Chapter 230: Android No. 18 in a petri dish—

Let Bonney include Sabaody Archipelago in her hands and be able to complete the mission of the dojo.

This is what Rifan will inevitably ask Bonney to do.

As for what the Naval Headquarters and Mariejois not far away would think, Rifan didn't care.

However, Bonney didn't know Rifan's thoughts. She looked up and down at Rifan, and after a while, she said:

"Teacher Rifan, are you going to attack the Marines Naval Headquarters and the Mariejois?"

"Attacking Naval Headquarters and Mariejois?" Rifan raised his eyebrows. "I just want to make the surroundings of the dojo a little cleaner. Attacking Naval Headquarters and Mariejois or something, let's forget it."

"Why? Are you not going to complete the first task given to you by your teacher, Bonney?"

Hearing this, Bonney spread her hands and smiled:

"How come, I'm happy to do it."

"I really want to see what the Marine and World Government expression would be when they know that you have taken a site so close to them."

"Of course, the premise is that you have to give me the power to take down Sabaody Archipelago alone, hehe."

Rifan shrugged, and the Babylon treasury beside him opened. A bead that looked like a dragon ball floated out of the treasury and fell into Rifan's hands.

"The martial arts inheritance on No.18!"

Bonney stared at the bead in Rifan's hand with bright eyes.

"Before giving you this, you go to a place with me first, and I will let you meet her."

 Rifan tossed the beads in his hand and walked towards the door of the scientific research room.

Bonney greeted her pirate companions and immediately followed.

Seeing Rifan and Bonney disappear into the dark gate, the crew glanced at each other, and for a while, they didn't know what to do.

"Well, why don't we clean up the dojo for Boss Rifan."

"Yes, clean the dojo!"

"Let's start!"

The crew members who found something to do immediately took action.

On the other side, Naval Headquarters.

For the time being, after handling Zephyr's problem, Sengoku returned to his office.

[Martial Arts Skills List] has ended. For the [Battle Clothes List] that will be announced 10 days later, Sengoku and a group of Marine executives still need to have a meeting to discuss it in detail.

Similarly, for the future situation of the sea, for the situation of Rifan, the Marine also needs to conduct a detailed discussion.

However, before Sengoku took his seat, a rush of calls rang in the office.

Sengoku frowned. He didn't know why. Looking at the den-den mushi, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Sengoku answered the call and asked calmly.

"Report to Marshal Sengoku, I am Rear Admiral at the Marine Base in Sabaody!" Amidst the den-den mushi, an extremely urgent voice came.

"Rifan's dojo appeared in Sabaody Archipelago, and the pirate Bonney became Rifan's newest disciple!"

"Marshal Sengoku, what should we do next?!"

After listening to Marine Rear Admiral's report, Sengoku and the Marine executives in the office couldn't help but stare wide open.

"Rifan built the dojo in Sabaody Archipelago, and also said that Bonney is a disciple?!" Sengoku's tone was full of surprise. "Does that guy want to bring the Sabaody Archipelago into his sphere of influence?!"

"Sengoku, the situation is very bad." Tsuru's gaze was solemn. "Sabaody is too close to Naval Headquarters and the Holy Land Mariejois. If Rifan also includes Sabaody Archipelago in his sphere of influence, we will be extremely passive."

"If one fails, it may evolve into an all-out war between us and Rifan!"

Said it was a full-scale war, but he knew that if Rifan had the heart to fight them decisively, it would not be a full-scale war. 

With the power of Rifan and Rifan's disciples, it is likely to evolve into a full-scale crushing game!

Even though there are not many Rifan forces, they are all elites. Nami and Yamato have defeated the Four Emperors in front of the whole world.

Coupled with the technological level shown by Rifan, even a calm Tsuru does not know how to fight Rifan.

'I'm afraid, only by joining forces with Marine, Four Emperors and the World Government can we really defeat Rifan thoroughly.'

Tsuru thought in her heart.

"I know!" Sengoku nodded, "Rifan has never accepted a pirate as a disciple before. Why did he accept Bonney this time?"

"Could it be that Rifan really doesn't care, and he will accept anyone who finds his new dojo first?"

"If a Marine finds Rifan's dojo first…"

Having said that, Sengoku couldn't help but shook his head.

Although Bonney is a pirate, at least there is no contradiction with Rifan, but there are many contradictions between Marine and Rifan.

