Chapter 233: Bonney training result—

"Ultra Instinct?" "Boney tilted her head and jumped off Rifan's hand, "Is that the one that ranks first in the list?"

"Speaking of this, I have a little doubt."

"Rifan, your 1st Rank Ultra Instinct, it seems that it is not as powerful as Lushan One Hundred Dragon Lords."

Lushan One Hundred Dragon Lords is like an attack that can destroy the mountains.

Although the demonstration of Ultra Instinct looks mysterious, the area of damage is not particularly large.

Therefore, Bonney appeared to be a little doubtful.

"Is your Ultra Instinct really that powerful?"

"Heh, it seems that I have to make you understand what martial arts of stepping into the realm of God is..." Rifan stretched his hand over Bonney's waist, and a cloud of golden air dazzled the two of them.

"This is!" Before Bonney could react, Rifan had already controlled his Qi to fly towards the sky.

Bonney only felt the light and shadow change in her eyes. When she came back to her senses again, she was already in the space environment.

In front of her, there is a huge moon.

Bonney wanted to say something, but as soon as she opened her mouth, she realized that something was wrong.

There was no sound coming from her mouth, and she couldn't even breathe!

"This is a space environment. There is no way to talk and breathe." Rifan's voice sounded directly in Bonney's mind, "But, holding your breath for a while, you can still do it."

Rifan's mouth curled up and turned to look at the moon in front of him.

The Qi surrounding his body instantly dissipated, and his body glowed with silver radiance at the same time.

'Ultra Instinct!' Bonney widened her eyes and shouted in her heart.

After entering the state of Ultra Instinct, Rifan raised his hand and pointed his finger at the moon.

The next moment, in front of Bonney, the moon suddenly burst, breaking into countless large and small fragments.

In an instant, Bonney's eyes widened and her mouth grew even bigger.

Seeing Bonney's expression, Rifan smiled and took Bonney to the ground using the [Accel Dance] that Bonney had just learned.

The diffused air ensures that Bonney will not be burnt to ashes directly due to the friction caused by the fast flight.

"Now, you should know what the Ultra Instinct can do."

After landing, Rifan released Bonney and said to her with his hands on his chest.

Bonney took a few breaths, but even this still couldn't calm her current mood!

"Rifan, you destroy the moon directly?!"

"Can you also destroy the moon in reality?!"

Bonney asked.

"What do you think?" Rifan smiled.

Bonney took a deep look at Rifan, and after a while, Bonney continued: "You have such power. It's easy to gain the world, but why?"

"It's too tiring to be a king. If you want to be a king, after you learn that move of mine, you can be the king by yourself, Bonney. Whether it's the One Piece or the king of the world." Rifan waved his hand. Said indifferently.

"Now, are you willing to train hard?"

"I will say this first, I will only teach you to comprehend Ultra Instinct, but whether you can learn it depends on you."

Bonney stood straight, her eyes filled with determination, and she bowed deeply to Rifan.

"Please teach me, Teacher Rifan!"





Two years later, on the same beach.

"Ultra Instinct!" Bonney, surrounded by a blue and silver aura, waved the huge Power Blitz towards the hill.

The Golden qi with the blue and silver aura surrounding it shaved through the hill, and the hill and peak fell off, leaving a smooth section.

"Huuf~ finally succeeded!" Seeing the mountain fall off, Bonney wiped the sweat from her forehead and fell from the air.

Clap~ Clap~ clap~--

Rifan clapped his hands and walked over.

"Congratulations, Bonney, that Destructo Disk just now, even the Four Emperors Kaido can leave a big hole on his body."

"If you fight with all your strength, you won't lose to him."

Hearing Rifan's compliment, Bonney put her hands on Rifan's shoulders with a smile, and said as if he was a good brother:

"Well, this is all thanks to the martial arts inheritance of No. 18, which deserves to be the second prize."

"Of course, this is also because it's you who teaches me, Kakaka~."

