Chapter 248: 9th Place—

"This Bastard  Sengoku!" Seeing Sengoku's message, Kaido's forehead stretched straight up as he stood up from the ground.

"Little ones, prepare to sail, let's go to Naval Headquarters!" Kaido looked at the pirate crew around him and shouted. "Since Sengoku is so smart, I'll go to him and have a good talk!"

Originally, Kaido was in a very depressed state because of the incident when he was defeated by Yamato.

And now Sengoku, who is his life enemy, 'attacks' him again and again, Kaido, whose temper is violent, can't stand it anymore.

Hearing Kaido's words, the members of Beasts Pirates immediately prepared.

This is not the first time their captain has asked to go to the Naval Headquarters, and they all have deep experience in this.

Although, at that time, Kaido usually went to Naval Headquarters alone, and they were just as backup.

Not long after, the ship of Beasts Pirates set sail from the coast of Wanokuni and headed straight for Naval Headquarters.

On the other side, on the floating Sky Island where Shiki is located.

"Interesting, Sengoku, I hope you can hold onto your reward." Shiki grinned and looked at the many puppets that exuded strong momentum behind him.

"Little ones, set sail, the target is the Naval Headquarters, set sail at full speed!'

"If Marines and the others can get high-quality rewards, then we will have a good fight with them and take back all their rewards! Jiehahaha!"

Hearing Shiki's words, his pirate crew immediately raised their weapons and shouted in excitement.



—[Battle Clothes List] 9th place, [Germa 66 Winch Green]; Holder, Shiryu of the Rain.

–Germa 66 - Winch Green has a strong defense and flexible mobility, has the ability to control the retention, and has a strong strengthening effect on body muscles.

"Puff!" Looking at the name of the suit on the list, Judge, who had just improved his complexion after Reiju's treatment, spouted a mouthful of blood out of anger.

"Father, are you okay!" Reiju, who was looking after her other brothers who had completely fainted, heard the sound and quickly turned around.

"Damn those thieves!" Judge beat his chest in pain, tears on his face, "It's in ninth place, the other robbed suits will definitely be on the list!"

"Those should be ours! Damn you Shiryu, damn you Teach! I will never forget this hatred until I die!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Judge passed out due to the tremendous stimulation.

Reiju hurriedly checked Judge's body, and after realizing that he had just passed out, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Reiju turned her head, looking at the words in the sky with extremely complicated expressions.

"Damn it, this guy is on the list again!"

In the Impel Down, Sadi gritted her teeth and looked at the golden list with an angry expression.

"Germa 66's suit, it shouldn't be his belongings, he should have robbed it." Domino said with a frown.

"Hump! No matter what, if I find him and catch him someday, I must imprison him on to Impel Down again and torture him until I'm satisfied!" Sadi pulled her braids and said angrily.

"Shiryu of the rain, please call me when the time comes to torture him!" At this time, Miss Olive, who had already retired from the prisoner's uniform and changed back to the captain's costume that she wore when she was a pirate, walked over. "The former head of Impel Down, I also want to try to torture him."

"Although you are a pirate, I like your attitude, it fits my appetite for torturing others." Sadi glanced at Miss Olive, "If you can bring Shiryu pain that is unforgettable then, I can allow you to try."

"Don't worry, I have a lot of good ideas." Miss Olive smiled.

Aside, Domino sighed faintly, looking at the two grinning faces.

'I don't know if Rifan will be angry if I manage Impel Down like this.'

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Huh?! Why are people from Germa 66 fighting in my territory?!]

[Red-haired Shanks: This is an image of the future, but it seems that such a future image will not happen anymore. After all, even the battle uniform has been snatched away by Shiryu. ]

[Shiryu the Rain: 9th place? Not bad, I hope there are excellent rewards. ]

[Trafalgar Law: It turned out to be the battle uniform of Germa 66, and the battle clothing in the story actually exists in reality! If you say that, other battle suits of Germa 66 will also be on the list?!]

[Sengoku: Shiryu, how come you bastard have a Germa 66 battle suit?!]

[Shiryu the Rain: Isn't this Marshal Sengoku, you would talk to me! If I said, this is what I found on the roadside, would you believe it?]

[Sengoku: Do you think I'll believe that, Shiryu!?]

[Teach: Zehahaha~, it's okay to tell you, Marshal Sengoku, these are the trophies of Shiryu and me! The battle clothes we got ranked ahead of you, it's really a happy thing!]

[Sengoku: Could it be that you robbed the Vinsmoke family?!]

[Red-haired Shanks: These are all trophies? That is to say, you have other battle clothes on hand! Teach, you are really a busy man. You robbed a famous sword before, and now you even grab the battle clothes again this time?]

[Teach: Zehahaha~ I am a pirate, do you think I'm like you RedHair?!]