Thinking of Rifan's tens of billions of bounty, Sengoku felt his heart bleeding.

It was originally possible to cooperate with Rifan to cultivate Marine, but the reward was abruptly turned into the present reality.

Whenever he thinks about it, Sengoku will not be able to settle for a long time.

"The Pirate Bonney, Sengoku, this woman is so special."

"Now that she has become Rifan's disciple, our pursuit of her will be infinitely more difficult."

Tsuru said.

Hearing this, Sengoku gritted his teeth and thought for a while before speaking:

"Marines maintain the highest vigilance. For a while, Marine's high-end combat power cannot leave Naval Headquarters."

"In addition, the meeting is temporarily terminated. I must contact the World Government for this matter."

Sabaody Archipelago is very close to Mariejois. Sengoku thinks that perhaps this time is the best time for the Four Elders to revoke the pursuit of Rifan.

Hearing Sengoku's words, a group of Marine Vice Admirals left one after another. In the end, only Marine General Staff Tsuru remained in the room.

Sengoku picked up the den-den mushi and quickly told the Four Elders about Rifan's opening of the dojo in Sabaody and Bonney becoming a disciple, and proposed to revoke the Rifan reward order.

"What, Sengoku, you are not kidding, that guy just grabbed Impel Down just now!"

"Where do you put our dignity!"

The curly beard elder slammed a punch directly on the desk, and his angry expression was perfectly displayed in front of Sengoku through the den-den mushi.

"Sengoku, you have to recognize your own position. We have already promised you about the Zephyr thing, and we will postpone letting Weevil become Shichibukai."

"Now it's just because Rifan's dojo appeared in Sabaody's place. Are you asking us to cancel his bounty for him?"

"If he wants the Sabaody Archipelago, just give it to him."

"Rifan's dojo is in Sabaody, which is just convenient for us to monitor him."

"This is the end of the matter, don't mention it again, Sengoku!"

Just after speaking, the curly beard elder hung up the call.

Looking at the den-den mushi that was hung up, Sengoku was silent.

"Sure enough, this is the result." After a long time, Sengoku let out a sigh, "Why can't they reflect on it!? Fucktard!"

"If it were not for the wrong decision they made at the time, Rifan should have been a friend of the Marine and World Government!

There is no one else in the office. Only his friend who has been with him for decades, Tsuru. Therefore, Sengoku can express his dissatisfaction and anxious side with peace of mind.

"You know the Elders, they are such a group of guys." She comforted, "Perhaps, the World Government holds some power that Marines do not know so that they can be fearless of Rifan."

After careful consideration, she could only think that the World Government, the Four Elders would insist on wanting Rifan as an enemy so much for this reason.

"I hope they have the power to imprison Rifan." Sengoku shook his head. "That guy is immortal now."

"Even if he is defeated, he can only be imprisoned, but whether he can be imprisoned for a long time, at least, the Marine has no such ability."

"He, do you know what I worry about Rifan the most?"

Without waiting for Tsuru to speak, Sengoku continued:

"The mechanical armor that guy took out according to the cues of the golden list, maybe it should be called Mark armor."

"What I am most worried about is not the power of Rifan, but the level of technology that Rifan has mastered.

"I have only seen it on the golden list. The power of that blue mechanical suit cannot be underestimated. So what is the power of the heavy armor behind that?"

"It's certainly not worse than the pacifists studied by our scientific force."

"How much Mark armor can Rifan put out, and can he put out a war weapon that is more powerful than Mark's armor?"

"Even if he can't, but if he can take out more Mark armor, that would be enough trouble."

"At least, a small country can't stop Rifan."

Tsuru was a little silent, what Sengoku could think of, Tsuru could naturally also think of.

And this is what she is worried about.

"Looking at Rifan's situation, it seems that he doesn't have the thought of becoming the world's hegemon."

She continued; "The territory he occupied is to prevent us from disturbing his dojo." 

"And neither Alabasta, the Drum Kingdom, or later Dressrosa, Rifan did not show the intention to be king."

"That guy, maybe he just made it out of interest."

"Speaking of war weapons, Sengoku, the Golden List has already mentioned war weapons twice."

"Do you think the Golden List will release a list of [War Weapons] in the future?"

Sengoku was taken aback for a moment, frowned slowly, and said:

"It's not that there is no such possibility. In addition to Ancient Weapons, the Mark Armors should also be included if there are really War Weapons List."

