Chapter 268: Akainu challenge—

"Fuhh! I finally won!"

"This guy is really thick-skinned!"

"Although it's not as good as Kaido, it's not much worse."

After rescinding his Buddha state, Sengoku used Moonwalk to stay in mid-air.

The desert island he was transported to had already collapsed and sank in the battle between him and MetalSeadramon.

After a few seconds, the corpse of the MetalSeadramon Digimon turned into light and dissipated, and in front of Sengoku, a digital egg shining with golden light appeared.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Is this a Digimon that has the potential to evolve into a Mega Digimon? It seems that there is no other difference except for the different colors. ]

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: Maybe, if you look closely, you will find a little difference. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: As expected of the Marine Marshal, he is very strong. It only actually took him a day to defeat such a strong opponent. Our banquet here is not over yet.]

[Admiral Akainu: Asshole Redhead, what do you think of our Marine's battle?]

[Redhead Shanks: What else, of course, it's a drama. To be honest, such a scene is really hard to see. I look forward to your next challenge, Red Dog. ][Tl/n: For those who don't know, in Japanese, Akainu means red dog. Aka= Red; Inu= Dog]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Red Dog, with your strength, it's better to challenge Ultimate Digimon. Mamama~ ]

[Beast Kaido: Linlin is right. Although I want to see more Mega Digimon, I think that guy Red Dog will not challenge it, Woroworo~]

Looking at the messages of Kaido and others on the golden list, Akainu clenched his fists, and under the mood swings, Akainu's hands unconsciously used his ability and turned into hot magma arms.

"Don't be provoked by them, Sakazuki." Sengoku, who was holding his trophy in his hand, walked to Akainu's side. "You saw how I was fighting with the Mega MetalSeadramon just now."

"It's not easy to deal with that kind of combat power."

"In the case of a special Mega Digimon appearing, you may really not have the possibility of victory."

"Think of Onigumo's situation, I don't want to see the Marine lose an existence like you."

Hearing what Sengoku said, Sakazuki took a deep breath and said:

"I understand, Marshal."

"Don't worry, I am not dazzled by anger."

"On the contrary, I am very calm now."

With that, Sakazuki took out the challenge roll on his body, and a burst of golden light gradually enveloped his body, leading him to the place provided by the Golden List.

- Admiral Akainu Sakazuki uses[Digital Egg Challenge Roll]; the level is determined, Mega Digimon; the opponent is determined, Piedmon.

[Kaido Kaido: Piedmon, it's a pity, it's not in the range mentioned by Rifan that requires special attention. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, it seems that Marines will be able to acquire a digital egg with Mega potential again. Congratulations Marine. ]

[Redhead Shanks: There is another good show. Are there any bets? I bet Akainu will fight Piedmon for a day. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: In this case, let me make up the number. I bet that kid Red Dog and Piedmon will fight for 12 hours, and Akainu will lose this challenge. Gurarara~]

"Fuh, fortunately, Sakazuki didn't encounter any unusual existence."

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief, "In this way, we Marine can at least keep one Mega Digimon Egg."

Thinking of the previous orders of the World Government, Sengoku is almost certain that the Four Elders will send someone over to take away some of the Digimon.

And the Mega Digimon Egg on his hand will definitely not be preserved.

But if there are two Digimons of the Mega potential, he can at least fight with Four Elders to keep one in order to enhance Marine's strength and influence.

"Sengoku, it seems something is not good." Suddenly, Garp's voice came into Sengoku's ears, who was thinking about negotiating with the four Elders.

"What's wrong, Garp?" Sengoku gave Garp a strange look.

Garp didn't speak, and raised his finger to the message board above the golden list, where Rifan's message was displayed.

[Sword Saint Rifan: Piedmon, The Clown of Hell, Mega Digimon, the head of the Dark Four Uranus. Although it is not considered an exceptional existence, it is the one standing at the top among the unexceptional Mega Digimon. ]

[Sword Saint Rifan: Even facing two Mega Digimon, he can handle it. Coupled with its cunning character and multilateral ability, it is a very dangerous Digimon. ]

"What?!" Sengoku widened his eyes and turned to look at Akainu and Piedmon who were fighting.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, after confirming that the existence in front of him was not the special Mega Digimon told by Rifan, Akainu suddenly launched a fierce attack and wanted to win this challenge as quickly as possible.

However, as soon as he touched it, Akainu felt something was wrong.

Even if he immediately adjusted his posture and changed his strategy, he was already drawn into his rhythm by Piedmon.

Suddenly, Akainu fell into an unfavorable state.

[Sengoku: Rifan, since you know the power of Piedmon, why didn't you remind us?!]

[Juggernaut Rifan: Sengoku, are you questioning me?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Mamamama~, Rifan, this guy dares to talk to you like this, why don't you go to Naval Headquarters yourself and teach him how to talk nicely.]

[Momousagi Gion: Sire Rifan, please don't be angry, Marshal Sengoku is just in a momentary gaffe. ]

"Sengoku, calm down, this is not like the usual you." Tsuru frowned and said to Sengoku.

"Sorry, I lost my mind." Sengoku gritted his teeth, not daring to leave a message on the golden list.

[Sword Saint Rifan: Naval Headquarters? It's not fun there. Compared to Naval Headquarters, I'm more like going to your side, Charlotte Linlin. Of course, don't get me wrong, I'm just a little curious about the snacks on your side. I heard that Totto Land has the most outstanding dessert in the world, but I don't know if it is worthy of its name. ]

"Fuh~, it turns out he fancies my dessert." Linlin breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the first half of Rifan's message, Linlin thought that Rifan was going to find her to vent his anger, but the second half of Rifan's words made Linlin immediately happy.

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Rifan, if you are willing, I will be your guide. You come to my country and taste the snacks here. I will prepare the highest level teapot for you to welcome your arrival! Mamama~]

[Sword Saint Rifan: It depends on the situation, let's talk about it. ]

Rifan is indeed curious about Toto Land, but he is only curious.

It is far from reaching the point of going to Toto Land for snacks unless someone found his Dojo in the country.

"Speaking of which, what's going on with this woman?"

"It's been a while since my dojo has been built, why hasn't anyone found it yet?"

"Don't those guys have the habit of patrolling their territory?"

Rifan sighed.