Chapter 166: Bullet’s reward—

– Ding! Rebecca defeated Doflamingo, led the people to liberate Dressrosa, and achieved the conditions for regaining the territory.

–Congratulations to the Host for completing the task of the dojo. The new dojo has been randomly released. Please host to explore by yourself.

'At last, it's finished~'Rifan's mouth curled up, 'Now, I can move freely in Dressrosa.'

'I can also start training my next disciple.'

After saying goodbye to Robin, Rifan's figure disappeared quickly.

When he reappeared, Rifan had already arrived at the location of the new dojo.

'Huh? Impel down?!'

Opening the door and looking at the environment in front of him, Rifan's mouth twitched in surprise.

'I came here at random, I'm afraid that fellow Magellan will find this soon. Rifan shook his head, 'Also, finding a new disciple here will be troublesome.'

[Sabo: Huh? Why is the screen gone? Did Rifan end the screening early?] 

[Issho: The matter of Dressrosa has been settled. The Royal Force has taken the country back from the hands of pirates. I think that's the reason why Your Excellency Rifan stops the screening.]

[Sabo: I see your point. Since the present was changed, it seems that according to the original future, the background of the 11th battle between the two of us is the darkness of Dressrosa. But in this way, there is no need for us to fight each other, right sir Issho? ]

[Issho: It's always good for Dressrosa to be liberated in advance. ] 

[Red-haired Shanks: I saw a good show. I thought Rifan's new disciple Rebecca was taking the martial arts route. Now it seems that Rifan trained her on the way of the sword since he gave her his Senbonzakura. Speaking of it, Senbonzakura doesn't seem to consume a lot of stamina when Rebbeca use it.]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Rebecca's method of using Zanpakutō should be different from mine. The power she uses with Zanpakutō should be spiritual power. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Spiritual power? Similar to Chakra, the small universe, etc.?] 

[Hawkeye Mihawk: I don't know the details, but after I got Zangetsu, I came up with how to use Zangetsu in my mind. Among them, the spiritual power is specifically named, because I can't use spiritual power, when using Zangetsu Bankai it consumes more physical energy to stimulate the Zanpakutō. ] 

[Issho: So that's it, that is to say, if you use spiritual power, you can use Zanpakutō more freely. When Miss Rebecca used Flash War Cry, the energy that was activated was spiritual power. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: In other words, if Hawkeye can learn spiritual power, he can use Zangetsu freely. Maybe in the future, Hawkeye can get spiritual power seeds from the golden list. Hahaha, if you can fully master Zangetsu, your power will be even stronger. ] 

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Even so, it won't be enough to keep up with Rifan's footsteps. ]

Thinking of Rifan's using the Sword Twenty-Three, Mihawk sighed, which is rare.

–[Martial Arts Skills List], 9th place, congratulations to Douglas Bullet for obtaining the[Weak Point Card].

–After using the[Weak Point Card], you can specifically eliminate one of your own weaknesses.

Impel down, sixth-floor prison, outside Bullet's cell.

"Poison Dragon!"

Seeing the reward that Bullet received, the warden of Impel down, Magellan, had his eyes widened, and he did not hesitate to use his Devil Fruit's power against Bullet inside the cell.

A dragon made of venomous venom rushed towards Bullet extremely fast. 


With a loud noise, the poisonous dragon forms scattered facing the extremely powerful fist before it hits its target.

"What?!" Magellan widened his eyes, "How can you have such power!?"

Seeing Bullet dispelled his poisonous dragon with one punch, How could Magellan not be surprised?

Bullet has been kept in Impel down for twenty years. Under such dark conditions and insufficient food, it stands to reason that Bullet's power should be very weak. Even without a seastone, it is absolutely impossible to disperse his poisonous dragon!

"Hahaha~ the golden list is really good!"

Bullet laughed and stood up from the ground. The seastone tied to him gradually melted away, forming a pair of gloves in his hands.

"You bastard! Did you eliminate your Devil Fruit weakness!?"

Looking at the situation of Bullet, Magellan doesn't know what Bullet has done with the rewards from the golden list.

It was also because he was worried that Bullet would eliminate the Devil Fruit's weakness in fear of seawater, so he just attacked Bullet without hesitation.

To his surprise, the power of Bullet was much stronger than he thought.

Magellan glanced at Domino, the Head Jailer of the Impel Down beside him, his eyes full of seriousness.

Domino immediately nodded when she saw the seriousness of the problem and quickly ran out of the sixth floor of the prison. In less than a minute, the entire Impel down sounded a rapid alarm, and the entire Impel down quickly entered a state of martial law.

"Hahaha, why don't you continue your  attack, Magellan?." Bullet stood in the cell, facing Magellan across the iron cell. "If you don't make a move, you won't have a chance."

"In the past twenty years, I have trained all the time."

"Now even seastone can't stop me, it can even be used by me."

"You really won't have a chance to stop me when I start my rampage…"

Bullet looked at Magellan with a sullen expression, he was not in a hurry to escape from Impel down.

As his first step in leaving Impel down and returning to the world, he needs the battle to celebrate.

And Magellan was regarded as an opponent.

"Bullet." On Magellan's body, one after another drips containing highly poisonous venom. Every venom can dissolve a gap in the floor, which shows how violent toxins it contains.

"You're too dangerous, Bullet, I can't let you leave here." Seeing Domino, and the jailers left, even more toxins spilt from Magellan.

This is no longer the purple toxin of the past, but the red toxin that looks like blood.

"Poisonous Giant, hell's trial!"

Magellan released a skull-shaped giant poison from his body and rushed directly to Bullet.

"Come!" Bullet's eyes condensed, and a horrible aura spread from his body.

He slapped his hands and pressed them directly on the cell floor. 


Accompanied by a violent vibration, the walls and gate doors of the entire sixth-floor prison quickly gathered towards Bullet.

Soon this wave even spread to the fifth-floor prison above, and spread to the entire Impel down in a short period of time!

The venom of Magellan finally failed to hit Bullet's body. After Bullet used the power of his awakened devil fruit, the entire Impel Down building was moving closer to him.

In less than a while, a super-large monster tens of meters high appeared in front of Magellan.

"Hahaha, great, now I'm free!"

"Awesome, seastone chains and everything are absorbed by Bullet!"

"Free, we are all free~!"

"Kill all the jailers!"

"Magellan, today is your death date!"

Because many buildings of Impel down have been integrated into Bullet body, the entire Impel down has been greatly deformed.

Almost all the criminals detained on the Sixth Floor were free. Seeing such a situation, Magellan's face was gloomy.

"What are you thinking about, Magellan?" Bullet's dull voice floated from the giant he made using his devil fruit ability.

"Facing me, do you have enough time to consider other prisoners!?"

As soon as his voice fell, Bullet manipulated the giant to punch Magellan.