Chapter 184: MK Armor—

Onigashima Island.

"Yamato." Suddenly, a voice came into Yamato's ears, who was pouting and looking at the ceiling.

"Huh?! Teacher?" Yamato's eyes lit up and she turned her head quickly, "Teacher Rifan, why are you here?"

Because Yamato didn't suppress her own voice, Kaido outside the door immediately turned around and looked inside the door with some caution.

Although Kaido wants to meet Rifan and try to discuss cooperation with Rifan, after all, Rifan's power is obvious to all. He is also worried that Rifan will treat him as an enemy and take action.

You should know that not long ago, Rifan's disciples defeated the Don Quixote family and destroyed their man-made Devil Fruit business.

"So Kaido is outside." Rifan turned his head and glanced outside the door, "He really came, it seems that you endured very hard."

Kaido was about to knock on the door. But the voice of Rifan talking with Yamato made him stop his movements, and his ears straightened up.

"Hmp, that annoying guy stayed outside the door early in the morning." Yamato glanced outside the door dissatisfied, "That's right, Teacher Rifan, you come here, does it mean I can go out now?!"

Looking at Yamato's gleaming eyes, Rifan naturally knew what she wanted to do when she went out.

Rifan raised his hand and rubbed Yamato's head, shook his head and said, "It's not like that. I'm here because I hope you will give me the [projection card] you got before. It's useful to me."

"As for going out to find that guy, you can wait for a while. Anyway, it won't be long before you receive your reward."

Hearing this, Yamato nodded and said, "Hmm, I understand."

"By the way, teacher Rifan, what do you want the Projection Card for?"

Yamato asked Rifan while taking the Projection Card out of her arms.

"I plan to borrow a projection card to tell the world something. It is a declaration of sovereignty, lest the Marine will have unnecessary expectations of Impel Down.

That's right, when Rifan got the Projection Card from Yamato, he planned to show the world about his takeover of Impel Down using the Golden List.

It's also to show his sovereignty, so as not to keep the Marine or World Government away from the Impel Down sea area.

"Then, I'll go back first." Taking the Projection Card back into his pocket, Rifan said goodbye to Yamato and others and was about to leave.

"Wait, Teacher Rifan!" Yamato hugged Rifan's arm, looking at him expectantly, "Teacher Rifan, that [Lushan One Hundred Dragon Lords], can you teach it to me?"

Before, when the skills of [Lushan One Hundred Dragon Lords] were demonstrated on the golden list, Yamato was already shocked by the grand scene.

Although Eight Inner Gates is very good, compared with Lushan One Hundred Dragon Lords, Yamato feels that it is still a lot worse.

For Yamato, who is looking forward to becoming stronger, learning Lushan One Hundred Dragon Lords is what she desperately wants to do now.

"Let's talk about it later." Rifan raised his other hand and flicked Yamato's forehead. "When you really defeat one of the Four Emperors, let's talk about the next step of your training."

After speaking, Rifan smiled and activated the dojo authority and transferred to the dojo of Impel Down.

"Really, Teacher Rifan always does this." Yamato rubbed her forehead that was flicked by Rifan and said with a pouting mouth. "Defeating one of the Four Emperors? In other words, I still need to defeat that fellow?"

Bang bang bang–

At this time, there was another knock on the door outside the dojo.

"Yamato, Rifan is inside right, can you open the door and let me talk to him?" Kaido muttered, "Rifan, you are here, I am Kaido, I want to talk to you."

"Hmph, Teacher Rifan has already left, so you should just stay outside." Yamato snorted and walked directly to the side and sat down, ignoring Kaido who was knocking on the door.

"Domino, have all the prisoners been placed?",

Upon returning to the dojo of Impel Down, Rifan saw Miss Olive and Domino who were waiting for him inside the dojo.

Seeing Rifan suddenly appear, Miss Olive, who was still at a loss just now, walked to Rifan's side and looked at him flatteringly.

Although Rifan is strong, it seems that there is not much arrogance in him. Therefore, facing Rifan, Miss Olive will be more relaxed.

He didn't see Rifan in the dojo just now, and Domino was standing beside her with a serious face. Miss Olive couldn't help but worry about what Domino would do to her. So when she saw Rifan appear, she immediately scampered to his side.

"Why are you still here?" Looking at Miss Olive, Rifan turned to look at Domino and asked, "You didn't put this woman in jail?"

"!!" Hearing Rifan's words, Miss Olive immediately became nervous and opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but under Rifan's inquiring gaze, after all, she did not dare to speak.