"By the way, Teacher Rifan, is it time to eat now?"

With that, Bonney licked the corners of her mouth in expectation.

"Let's talk about it when we go out, now the time is almost up, we should leave here." Rifan shook his head.

"Leave? That's right!" Bonney let go of Rifan, and said solemnly, "I'm leaving now, can I change this martial arts uniform."

Rifan raised his eyebrows, "Isn't this pretty good, you look like a martial artist."

"How can that be? I want fashionable clothes, not these clothes." Bonney said dissatisfied,

"You should have fashionable, and good-quality clothes right?"

Two years was enough for Bonney to understand that there are a lot of things hidden in Rifan's Babylon treasury.

It can range from powerful weapons to all kinds of daily necessities.

Even women's clothes are there, but during training, even if she asks for a change of clothes.

Rifan just took out another set of Turtle Hermit martial arts uniforms.

"It's a pity, but since you have requested so, then you can choose by yourself."

With a wave of his hand, a long row of clothes floated out of the Babylon treasury.

"Hehehe, as expected of Teacher Rifan~." Bonney smiled and moved immediately, packing up all the clothes.

Rifan's eyes twitched while looking at the empty row.

"Isn't it just a few sets of clothes? Don't be so stingy." Bonney said.

"Whatever you want." Rifan shook his head, "Hurry up and change your clothes. Because after going out, you still need to clear the Sabaody Archipelago and declare that it is your site."

"Then you can continue to go to sea and start your own adventure."

As soon as Rifan finished speaking, Bonney threw away the gathered clothes, came to Rifan's side, and took Rifan's hand tightly.

"What are you doing, Miss Bonney?"

"No~, Teacher Rifan, don't drive me away so unrelentingly."

"Did I drive you away? You should have your own business to do right?"

"Hehe, I'm not in a hurry, I want to stay by your side now and bring you tea and water."

Kuma has not become the mount of Celestial Dragons like in the future, so Bonney is not in a hurry to find Kuma, after all, Kuma has what he wants to do.

"You woman, you want to stay here and let me cook for you?"

Rifan debunked Bonney ruthlessly.

"Good fellow, you can eat more than my other disciples combined."

Bonney, who was dismantled, smiled, and said indifferently: "Didn't I also bring you tea and water?"

"Yes, but in these two years, how many times have you given me tea and water? If I'm not wrong, it should not be more than my two fingers right, Miss Bonney?"

"Isn't I busy completing the training task you gave me? And I have to clean up the dishes too."

"Heh, if you don't even clean up the dishes, I won't cook for you."

Rifan shook his head, and after looking at Bonney again, he said:

"It's up to you, whether you go or stay is your freedom.

"Really, you only eat all day long, and what you eat does not increase your strength. Has the nutritionist flowed to your chest and buttocks?"

"Even if your previous clothes weren't broken, I'm afraid you won't be able to wear them."

Faced with Rifan's complaints, Bonney just smiled and didn't reply.

She was still thinking about Rifan's cooking, so she didn't dare to upset Rifan.



Dojo, restaurant.

"Hmm~, this is delicious, and this is delicious too."

"Awesome, the pinnacle of life!"

"After eating this kind of food, how can I eat other food?"

"Teacher Rifan, I found that I can't do without you. Why don't you marry me?

No, I will be your woman."

Bonney sat alone at the dining table, while eating, she did not forget to shout to Rifan.

"Eating really can't stop your mouth." Rifan glanced at Bonney speechlessly, then turned to look at No.18 beside him, "How about you? Have you remembered all the techniques I show you?"

Hearing that, No. 18 nodded, and her body floated directly from the ground.

Then raised both hands, one qi cannon in one hand, and disk qi in the other hand.

"Puff--" Bonney's eyes widened when she saw this scene, "So easy?!"

"These skills seem to be tailor-made for me. After hearing the principles, I can use them with ease." No.18 said coldly.

"Very well, this is the real No. 18." Rifan nodded with satisfaction,

"With your power, no one in this world is your opponent."

