Chapter 201: Time Stop—

[Golden Lion Shiki: Oh, this armor is really impressive. It seems that this should belong to Rifan's earlier armor work. Unexpectedly, Rifan is still a scientist. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Is this a talented person? Not only is his talent in combat unmatched, but even science and technology are far superior to ordinary people. Such a person can no longer be described as a genius. ]

[Sabo: I heard that there is a scientist named Vegapunk in the Marine, who is said to be 500 years ahead of his contemporaries. I don't know how he compares to Rifan. ]

[Blackfoot Sanji: This Rifan, after accepting disciples, seems to be cultivating his disciples in different directions. I don't know if he will cultivate a scientist after accepting disciples in the future. And all his disciples are all beautiful women! Damn, I'm jealous!! ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahahaha~ This seems not impossible. I don't know if anyone in this world can make Rifan take a fancy. ]

[Straw Hat Luffy: That's amazing, flames spurted out from his right hand, it's so awesome!] 

[Admiral Kizaru: Although it looks strong, compared to the present armor that shoots lasers, this bloated suit should be just a trial work by Rifan. Even so, this suit also has a high value. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Look! The Past Rifan was not just planning to fight Im in this way. Although this armor seems to be very powerful, it is not a high-grade treasure compared to the Lizard Saint Clothing that can cause a major earthquake. ]

There was a surprise in the hearts of the Four Elders. In their opinion, The Past Rifan may not be a powerful fighter, but a mechanic who only has technology in his arsenal.

Such Rifan is definitely not Im's opponent!

'A very ordinary flame, is it true that the current Rifan really only has this level of power?'

Im, who quickly flashed to the other corner of the dojo, frowned and looked at Rifan, who was facing away from him.

Rifan hidden in Mark One really seemed to be just an ordinary person.

Because considering the power that Rifan possessed, Im did not directly use the power of the saint cloth to defeat Rifan as he did with Akainu. Instead, he chose a more cautious approach and wanted to observe Rifan more.

Now that Rifan was just using his armor to fight against her, Im couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

'It seems that I was overly worried.'

'In that case, I will gladly accept the golden garment.'

Im slammed her feet on the ground and rushed toward Rifan extremely fast.

At this time, Rifan didn't even have time to control Mark One and turned around.


When Im was approaching Rifan, she struck Rifan abruptly with her palm.

Although it is not the move of Saint Cloth, it is also the martial skill that makes Im ranked sixth in the[Martial Arts Skills List]. 


Suddenly, with an explosion, Im flew out at a faster speed.

"What?!" Im feet slammed to the ground, stopping her body.

She raised her head in surprise and looked at Rifan, Observation Haki passed by, and Im found that Rifan had a phantom around him.

"That is [The World]!"

In the Impel Down, Domino's beautiful eyes slightly opened.

She has experienced two years of duel training with Rifan, and most of the matches are fighting against Rifan Stand-in [The World]. Domino is naturally very familiar with Rifan's stand-in.

"So Teacher Rifan at that time already had      [ The World]. In this way, the victory will definitely be yours, Teacher Rifan."

Although the destructive power of the Lizard Saint Garment seems to be very strong, in the face of the [The World] that can stop time, Domino does not think that Im can win.

[Golden Lion Shiki: What is that yellow guy?] 

[Red-haired Shanks: It seems to be very similar to the Star Platinum next to the female jailer before. Since Rifan and the female jailer have a mentor-disciple relationship, then this should be an ability similar to the Star Platinum. ]

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: Hey, you can clearly see this guy's figure through the golden list. When I was fighting, I could only capture the movement and attack trajectory of this thing through Observation Haki. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Oh~ it's Bullet, where have you been, can you tell us?] 

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: Hmph, you Marines should take care of your own affairs. It's not peaceful in your place recently. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: If it can also achieve a sudden attack like the female jailer, the outcome of this battle may have been decided. If the opponent is Rifan, even if Armament Haki is all used for defense, she may not be able to resist his attack.]

In the Golden List screen, after repelling Im, Rifan silently controlled [The World] to help him remove the Mark One armor on his body. When Rifan looked at Im again, a strong sense of crisis enveloped Im.

Without any hesitation, Im covered her entire body with her top-level Armament Haki.

Originally, covering Armament Haki all over her body, Im would not do such an extremely physically demanding thing.

But facing the mysterious Rifan, Im had to do this.

Rifan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, [The World] suddenly opened his hands, and a mysterious wave unfolded automatically.

At the next moment, Im, who was on guard against Rifan, stopped moving, as if the pause button had been pressed. And the color of the entire world seemed to darken.

The unknown power to Stop Time. And because it was the past, even if Rifan uses the ability of time stop, it does not affect the present, but simply presses the pause for Im. 

After doing all this, Rifan walked slowly towards Im like a leisurely walk, and his Stand [The World] overlapped with Rifan also walking towards Im.

[Golden Lion Shiki: What is going on, why is Im not moving?]

[Red-haired Shanks: The yellow guy seems to have done something just now. Could it be that he used a certain ability to stop Im?] 

[Descent of the Devil Bullet: If the Im in this state is unconscious, then after being attacked, he will not be aware of it. Could it be that I was in this state at the time?] 

[Flower Sword Vista: But at that time, we did not see how you were attacked.] 

[Dark King Rayleigh: Wait, look at the birds above Rifan, it actually stopped moving! Is this the power that can affect the world? Time Stop?!]

Time stops!

At this moment, everyone in the world who watched the golden list was surprised by the answer in their hearts.