Chapter 259: Gion: Let me do it!

"A Digimon?!" Seeing the reward given by the golden list, Rifan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "The golden list will actually even give out Digimon!"

"Master Rifan, do you know what this Digimon is?" Hiyori asked curiously.

"Well, I do." Rifan smiled, his eyes full of nostalgia, "When I was very young, I saw Digimon."

'However, I saw it on TV.' Rifan thought in his heart.

After a pause, Rifan continued: "To be honest, even I am a little tempted by this reward."

"Since even you, Master, are tempted, is it that Digimon is very powerful?"

"Speaking of being powerful, the Digimon of Ultimate Body and Mega Body are definitely very powerful. But I don't like their power. Let's put it this way, when I was very young, I really wished I could have one of my own exclusive Digimon. It's just that there has been no such opportunity."

Hearing Rifan's words, Hiyori nodded.

"That's it, so it was Master Rifan's childhood dream to own a Digimon."

"Now, Master Rifan should be able to realize this dream."

"With your influence, if you make a deal with Marine, they will definitely be willing."

Although she doesn't know how powerful the Digimon is, Hiyori believes that as long as Rifan assumes a willingness to trade, the Marine will definitely be extremely active in handing the Digimon to Rifan.

"Well, I can consider what you said, Hiyori. Maybe I can really trade with Marines."

"Even just getting a digital egg with a growth limit of its infancy is of value."

Rifan smiled.

"Master Rifan, you really like Digimon." Hiyori said with a smile.

[Red-haired Shanks: Did it really start giving out special rewards from last place! But what kind of gadgets are Digimon? It sounds like some kind of pets.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: There are also various levels. Looking at this situation, the highest level should be Mega Body and should also be the strongest. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Hmph, I really let Marine pick up the treasure. ]

[Jinbei: This reward seems to be extremely dangerous and customary! Even if they defeat the most advanced Mega Digimon, it only gives the Digimon the possibility of evolving into a Mega Digimon. I always feel that the risk factor is not directly proportional to the reward. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: You can say that. Generally speaking, it depends on the strength of each level of Digimon and the difficulty of evolution. If the difficulty of evolution is great, and the difficulty of the challenge is also great, then the real danger is not proportional to the reward. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Does the Marine really get a treasure? But this thing needs to be challenged to get it. The golden list does not show the Digimon of all levels. Maybe when Marine challenges, they will find that they can't beat it at all. ]

[Beast Kaido: Digimon, I don't know how it is different from Zoan Fruit Ability!]

[Admiral Akainu: Hmph, you are just envious of us Marines, right, Pirates! Marine has a hundred challenge rolls, even if there are losers, we can definitely get most of the digital eggs. ]

After leaving a message, Akainu got up and looked at Sengoku and said:

"Marshal Sengoku, let me take the challenge first, and also try to find out how powerful the Mega Digimon is!"

"At that time, we will be able to arrange the corresponding challenges according to the strength of the Mega Digimon."

"Thinking about it, this kind of pet-like thing, no matter how strong it is, I am afraid it will not be much better than the oversized Sea Kings."

Even if they don't know the power of Digimon at each level, Akainu, as Marine Admiral, has absolute self-confidence in his strength.

'If I knew it was such a reward, I should have arranged for all the powerful Marines to wear the suit.'

'No matter what, I have to make Garp wear it.'

Thinking that including himself, only 20 people above Naval Headquarters Vice Admiral wore Vegapunk No. 8 uniforms. The remaining 80 people were Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral or Naval Headquarters Commodore, Sengoku couldn't help frowning.

He rubbed his temples, and after a while, stood up from his seat.

"This reward is very special, but it is definitely our chance."

"Let's go, go outside, and let the Marines in their suits gather."

"This time the challenge, we need to discuss it in detail."

"Sakazuki, don't be too anxious to challenge it yourself."

"The time given by the golden list is sufficient, and I vaguely have a bad feeling about the Mega Digimon."

"We still need to be cautious about things we don't know."

After speaking, Sengoku took the lead and walked outside the door. Within a short period of time, the Naval Headquarters executives who had crowded the office of Marshal left the room one after another, leaving only the Tsuru and Gion with a pensive expression.

"...What's wrong with you, Gion?" Seeing Gion didn't follow her, Tsuru looked at her strangely.

"Sister, do you think Rifan knows about new things like Digimon?" Gion asked.

"Rifan?" Tsuru's eyes lit up, and after a little thought, she said, "It's not impossible!"

"Rifan originally controlled things that the world didn't know, such as Zanpakutō, Sacred Clothes, and Teigu. Maybe new things like Digimon Eggs are not new to him."

"If we can get relevant information from Rifan, it might be more beneficial for us to get rewards."

After thinking about it for a while, Tsuru led Gion to where Sengoku was.

At this moment, the place is full of Marines wearing Vegapunk No. 8 uniforms.

Except for the suit, every Marine on the scene had a golden card in their hand. 

That is exactly the [Digital Egg Challenge Roll] from the golden list.

At this moment, every Marine, regardless of rank or strength, looked at Sengoku with firm eyes, and they were full of confidence in the challenges they were about to face.

After Sengoku finished speaking, Tsuru walked to Sengoku's side and told Sengoku Gion's thoughts.

The more Sengoku listened, the brighter his eyes became, but then they became dim again.

"Even if Rifan knew it, he might not tell us." Sengoku shook his head, "This challenge still requires us to try it out!"

"Let me try asking him, Marshal Sengoku!" Gion stepped forward, her eyes firm, "I have been in close contact with Rifan, he is not an incommunicable existence."

"Even a little bit of intelligence may bring great benefits to our challenge!"

"We can even rely on this information to save the life of our colleague!"