Chapter 143: Sugar: Big brother, hug~

"Fufufu, Rifan, you are quite lively here."

"Don't mind them, just come in and sit down."

Doflamingo asked with a smile.

"Do you want to come in?" 

Rifan glanced at the Epiphany Room, his eyes clearly showing the picture of Rebecca's training.

After such a long time, Rebecca has already completed the final liberation of Senbonzakura.

However, Rifan didn't make her rush out of the epiphany room, but let her continue her training in it. In addition to the basic stance of Senbonzakura [Senbonzakura Kageyoshi], there are three different guises.

They correspond to different usage methods and can be applied to different places.

In addition to these three forms, there are also the ultimate forms.

Rather than leaving the epiphany room and slowly training it, Rifan felt that it would be better to train in the epiphany room until her time is over.

At least, inside the Epiphany room, three of the said forms can be learned easily.

'But, now it seems that the last form of the three, the[Last Sight: White  Sword] is about to be learned.

'According to the agreement, Rebecca can come out after learning the three forms. "

'After she comes out, she will be very "happy" if she sees Doflamingo.'

Thinking of this, Rifan couldn't help showing a playful smile to Doflamingo.

"Since you want to come in, come in."

"It just so happens that the time for the announcement of the Martial Arts Skill List is about to come."

"We can 'appreciate' the List together."

"Speaking of which, someone from your side should be able to make it on the list."

"I remember there seems to be an old man who is a master of boxing on your side."

Rifan waved his hand and signaled Sadi and others to retreat, without blocking Doflamingo.

On the other side, Doflamingo saw Rifan's smile, and always felt that something was wrong.

But at this time, he couldn't take care of that much.

Lifting his feet, Doflamingo walked to the chair opposite Rifan and sat down.

Diamante stood behind Doflamingo, like a devoted guard.

Even he knew that if Rifan really wanted to do something, he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to.

"Big brother, hug~"

At this time, the child-like Sugar came out from behind Diamante and walked toward Rifan with open hands.

Hearing the sound, Rifan looked at Sugar with interest, with a playful look in his eyes.

"Fufufu~, this is a child I picked up. She seems to like you very much, Rifan." Doflamingo smiled.

"A kid?" Rifan stretched out his hand and rubbed Sugar's head.

And Sugar, like a real little girl, showed a cute and shy smile.

"Doflamingo, I think you should have been cheated by her."

"I can feel that she is a devil fruit user of  Childlike fruit."

"After the user ate the said fruit, her body will stop aging."

"Although she looks like this, maybe she is already a woman in her 20s and 30s."

Hearing Rifan's words, Doflamingo's smiling face instantly froze, staring at Rifan incredibly.

'How did he know that Sugar is a childlike devil fruit user!?' 

'And since he knows that Sugar is a childlike devil fruit user, why would he dare to touch her directly like this?!'

Doflamingo would never have thought that Rifan knew everything about their Don Quixote family.

It's just that Rifan doesn't want to click on it now.

"Really, it turns out that childlike fruits still have this effect."

"I always thought that Sugar was just a little girl, Haha…"

Doflamingo smiled awkwardly.

Although he wanted to conceal the fact that he knew the effect of Sugar's devil fruit ability, thinking of the toys all over the streets of Dressrosa, Doflamingo knew that he couldn't hide it from Rifan who knew what Sugar's ability was from the first glimpse of her.

As for Sugar whose head was being touched by Rifan, the moment she heard Rifan disclosing her devil fruit and its side effects, her whole body froze.

Subconsciously, she wants to activate the childlike fruit's ability to turn Rifan into a toy. 

But she remembered that Doflamingo brought her here as a trump card.

And as a trump card, Doflamingo does not allow her to use her fruit ability.

In addition, even if she can successfully turn Rifan into a toy, at this moment, the disciples of Rifan on the side are all staring at her.

If she moved suspiciously, Nami, who had defeated one of the Four Emperors, could instantly kill her without her knowing.

Thinking of this, she resisted the urge to activate her ability and smiled at Rifan forcefully.

"Don't be afraid, I don't plan to do anything to you." Rifan patted Sugar on the shoulder.

'At least, not now.' Of course, Rifan will not say this sentence.

"Sugar, isn't it? How about you try to use your ability on me?"

Rifan said.

"Teacher Rifan!" Sadi, who was closer to Rifan, immediately wanted to come over.

"Don't worry, I know what I can do." Rifan waved his hand, indicating that Sadi didn't need to worry.

From the perspective of Rifan, Devil Fruit's ability is just a special power.

Even special fruit abilities such as childlike fruit or retrograde fruit are at best a curse. As long as it is a curse, Rifan has methods to resist them.

Let alone Ninjutsu, the power of burning the small universe is enough to get rid of the power of this curse.

Rifan didn't think that he would be affected by the curse of Devil Fruit in the realm of Saint Seiya.

"Why, don't you plan to use it?"

Seeing that Sugar was stunned, Rifan said with a smile.

"Rifan, I…I have no plans to use my fruit power against you."

Sugar took two steps back and shook her head frantically.

Although she feels confident in her own devil fruit power, Rifan's strange performance really makes Sugar a little uneasy.

Even Doflamingo didn't understand what Rifan was thinking.

"No need to feel shy, this is what I allow, so you can use it."

After saying that, Rifan closed his eyes and opened them. His eyes became red, and the three tomoe kept spinning in his pupils.

"Sharingan!" Doflamingo was surprised, and quickly got up from his seat, "Rifan, what are you doing?!"


[Tl/n: In need of power stones...]


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