabasta was to find Rifan.

And to find Rifan, finding his Dojo is a must.

In his opinion, since Vivi is a disciple of Rifan, then Alabasta is very likely to have Rifan's Dojo.

As for the Dojo that appeared on the golden list where Nami and Nico Robin were accepted as disciples, Shiki could not analyze where it was.

Therefore, he can only go to Alabasta.

As for finding Rifan's new Dojo and becoming Rifan's disciple, as a legend from the old generation, he still has his pride.

After arriving at Alabasta, he found the Royal City as soon as possible, but Vivi and Robin refused to inform him about the whereabouts of Rifan Dojo.

After seeing Vivi's Sharingan and Robin's Wood Style, Shiki, who was afraid of these two powers, did not clash with them directly.

"I won't tell you the location of Teacher Rifan's Dojo." Vivi looked at Shiki with a cold face, "If you don't leave Alabasta again, even if you're from the old era, I won't be polite to you."

Originally, Vivi and Robin had already planned to return to Dressrosa.

It was precisely because of the appearance of Shiki that the two of them suspended their journey back to Rifan Dojo.

Although Robin also mentioned that Rifan could help, Vivi politely refused.

Vivi hopes that within the scope of her ability, what she can handle will be handled by herself.

"Hey, hello, is it necessary to be so murderous?" Seeing that Sharingan in Vivi's eyes quickly changed from a three-tomoe to a Mangekyō Sharingan, Shiki frowned and immediately raised his height. "I just want to see Rifan himself and discuss cooperation with him."

"Your so-called cooperation is to conquer the world and ask Teacher Rifan to rule the world with you." Robin slowly raised her hands, and a new wooden dragon derives from the wooden dragon under her feet and soared next to her. "Give up, Golden Lion Shiki, Teacher Rifan's power is not what you can imagine."

"If he wants to conquer the world, he doesn't need to cooperate with anyone."

"If you don't leave here, and keep harassing Alabasta, Vivi and I will have to keep you here forever!"

Robin's words caused a wave of sudden anger in Shiki's heart.

When did a little girl like Robin dare to threaten him!?

"You need to know, just above 10,000 meters in the sky, there is the Sky Island that I control with my ability."

"If I lift my abilities, you should be very clear about what will happen.

Shiki lowered his voice, without concealing his anger in his tone.

"Are you threatening me?!" Vivi glared, and a pair of Sharingan spun quickly.

At the same time, the blue Chakra continues to condense around Vivi.

Chakra gathered more and more, and after a few seconds, a giant that surpassed the mountain was formed.

"Complete Susanoo!? Vivi is it necessary to use this!?"

Robin was surprised when she saw Vivi leaping from the wooden dragon and forming a giant in the air in front of her.

"Teacher Rifan said that you are not allowed to use Sharingan often, especially with such a large use of pupil technique."

Vivi pursed her mouth, staring at the Shiki who was flying to a higher place in surprise because of her use of Susanoo.

"I have to frighten Golden Lion and other potential enemies." Vivi said very firmly, "Teacher Rifan must be right. Only when you have a strong power will others be afraid of you and won't provoke you."

"I'm going to ruin the Sky Island that that guy said, Robin, I'll leave it to you for the following things."

When the words fell, Susanoo flew up suddenly and chased the Shiki very fast.

"What!? Such a big body can still fly, and it can even fly so fast!?" Looking at Susanoo, who was chasing him to an altitude of 10,000 meters, Shiki widened his eyes. "In the demo, It didn't say that Susanoo could fly!"

Shiki originally wanted to leave Alabasta City temporarily and waited for Vivi to calm down before going to talk to her.

He believes that as long as there is a threat of Sky Island above Alabasta, Vivi will be pressured to call out Rifan after more than a few days.

At that time, even if he didn't find Rifan's Dojo, his goal was achieved. But he didn't think that this little girl could confront him fearlessly! 

Before he knew it, Vivi with her Susanoo was already opposite him!

The pirates brought by the Shiki, after seeing Susanoo, which is almost the same size as Sky Island, were too scared to move.

"Golden Lion, this is my last warning."

"Leave Alabasta, otherwise, don't blame me for destroying you!"

"Now, you should know that Sky Island you said is not a threat to me."

While speaking, Vivi, standing on Susanoo's forehead, turned and glanced at the islands floating in the air.

Although her tone was full of disdain for Shiki, deep down, Vivi was surprised by the power of Shiki to allow so many islands to float in the air.

At this moment, she really realized how powerful the pirates from the legend standing at the top of the sea.

Sand Crocodile on the other hand is just like a child in front of an adult!

To deal with Crocodile, by relying on Water Style, Vivi can easily defeat him.

But facing an opponent like Shiki, even if she got Sharingan, if it weren't for Rifan to let her master Susanoo, it would be difficult for her to fight Shiki in the air.

At least, if these Sky Islands fall, Vivi can't think of any way to prevent them.

Even if she herself is safe and sound, the people of Alabasta will definitely suffer.

"Jiehahaha~ little girl, aren't you too confident?" Shiki cracked the corner of his mouth and looked at Vivi with a grin. "If it's Rifan, maybe you can still talk to me like this."

"But you, but you are still too far away."

"Now, I changed my mind."

"It doesn't matter if I don't see Rifan, your eyes seem good, just leave them to me, I will use them better than you."

Originally, Shiki didn't care much about Vivi's Sharingan. After all, the Golden List only demonstrated the special ability of Vivi Mangekyō Sharingan, Kamui.

It didn't demonstrate Susanoo's ability.

Seeing Susanoo's deterrence with his own eyes, Shiki was suddenly moved.

As long as he can master Sharingan, Shiki feels that it doesn't matter whether or not he can cooperate with Rifan.

"Do you want my eyes?" Vivi raised her right hand and stroked her right eye."Although I want to say that even if you get it, you can't use it, but you won't believe it."

"Sure enough, for you pirates, you still have to use force to speak."

After speaking, Vivi quickly made a hand sign with both hands.

"Water Style, Water Dragon Bomb Technique!"

With a scream, she was suspended next to the Sky Island, and the seawater suspended by the Shiki using the power of his devil fruit was directly out of Shiki's control.

Under Vivi's Water Style ninjutsu, it turned into a huge water dragon and rushed towards the Shiki who was floating not far away.

"You can really control the water!?!"

Shiki shouted in shock.
