Chapter 246: Marine On The List—

Seeing that the direction of training was the direction of Saint Seiya, Rifan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

'Fortunately, I still have extra holy clothes on hand. 'Rifan threw the disciple token on the disciple bar by the wall.

Then a golden ripple spread out beside Rifan, and the Andromeda's holy cloth flew out of the Babylonian treasury automatically and came to Hiyori.

"Master Rifan, isn't this Andromeda's saint?!" Hiyori said in surprise.

Of course, she knows the Andromeda Saint.

Once Rifan used this as a bet to make Yamato and Kaido fight.

It's just that Kaido didn't beat Yamato in the end, and he didn't get the Andromeda's Saint from Rifan.

"Well, it is indeed the Saint Cloth Of Andromeda." Rifan nodded his head and said, "From today, this saint's clothes belong to you. You should know its function. I hope you can use it well in the future and become a worthy person of Saint Seiya."

"Thank you Teacher Rifan for your kindness, I will definitely become a Saint Seiya worthy of Andromeda Saint Cloth!" Excited, Hiyori bowed to Rifan again.

At this moment, Hiyori is very grateful to Rifan, she knows what it means for Rifan to hand over the saint's clothing to her at this time.

This is not just a matter of giving her a set of saint's cloth, Rifan also gave her the opportunity to get the rewards of the upcoming [Battle Clothes List].

Hiyori believes that with the ability of the saint cloth, she can definitely rank in the top list, and the rewards that will be issued at that time are absolutely tempting!

But Rifan gave the opportunity to receive such a reward to her whom he met for the first time. How could Hiyori not be moved?

A few seconds later, when she raised her head again, she found that Rifan was looking at her with the look of her clothes.

"Master Rifan, is there anything wrong with me?"

Hiyori asked nervously.

At this moment, the slightest error is enough to make Hiyori feel uneasy.

Hiyori couldn't help looking a little nervous when she noticed Rifan's eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just that the kimono on your body is not suitable for wearing holy clothes." Rifan opened his Babylon Treasury and took out a set of tights similar to what Yamato's wearing, but with a different color, and handed it to Yamato's hand.

"According to past procedures, the official rankings will be held a few minutes after the appearance of the golden list, and the [Battle Clothing List] should be announced soon.

"Take this suit, go to the infirmary over there to change your clothes, and then I will hand over the holy clothes ownership to you."

"In this way, you can also get rewards.

As soon as Rifan's voice fell, the door of the infirmary opened automatically.

Hearing Rifan's words, Hiyori nodded excitedly, took the tights and ran into the infirmary quickly.

'Master Rifan, he really intends to give me the reward!'

Hiyori's heart beat faster, and quickly took off her kimono with gratitude, and put on the tights prepared by Rifan.

When she ran out of the infirmary again, the Andromeda saint split automatically and reassembled on Hiyori's body.

In an instant, Hiyori felt a mysterious force-generating in her body.

At the same time, the usage of Andromeda's Saint Cloth was also integrated into Hiyori's mind along with a memory.

Feeling this amazing power, Hiyori opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something.

However, at this time Rifan's voice came to her ears.

"Don't stiffen, come and watch the golden list with me, it's already started."

"About your training matters, just wait until the end of the rankings."

Looking up, Hiyori found that Rifan had already moved a chair and sat down by the door. She hurried a few steps to come behind Rifan and stood upright.

Hiyori calmed her beating heart and looked up at the sky.

There, new words have appeared on the golden list.

—[Battle Clothes List] No. 10, Vegapunk No.8 battle clothes; User, Sengoku, Tsuru, Marine Admiral Akainu, Marine Vice-Admiral Momonga, Marine Vice-Admiral Mole, Marine Vice Admiral A…

At the Naval Headquarters.

Sengoku's eyes widened in a metallic jersey.

In the office, not only Sengoku, Marine's Chief Staff Officer Tsuru, and other Marine high-level men are wearing similar uniforms.

"Unexpectedly, it was announced directly from the tenth place!"

"Great, doesn't this mean that all of us can get high-quality rewards?!"

"As expected of Marshal Sengoku, fortunately, Marshal Sengoku arranged for Vegapunk to develop the suit in advance. Although this suit is not useful, it can help us get rewards anyway."

In the office, a group of Marine Vice Admiral people started talking.

"Great, Sengoku, this time we made the right bet." Looking at the name of the winner who was still slowly displaying, Tsuru looked at Sengoku with a smile, "You personally found the vest developed and improved by Vegapunk, and It's really on the list. At this moment, 100 of us will be rewarded!"