"Teacher Rifan, isn't it what you said, let her manage Impel Down with me?" Domino was slightly taken aback,

"Could it be that this woman is lying to me?!"

"I never said that I will let her manage the Impel Down with you. I just promised that her treatment will be better after doing things for me." Rifan smiled and immediately understood what Miss Olive said to Domino.

After listening to Rifan's words, Domino immediately looked at Miss Olive angrily. Just when she wanted to take Miss Olive into the cell, Rifan waved to her.

"Forget it, since she offered to help you manage the Impel Down, let her."

"With one more manpower, at least the management will be more efficient."

"Anyway, whether this woman stays in a cell or outside the cell, the situation is not much different, as long as she doesn't Impel Down.

Hearing this, Miss Olive held her chest high and let out a long sigh of relief.

When Rifan broke the lie, she was really afraid that Rifan would be angry.

'Thankfully I see him right.'

Miss Olive thought happily.

Domino glared at Miss Olive coldly, and then answered Rifan's previous question.

"Teacher Rifan, except for the dead pirates and the escaped pirates, the other pirates have been imprisoned in the corresponding cells."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop Bullet from escaping."

As she said that, Domino couldn't help but look guilty.

"Domino, I never asked you to catch Bullet." Rifan walked to Domino and patted her on the shoulder. "I am not a Marine, and I do not intend to catch pirates."

"For me, it is enough for you to come back alive."

"In addition, as I said before, this Impel Down will be handed over to you to manage it."

"It is up to you to decide whether the prisoners will be dealt with directly or continue to be detained."

Hearing what Rifan said, Domino nodded and agreed after thinking a little bit.

Although she left Marine, being able to detain these prisoners who were planning to escape was also in line with Domino's idea.

"Then Teacher Rifan, can I recruit people?"

"Impel down is huge after all if I am alone…" Domino glanced at Miss Olive on the side, and continued:

"Even with this woman, it is going to be difficult to manage the whole Impel Down."

Rifan shrugged and said with a smile: "About this, don't worry, I have already thought of the corresponding method."

"Go, come outside with me."

Rifan waved his hand and took the lead to walk outside the dojo.

Without hesitation, both Domino and Miss Olive followed Rifan's footsteps closely.

"Btw, Rifan, how did you restore Impel Down like this?"

Coming out of the Dojo, looking at the Impel Down which seemed to be the same as before the turmoil, Olive finally couldn't help but ask the doubts in her heart.

Before moving the criminals, Olive had discovered that not only the broken parts of Impel Down had been repaired, but even the seastone chain installed in the cell was intact.

Thanks to this, after she and Domino put the prisoner in custody, even if someone wakes up, it is going to be difficult to escape from their cell again.

"This is the ability of one of my Stand, which can automatically restore the damaged object to the original." Rifan said casually, and then golden ripples appeared on both sides of Rifan's body.

"Stand?" Miss Olive, who didn't know what a Stand was, frowned naturally.

On the other hand, Domino, hearing Rifan answer, blush unexpectedly. And couldn't help but think.

'At that time, did Teacher Rifan deliberately not repair my clothes?'

Thinking of the picture in the training chamber where her clothes were damaged due to duel training, Domino couldn't help but speed up her pace.

Domino raised her head and looked at Rifan, just to find that Rifan was looking at her with great interest.

In an instant, Domino's face became even redder.

'So Teacher Rifan… is also a normal man…'

'Teacher Rifan taught me for two years and he even gave me the power to prevent so many pirates from escaping… so letting him watch my body should be a small price…'

Although Domino tried to find a reason in her heart, it couldn't conceal the blush that was already red to the roots of her ears.

Aside, Miss Olive, who saw Domino's posture, looked blank.

'What is this woman thinking?'

'Rifan can repair objects, does it require blushing?

Shaking her head, Miss Olive, who didn't understand, decided not to think too much. She raised her head and looked at the golden ripples on both sides of Rifan.

Step, step, step…

In the sound of neat steps, one blue and one red, two armours full of mechanical texture came out of Rifan's Babylon treasury.

"This is?!" Looking at the armor with a sense of science and technology in front of her, Domino also walked out of her shy state and exclaimed with a look of surprise.

"The blue one is named Mark 49 Rescue Armor; the red one is named Mark 85 Nano Armor 2.0.

"They are toys I made a long time ago."

Rifan smiled and looked at the surprised two.