Chapter 235: Vs Rayleigh—

"It turned out to be the famous Dark King Rayleigh, so that's why I feel a strong aura."

"So, what are you going to do here?'

After falling in front of Rayleigh at a very fast speed, Bonney said flatly.

After receiving Rifan's teaching, even when she sees a strong man like Rayleigh, Bonney can still not be surprised.

In Rifan's words, if you run into an opponent who you can't fight against, if you leave using the Accel Dance technique, few people in this world can stop her.

Such words give Bonney the courage to face the strong people on the sea.

"Hahaha, I just noticed that there is a strong fight here, so I just come over and take a look.

Rayleigh laughed and said:

"There are rumors that Rifan's dojo appeared in Sabaody Archipelago, and now it seems to be true."

"Don't be nervous, I didn't want to fight with you."

"Although I also really like trying what kind of energy "qi" is, but after thinking about it, let's forget it."

After all, Rayleigh has retired. Although his physical age is young, he would not be interested if he hadn't had a battle with rewards like the golden list.

"I just want to know, as a new disciple of Rifan, can you tell me why you destroy the Marine Base? Is it Rifan's wish or yours?" Rayleigh asked.

"Humph, why should I tell you!" Bonney snorted coldly. "I remember you. I saw you when Rifan defeated Kuma."

"Don't tell me you live in Sabaody Archipelago?"

Rayleigh frowned, don't know why, but when listening to Bonney's words, he actually felt hostile in her tone.

"I really live here, is there any problem with this? Does Rifan not allow an old man like me near his dojo? Haha, how is it possible, how could Rifan–huh?!"

Before he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly hit him.

Rayleigh looked at it, and he found that it was Bonney's fist that brought the strong wind.

Rayleigh's eyes must be certain, and he quickly turned his head sideways, giving Bonney's more blows.

"Wait, I don't mean to fight with you!"

Rayleigh took a step back and quickly expressed his stance.

However, Bonney completely ignored Rayleigh's thoughts. After a miss, she turned around and kicked a backspin to Rayleigh's head.

Rayleigh frowned and raised his right hand to block his head.


"How come–?"

"Is this 'Qi'? What pure destruction!"

Rayleigh's Armament Haki and Bonney's 'Qi' had a strong reaction upon contact.

If it weren't for Rayleigh's deep strength and paying enough attention to Bonney, Rayleigh might have been knocked back just then.

After completing the two attacks, Bonney did not stop her hand but instead stretched her hand to Rayleigh's body while Rayleigh was a little dazed.

In an instant, a very bad feeling flashed in Rayleigh's mind, and he quickly took a big step back again.

"Wait, let's not fight, even if you want to fight, you must tell me why you want to fight with me." Rayleigh twitched his mouth.

At this time, Rayleigh suddenly remembered that he had heard about Bonney's ability from Shakky.

Rayleigh doesn't want to try the ability to turn people into a child or old men with the touch of both hands.

"It's okay to tell you." After the unsuccessful use of her Devil Fruit to hit Rayleigh, Bonney gave up her plan to make a surprise attack. "Sabaody Archipelago, I plan to give it to Teacher Rifan."

"If you live on the Sabaody Archipelago, you will be a hindrance after all, so I plan to clear you out."

"Are you leaving Sabaody Archipelago by yourself, or are you waiting for me to send you out?"

Rayleigh couldn't help laughing when he heard Bonney's words.

"So you are planning to occupy Sabaody Archipelago."

"Then we don't have to fight at all."

"Don't worry, you occupy your turf. I won't mess up. I just want to stay here at ease."

'At least, before the resurrection of Roger.' 'Rayleigh thought to himself.

"Really?" Bonney looked at Rayleigh deeply, as if thinking about whether what he said was believable.

After a while, Bonney nodded determinedly, and her body floated again.

"Rayleigh, you'd better not make trouble, otherwise, don't say I didn't warn you, Teacher Rifan will definitely not let you go."

As soon as the voice fell, Bonney's figure had already rushed to the other islands of Sabaody.

"Hehe, I don't want to mess with that monster." Rayleigh whispered.

"However, since Rifan's dojo is in Sabaody Archipelago, it seems that I can invite him to Shakky bar for a drink in the future."

After dealing with Marine and Rayleigh, Bonney's subsequent actions were not hindered by anyone.

With her current strength, the lawless elements, slave merchants, etc. on the island were all evaporated by Bonney with a use of Qi Cannon.

Civilians who have seen Bonney's power and recognized that its source of power is the martial arts inheritance of No. 18 will naturally not resist.

Coupled with Bonney's destruction of all the black industries on the Sabaody Archipelago, all the residents on the island were very happy,

Soon, Bonney became the honorary master of Sabaody Archipelago.

".. Well, it should be fine now."

"It should be regarded as fulfilling Teacher Rifan's expectations."

After flying over the Sabaody Archipelago, Bonney rubbed her chin.

"It doesn't matter, go report first, and then ask that guy to make me some snacks."

Thinking of the delicious food, Bonney felt a little hungry in her stomach again.

However, just as she was about to fly to the dojo, a noise suddenly came into her ears.

"Is that Eustass Kid and his crew member Killer?"

Looking diagonally, Kid was bullying a group of people.

Bonney also knew this group of people, and they were the crew members who sailed with her.

"You bastard! What did you just say? Let us leave Sabaody Island?" Kid showed an unkind look, "Who do you think you are talking to, ah!?"

"This is the site of our Captain Bonney. You will never be allowed to harm the residents here!" Bonney's crew clenched their weapons.

Looking closely, there was a girl who was obviously slightly injured behind them.

"Hmph, a group of pirates actually help ordinary people. There is nothing more funny than this." Kid shook his head, "Since you want to help her, then die with her!"

As he said, Kid raised his right hand. Under the activation of Devil Fruit's ability, the surrounding iron tools began to tremble and faintly tilted in Kid's direction.

At this moment, a strong hand grasped Kid's arm.

"Eustace Kid, what do you want to do in the territory I just won?!"

Bonney stood behind Kid and said with a sullen face.