Android 18 can defeat Vegeta, who has just become a Super Saiyan. In addition to not having various martial arts, the 18 created by Rifan has no lower energy than the original.

Such an 18 can sink a piece of land at will. In Pirate World, there is no reason why anyone can defeat the No. 18.

"18, you can stay by my side for now."

"In the future, you can also help me train my disciples, especially the unfilial disciple over there who only knows how to eat and drink."

Rifan said.

"Of course." The corners of No. 18's lips curled up slightly, "I'm happy to do this.

"Ugh!" Bonney, who was stared at by No. 18, regretted it in her heart, and suddenly accelerated her eating speed.

After a while, the food on the table was swept away.

Obviously, she has become a lot stronger, but Bonney, who heard the dialogue between Rifan and No. 18, didn't think she had the ability to challenge No. 18.

"I'm full, thanks for the hospitality!"

"Teacher Rifan, I will get Sabaody Archipelago for you."


As soon as the voice fell, Bonney's figure had already left the restaurant.

"Really, she didn't even clean up after eating." Rifan held his forehead with one hand and shook his head helplessly.

"It's alright. I'll do it for you." No.18 chuckled and took the initiative to take care of the cleaning.

"Captain Bonney, are you going out?" Seeing Bonney walking out of the restaurant, her crew immediately surrounded her.

Before, they already knew that Bonney had been trained by Rifan and her strength was much stronger than before.

They are also very happy about this. After all, if this happens, it will be much safer to go to sea in the future.

"Captain Bonney, are we going to sea?"

Asked another pirate crew member.

"Going to sea? No!" Bonney shook her head, "I decided to follow Rifan in the future. I have no plans to go to sea for the time being."

"You don't have to stay in the dojo all the time. Later, you can go to Sabaody to find a place to rebuild a restaurant."

Hearing Bonney's words, the crew member who had spoken before scratched the back of his head.

"Captain Bonney, are you going to disband the Pirate Group?"

"Well, it's okay for you to understand this way." Bonney nodded.

"Anyway, Sabaody Land will become Rifan's site. You are absolutely safe to live here."

"Well, I'll take Sabaody's land first, you can figure it out by yourself."

When the words were over, Bonney opened the door of the dojo, walked out, and flew directly to the sky amidst the surprised eyes of her crew.

"Fly, captain fly?!"

"It's amazing, how did the boss of Rifan do it..."

"Captain Bonney said, Boss Rifan wants to include Sabaody Archipelago in his own territory, how about we become the guards of Sabaody Archipelago in the future?"

"Yes, there are a lot of opportunities to help Boss Rifan!"

In a few words, the crew made a decision.

On the other side, Sabaody Archipelago Marine Base.

Jo, a Vice Admiral, was sitting at his desk with a sad face.

He is waiting for Naval Headquarters' order, whether to evacuate or continue their station at Sabaody.

Suddenly, the closed door was pushed open, and a Marine soldier ran in in a panic.

"What's the matter?!" Jo, who was feeling upset, wanted to criticize the Marine soldier.

"Report! The Pirate 'Big Eater' Bonney flew out from Rifan dojo and headed this way!"

The Marine soldier said in horror.

"What are you talking about?!" Jo's eyes widened, "How can a pirate fly—."


Suddenly, a huge explosion and violent vibration spread throughout Marine Base.

"Marine, get out of here, or I will blow up your Marine branch completely!"

Bonney's voice penetrated the explosion sound into Marine's ears.

"Damn it, it's that woman!" Jo, leaving the soldiers aside, hurried out of the base.

"How can you fly in the sky!?" Jo's eyes widened, looking at Bonney who was floating in mid-air.

"Heh, you are the highest officer of this Marine Base, right." Bonney tilted her head, "I don't even need to use martial arts to deal with people like you."

"Marine, Sabaody Archipelago is mine. Either you will get out now, or you will stay here forever, understand?"