Chapter 131: Dance–Sode no Shirayuki— [1]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~ will anyone compete for the strongest title?]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Although everyone on the list can compete for the title of the Juggernaut, the only one who can really win this title is Rifan, who is number one on the list.]

[Admiral Kizaru: Well, even though Rifan is very strong, it's impossible to really beat everyone. ]

Momousagi Gion: "...."

Gion sighed deeply as she looked at the Dojo in the wind and snow.

As early as half a month ago, Gion had already landed on the Drum Kingdom Island. 

However, when she came to the Dojo, the door of the Dojo was always closed, even if she knocked on the door, there was no response inside.

Considering the current relationship between the Marine and Rifan, Gion did not open the door of the Dojo without authorization.

She didn't know, Rifan had already known about her arrival. 

However, Rifan felt that there was nothing to discuss with Gion, so he never showed up in the Dojo in the Drum Kingdom.

Although this is also related to Gion's failure to enter the Dojo.

'Will he challenge the title of Juggernaut?'

Gion muttered in a low voice and turned her attention to the golden list again, and at this moment, a new golden list message appeared.

[Rifan: I, Rifan, challenge the title of Juggernaut.]

With the drop of this message, at the same time, Rifan, Nami, Mihawk, etc., who were on the rank list were directly sent to a vast and luxurious duel arena.

The grounds around the duel arena are filled with various famous swords and blades.

The farthest and highest point is the Juggernaut Throne with the word "Holy" inscribed.

Seeing this scene, the message area of the golden list burst directly. Almost everyone who can leave a message on the gold list is discussing whether Rifan can win.

However, Rifan and others inside the duel arena weren't able to see it.

"Jiehahaha, this is the first time I saw you in person, Rifan."

"How about it, do you want to join hands with me to rule the world together?"

"With your power and the Yatsufusa in my hands, even the remaining Four Elders, we can control them and let them become our puppet!"

Inside the duel arena, Golden Lion Shiki, holding his reward from the golden list            [March of the Dead: Yatsufusa], laughed and invited Rifan.

Although he was smiling, Shiki's eyes were all wary of Rifan.

Although there have been speculations, seeing Rifan really challenge the title of Juggernaut, Shiki was still a little frightened.

'Does this guy really have the confidence to defeat everyone?!'

"Huh, my teacher doesn't need to join hands with people like you!"

Nami stood between Rifan and Shiki, looking at Shiki with disdain.

"Also, since you go to Vivi country to make trouble, you should be prepared for the worst."

"You even want to steal Vivi's Sharingan, so I will help Vivi solve you."

During this time, Nami does not only do training.

The strength and character of the people on the list, Nami, have fully understood.

She knew that Shiki in front of her was an unscrupulous pirate, even more evil than Arlong.

Therefore, Nami has no psychological burden killing Shiki.

"Forget it, Nami." Rifan patted Nami on the shoulder. "According to the golden list, I need to challenge all of you. If you deal with other people, I may not be rewarded."

"Oh, okay." Nami nodded and sent the sword that was out of its sheath back.

Although she wants to solve Shiki, if it prevents Rifan from getting the reward this time, Nami will not do anything.

"Little girl, I'm talking to your teacher, you dare to scold me?" Shiki frowned and looked at Nami.

Although it seems that he doesn't care about Nami, Shiki is also very wary of Nami who can beat Shanks and Rayleigh.

"Give it up, Shiki, I am not interested in your plans for rule."

"Compared to this, let's start."

Rifan said while stroking Sode no Shirayuki in his hand.

"Besides, you don't have to worry that I will kill you."

"About my disciple's affairs, I let my disciple solve it by themselves."

"Killing you is too boring.

Rifan is not interested in chatting with Shiki and others in front of him.

What he cares about is just the reward given by the golden list[the body that is not destroyed].

He has to say that this time the reward issued by the golden list, even he is quite tempted.

Although he doesn't think anyone can hurt him in this world, it doesn't mean that he is immortal. He is also a human with a limited lifespan. And every time he trains his disciples, his lifespan gets deducted.

But with [the body that is not destroyed], he can use the time training chamber more freely, and the number of disciples he can train can also be greatly increased.

As for the birthday cake lifespan he previously obtained, Rifan can give it to one of his disciples.

If he can, Rifan certainly doesn't want to live long by himself in the future. That would be too lonely.

Having a disciple that can accompany him, that kind of life is what Rifan expects to see.

"Sire Rifan is right. Since we were selected by the Gold List and received the corresponding rewards, we should naturally follow the rules of the Golden List."

"In that case, please forgive me for being rude."

Issho opened his blind eyes and looked at Rifan.

Using one hand, a golden 'seed' was thrown into his mouth. That's right, it's his reward, the Conqueror Haki seed.
