Chapter 153: 7th and 6th place—

—Demo [F.Kaido vs F.Luffy]

[Redhead Shanks: It was a powerful blow, but Luffy, you got beaten again. ]

[Sabo: It's really scary, Luffy, for your safety, let's get some training first!]

[Flower Sword Vista: Luffy boy, Ace asked me to bring a word, he said you better train first, and don't rush into trouble. ]

[Luffy: Hmph, I will definitely defeat Kaido!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Ambitious kid, hahaha~ However, such a blow can only be placed at the 8th place in the martial arts skill list. There are still 7 places on this list. I am really curious about who will be on the list. ]

–[Martial Arts Skills List], 7th place, [Iron Fist]; User, Garp.

–Extremely pure power paired with extremely pure Armament Haki, that is a fist that can smash the mountain, no doubt an "iron fist"!

[Fist Garp: Bwahahaha, it's finally here for me. Have you seen it, Kaido kid, your trick are still no match for my fists in the end!]

[Don Chinjao: Damn it, Garp! Don't let me see you…]

[Fist Garp: That's what I should be saying. But I'm no longer interested in your strange head. ]

[Don Chinjao: Bastard!!!] 

[Straw Hat Luffy: It's a young grandpa, so powerful, and the person who is fighting against grandpa is also so powerful! So cool!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: I didn't expect that I can still see Captain Rocks now. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It's been a long time, Captain Rocks. ]

[Beast Kaido: Captain Rocks…] 

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: I was still very young and beautiful at that time. Time sure flies fast.]

[Blackfoot Sanji: If I'm not mistaken, isn't the person fighting with Vice Admiral Garp the Pirate King Roger!?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I really miss this battle. It was really a tough battle at that time. ]

Marshal Marine Sengoku, Commander-in-Chief Kong, Four Elders and others saw the picture in front of them, their foreheads were full of black lines.

'This golden list, why should it demonstrate that time period!? " Sengoku thought angrily.

They saw that in Garp's skill demonstration, Pirate King Roger and Garp flanking Rocks on both sides, hitting him directly with blow after blow.

With a powerful combination, even Rocks, the once overlord of the sea, could hardly resist, and eventually fell to the ground with bitterness.

[Bone Brook: I really didn't expect to see the once pirate overlord Rocks. His power at the time spanned the entire sea. ] 

[Shemale Bentham: What's going on here? Why do Golden Lion, Big Mom, Kaido and Whitebeard all call this Rocks captain?]

Not only Bentham is curious, but everyone in the world who doesn't know the details is quite curious about this matter.

[Whitebeard Newgate: The four of us were indeed from the same pirate group, and that pirate group was Rocks Pirate. This happened many years ago, and it is not surprising that the world does not know. In addition to the four of us, some of the world's more famous pirates Silver Axe, John, Ochoku, etc... are also from Rocks Pirate. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Speaking of it. The World Government and Marines are really ridiculous. It is obviously Garp and Roger that together defeated Captain Rocks and destroyed Rocks Pirate. But they said that it was Garp who destroyed Rocks Pirate? If Garp had come by himself, he would have been killed. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Marine and World Governments have always been so shameless, because Roger is a pirate, of course, they will not send merits to Roger. Speaking of, the name of the Marine Hero Garp began to spread at that time. ]

[Shemale Bentham: So it's because the threat of Rocks Pirate is too great. The Marine has no choice but to join forces with the Roger Pirates. But to think that the captain of Rocks Pirates is so powerful that it needs Garp and Roger to join forces to defeat him. But the Marines and World Government are really shameless! I look down on you. ]

Civilian A: "So there is such a thing."

Civilian B: "Although Roger is a pirate, it would be too much to conceal this."

Civilian C: "What's wrong with this, Roger is a pirate, so you should hide it."

Civilian D: "Mom said, the deceivers are bad guys!"

"Asshole!" Sengoku clenched his fists while looking at the message.

There is no doubt that if Bentham appeared in front of Sengoku now, his fist would definitely fall on Bentham.

[Sabo: I didn't expect there to be such a thing, but this is indeed what the World Government will do. Having said that, even the Marine Hero's iron fist can only be ranked 7th, I don't know if this is Garp's strongest martial arts skill. If it is, the person higher in the rank is terrifying! ]

[Fist Garp: I am also curious now. That punch is the proudest punch in my life, and it is also the strongest punch. But if there is someone above me, it should be Rifan, Bwahahaha~]

After seeing that Rifan will use Marine Six Styles and Thunder Eight Trigrams, Garp no longer regards Rifan as an ordinary man. 

Being able to learn those two styles proves that Rifan is absolutely worthy of such a title as a warrior.

[Admiral Kizaru: That's not very dangerous, nor is it right, anyway, Rifan's swordsmanship is already dangerous enough, and some martial skills will not increase the danger. ] 

[Sabo: That might be the case. If Rifan's martial arts are much better than swordsmanship, then he will be even more difficult for you Marines. ]

[Fist Garp: Brat, are you laughing at the Marine? Be careful I pick you up like I did when you were a kid. ]

"It's boring!" Mariejois, coming out of the central garden, Im said in a low voice, her eyes turned away from the message area, but when she looked at new lines that appeared in the golden list, she was stupefied and muttered.

 "Am I… only ranked 6?"

–[Martial Arts Skills List], 6th place, [Anonymous Martial Skills]; User, Im.