Chapter 254: Shocking The World—

On the other side of the sea, in the waters of Maiden Island, the Kuja Pirates who suspended their search for Rifan dojo have just returned to Amazon Lily.

Looking at the name that suddenly appeared on the golden list, and thinking of how the Andromeda saint was still in Rifan's own hands ten days ago.

Hancock, who had not found Rifan dojo after searching for 9 days, immediately knew that Kozuki Hiyori was a new disciple of Rifan.

"Damn it, why did this woman named Kozuki Hiyori find Rifan's dojo!"

"And I have been searching for so many days without any clues!"

Hancock's teeth clenched, and the voice of grievance came from her mouth.

When the Kuja crew on the side heard Hancock's words, they all showed expressions of surprise.

They have never seen Hancock make such an expression before, even if they know the benefits of finding Rifan dojo.

Not to mention how much combat power can be added to Rifan as a division.

Just if you can combine with Rifan, make yourself pregnant, and add a new child with unlimited potential to Maiden Island, that is also a very beneficial thing for the Kuja.

Although according to the tradition of Maiden Island, women of Maiden Island generally need to deal with men after pregnancy, but if they really find Rifan to make themselves pregnant, they may not be able to deal with Rifan.

Hancock didn't know the thoughts of her crew at the moment. At this time, she was closely watching the screen of the golden list. She hopes to see what kind of person Rifan's new disciple is.

Soon, with Hancock's jealous eyes, the demonstration of the Andromeda Cloth began.

"Is this person Kozuki Hiyori?" Hancock whispered as she watched the green-haired figure appearing on the screen.

"It shouldn't be Kozuki Hiyori." Marigold and Sandersonia stood up and said to their sister, "Sister, the previous demonstrations of Yamato's Azure Dragon Saint Garment and Rifan's Pegasus Garment were not them."

"Yamato has been following Rifan for some time, but the golden list did not let her demonstrate, indicating that Yamato did not fully grasp the inheritance of the Azure Dragon sacred garment.

"That Kozuki Hiyori probably hasn't been a disciple of Rifan for a long time, and her ability is definitely not as good as Yamato."

"Since Yamato can't demonstrate the ability of the Azure Dragon sacred cloth, then Kozuki Hiyori shouldn't either."

"The person in charge of the demonstration in the golden list should be the owner of the previous generation of Andromeda garments."

Hearing this, Hancock's frown didn't disappear, instead, it became deeper.

"Damn it, I obviously want to see the looks of the woman who robbed me of the opportunity to become Rifan's wife!"

Hancock scolded lightly.

"Eto, elder sister, It should be to become Rifan's disciple." Sanderson scratched her hair, her face looked a little helpless.

When the surrounding crew heard Hancock's words, they showed a "sure enough" expression!

"It turns out that the Empress really liked Rifan."

"If the Empress can be pregnant with Rifan's daughter, she will definitely be the next Emperor of Woman Island!"

"Rifan is indeed worthy of the Empress. But then, after being pregnant with Rifan's daughter, the Empress cannot deal with Rifan. What should we do?"

All the crew members started talking in low voices.

Hearing the comments of the crew, Sandersonia sighed again.

"Sister, please rest assured, we will definitely be able to find Rifan's dojo."

"But after you become Rifan's disciple, please still live peacefully with Rifan's other disciples."

"I think Rifan hopes so too."

In this case, Sandersonia has to say this important stuff.

After all, the most basic requirement for Rifan to accept a disciple is to respect the teacher and care for her fellow students.

This information has already been screened when Gion visited Rifan dojo.

Sandersonia is worried if Hancock shows hostility towards other disciples of Rifan.

Rifan is likely to not accept her as a disciple because Hancock can't take care of her fellow disciples.

Sandersonia's meaning, how Hancock would not know, it's just that the dojo she was looking for was preempted by others, which made Hancock unable to calm her mood for a while.

After she waved her hand and signaled that she knew, she took a group of crew off the ship and walked towards her palace.

[Red-haired Shanks: Hey, this Andromeda's holy cloth has something a little bit different from the previous two holy clothes! ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Indeed, both the Azure Dragon Saint Cloth and the Pegasus Saint Cloth have no weapons. Now when we reach Andromeda, there are chain weapons, and this chain weapon does not seem to be simple. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: The angle lock of the chain should be focused on attack, while the ring should be focused on defense. ]

[Jinbei: It's a holy cloth with both offensive and defensive capabilities, the "Nebula Chain" and "Andromeda Nebula". These skills seem to be more flexible than the previous "Pegasus Meteor Fist" and "Lushan Rising Dragon Lord". The first two sets of saint clothes are more suitable for pure warriors. This set of saint cloth may be better for some people with more sensitive thinking. Perhaps, His Excellency Rifan gave this sacred cloth to that woman Kozuki Hiyori because she meets Andromeda's prerequisites. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara, Rifan, you have to teach my niece well. She is my dear brother's daughter. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Is she really Oden-san's daughter?! I haven't seen her for many years. It's great that you are still alive!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, yeah, it's great to live to this day. Unexpectedly, I can still see the information about my deceased friend's child. ]

[Beast Kaido: Kozuki Hiyori?! Is she Kozuki Oden's daughter?!]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Hm? Do the Dark King and the three Four Emperors know this Kozuki Hiyori? It seems that the identity of this new disciple of Rifan is not simple. ]

Seeing the messages of Shanks and others, the world was stunned on the spot. For a while, even the demonstration of the Andromeda saint on the golden list could not attract their attention.

'A person who can attract so many big shots' attention, what kind of person is Rifan's new disciple!'

At this moment, this is the common idea of quite a few people.

Inside the Dressrosa dojo, Yamato, who was currently practicing, opened her eyes again and looked at the golden list with a dazed expression.

"Teacher Rifan, did he accept Kozuki Oden's daughter as a disciple?"

"It's great, Oden-sama's daughter is still alive."

Yamato muttered.