"Wait, can it be said that Ancient Weapons are in the hands of the World Government?!"

"If the World Government holds Ancient Weapons in its hands, it may be able to rank at the top of the war weapons list!"

"Could it be that the Four Elders intend to wait until they get the top rewards on the list, and see if the situation is right to take action against Rifan?!"

The more he speaks, the more Sengoku thinks it's possible.

As a Marshal of Marine, he naturally knows some secrets that ordinary Marines do not know.

The World Government has been looking for Ancient Weapons. In the previous cp9 incident that broke out in the golden list, there was a fragment of the World Government looking for Ancient Weapon Pluton.

In addition to Pluton, Sengoku also knows that the World Government pays particular attention to Ancient Weapon Poseidon.

'Maybe, they already have clues about Poseidon and Uranus.'

Sengoku thought to himself.

At the same time, after being pulled by Rifan through a slightly long dark passage, what appeared in front of Bonney was an incredible scene.

"What are these?!"

Bonney's eyes widened.

"Welcome to my research room, these are some of my works." Rifan said, "Those are the Mark series suits, you should have seen them through the golden list."

"These are Mark armors, Teacher Rifan?"

"Part of it, some things in my other workshop."

"I see. Wait, Teacher Rifan, what are you showing me about? Maybe you want to give me a set."

"If you want it, it's not impossible to give you a set of Mark armor. But when you learn the martial arts of No. 18, you will find that the Mark armor I gave you is nothing great at all.'

Rifan waved to Bonney and walked in one direction.

"Okay, it's here." A minute later, Rifan stopped in front of a door with a sense of technology and no.18 written on it.

"Teacher Rifan, I have a question, why is the space here so big. The dojo outside is obviously not that big?"

At this moment of walking, Bonney felt that the range of sight was already larger than the size of the dojo seen outside. This makes Bonney feel very strange.

"Just treat it as my special ability." Rifan said to Bonney while operating the button on the side of the door.

Bonney frowned when she heard his answer, but didn't care much and when she looked back, she just saw the door open. 

She quickly followed Rifan into it.

"Huh! This is Android No. 18?!"

"Teacher Rifan, did you make the Android No. 18 demonstrated on the golden list?!"

As soon as she walked inside, Bonney was attracted by the figure in a huge test-tube-like petri dish.

The petri dish is filled with nutrient liquids, and they wrap up the beauty in it.

The beauty had her eyes closed tightly and seemed to be asleep.

"Tsk, Teacher Rifan, is this your hobby, why don't you dress her?"

"Wait, you brought me here, do you want me to enter such a petri dish?!"

Bonney widened her eyes and looked at Rifan.

"Could it be that this is the secret of why your disciples become stronger quickly, you strengthen a person's power through these scientific research instruments?!"

"Well, it makes sense why your disciples will become stronger so quickly."

"It turns out that using these sciences together, in this way, can't you create an army of strong men?"

Seeing Bonney nodding at her own guesses and muttering a word, Rifan snapped a finger on her forehead.

"What do you know? The training you have to face is traditional training, not through these devices to make you stronger."

"Your 'senpais' have not become stronger through these devices. Speaking of which, you are still the first person to visit here, and even Nami and others have never been here.

"But if you want to experience the experience of cultivating blood, I can help you see this dream. Of course, it is the kind without clothes."

With that said, Rifan looked up and down Bonney. 

Rifan had to admit in his heart that although Bonney was not so virtuous, her dressing style was in line with Rifan's points of interest.

The collocation of navel-baring outfits and short pants reveals a wild style.

Just looking at the appearance, Bonney is at least ninety points up in Rifan's heart.

"Forget it, I don't intend to enter this petri dish. It makes me uncomfortable just looking at it." Bonney waved her hand.

Thinking of being wrapped in the liquid in the petri dish, there is a feeling that Bonney feels wrapped in seawater.

This feeling is uncomfortable for a devil fruit user like her.

"Really, that's a pity." Rifan shrugged. It was just a joke from him about putting Bonney into the petri dish.

"The no. 18 in this petri dish is not the one demonstrated in the golden list."

"Perhaps it can be said that my No. 18 was developed based on the one in the golden list."

"As you can see, she is still in an unfinished state. She will only be able to get out of this petri dish after she is truly finished."


[Tl/n: By the way, Anyone interested on becoming an editor of this story?

The only perk: Can read 100+ advance chapters. ]