Chapter 147: Marines Rebell—?

—[Martial Arts Skills List], 19th place, Demon Bamboo]; User, Vergo.

–The hand-held bamboo clarinet is hardened and rotated at a high speed. The accumulated centrifugal force and the hardness of the armament are used to hit the opponent with a powerful blunt impact.


Seeing Vergo on the list, Doflamingo frowned slightly.

Vergo is Marine Vice Admiral, but his real identity is the spy that Doflamingo arranged to enter Marine.

Originally, it was a good thing to be on the list, but thinking that the demo of the golden list might be a moment in the future, Doflamingo was slightly worried.

After all, he didn't know whether Vergo used this skill against the pirates or against the Marine in the demonstration.

Soon, the anxiety in Doflamingo's heart turned into reality.

[Black Arm Zephyr: Huh? It's the Smoker of the future who is fighting against Vergo?]

 Zephyr immediately recognized that this was a future scene when he saw Smoker using armament haki.

[Fist Garp: Isn't Vergo Marine Vice-Admiral? Why is he attacking Smoker? And seeing the strength of the attack, it doesn't look like acting at all. ]

[Redhead Shanks: This is interesting, is Marine playing Marine?] 

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Mamamama~, maybe one of the two Marines has rebelled, so there was a fight between the two. ]

Seeing Charlotte Linlin's message, the pirate who watched the demo nodded secretly.

Indeed, if both parties are Marine, then as long as one party betrays, then the picture in the demo makes sense.

Some pirates have even started to laugh at Marines.

Smoker, who was defeated by Luffy, and followed the Straw Hat Pirates into the Grand Line, snorted unhappily.

He knows his own affairs, Smoker knows that he will never become a rebel, so it is likely that Vergo will have the problem.

[Tashigi: It's impossible for Colonel Smoker to betray Marine, you pirates shut up!]

As Smoker's lieutenant, Tashigi believed in Smoker unconditionally.

However, as soon as Tashigi finished her message, a large group of pirates left a message and laughed at her.

At Naval Headquarters, Sengoku frowned and looked at the communicator on the side.

"You, go call Vergo over, I have something to talk to him about."

Because the G5 branch was completely damaged by the Golden Lion Shiki using the Sky Island fall.

Therefore, even though Vergos' injury had recovered, Sengoku did not arrange for him to return to the G5 branch but instead let him stay in the Marine branch.

Sengoku couldn't help but recall Vergo's performance in his heart when he saw Future Vergos' merciless attacking Smoker.

However, no matter what he thinks, he thinks Vergo is a good Marine, and there is no bad performance.

'Fortunately! Vergo's identity has not been revealed. '

Seeing that the screen was frozen after Vergo abused Smoker with his martial skills without leaving a dialogue.

Doflamingo was relieved.

He recognized the place where Vergo and Smoker were fighting.

Although there are some changes, that is exactly Caesar's research location, who is cooperating with him. And in order to get the news from Caesar more smoothly, he even sent his subordinate Monet to become an undercover agent.

It is also because of Monet's relationship that Doflamingo knows a lot about Guy's research.

Others don't know why Smoker and Vergo fought, but Doflamingo has some guesses.

"Could it be that this Marine named Smoker found out where Caesar was researching, and then found the door, and was attacked by Vergo?"

Doflamingo thought to himself.

"Good luck, Doflamingo."

Suddenly, Rifan's laughter came into his ears.

"I don't quite understand what you mean, Rifan?"

"How come, that man, isn't it the spy you inserted into the Marine?" Rifan watched with interest as Doflamingo's expression changed from doubt to shock, and finally turned gloomy. 

Doflamingo frowned and looked at Rifan. After a few seconds, he burst out laughing.

"Rifan, you can really joke. That Marine has good abilities."

"How could I let such a good man go to the Marines as a spy."

Seeing Doflamingo's denial, Rifan shrugged and looked at the golden list indifferently.

But Doflamingo saw Rifan's indifferent expression, and his mood became worse.

'Why does this man know about Vergo!?'

'Or, did I show it just now?'

Doflamingo would never know that Rifan is the one holding the script.

Like the golden list, Rifan can know the future of the Pirate World on his own.

Doflamingo can only look at the golden list since no matter what, he couldn't understand how Rifan knew it. 

With the passage of time, a variety of powerful martial arts continue to be shown in front of people.

[Martial Arts Skills List] 18th place, New Shemale Boxing; User: Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army.

[Martial Arts Skills List]17th place, King Fist: User;  Elizabello II.

[Martial Arts Skill List]16th place, Hasshoken: User: Boo, Sai, Don Chinjao

 [Martial Arts Skills List] 15th place, Dragon Claw Fist: User; Monkey D. Dragon, Sabo.

 [Martial Arts Skills List] 14th place, Fish-man Karate: User; Jinbei.

 The various types of martial arts with their own characteristics and powerful martial arts skills have made people suddenly discover that in addition to kendo, there are also many people who practice martial arts in this world, and there are many strong ones.

Some people can't help wondering why there has always been the title of the world's strongest swordsman in kendo.

But in martial arts, there is no such title as the world's strongest martial artist.

—[Martial Arts Skills List] 13th place, Black Arms, User, Zephyr.

-One uses extremely powerful Armament Haki to strengthen both hands, and a very special boxing technique is used.

Huh?! Why did Zephyr, the chief Instructor of Marine, attack Marine?!"

Doflamingo looked at the demo of the gold list strangely.

Not only Doflamingo, but all the people watching the Golden List with excitement all froze when they saw the demo shown by the golden list!